Gotcha! The Birth of A Kamen Rider.

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 Shido was taken aback at the Kudo Fuga's request, as the said man was bowing

Shido: Wha- What?

Fuga: I am asking you to be the guardian of the Chemies, and ensuring that their power doesn't fall into the wrong hands.

Shido: The wrong hands?

Fuga: Yes, you must have met the Dark Sisters already, since they were most likely tracking down Hopper1 and Steamliner.

Shido: Hopper1? Steamliner?

Fuga: The names of the Chemies that came with you.

Shido: Okay, and by the Dark Sisters do you mean-?

Fuga: Yes, the three girls that were surely after you and Hopper1 before Steamliner came. Those three girls will bring ruin to this world if they succeed in achieving their master's objectives.

Shido gulps as he feels the intensity coming from Fuga's words.


Shido was now sitting on the porch of one of the abandoned buildings, as he looked up in the sky pondering over what Fuga had told him earlier.


Fuga: If the Sisters' Masters' plan comes into fruition it'll be the end of the world as you know it.

Shido gulps as he takes in the seriousness of Fuga's words.

Shido: And what makes you think I can do anything?

Fuga: Honestly, I am not sure how.

Shido: Then why are you certain I'm the right choice?

Fuga: It's because of them.

Shido: Them?

Fuga raises his hand and points at the Chemy cards floating in the air.

Fuga: Hopper1 and Steamliner chose you for a reason I do not know, but I trust their judgment. You don't have to decide right away, we have plenty of time. Feel free to take and decide.

Fuga lowers his hand and leaves Shido to himself, leaving the young boy by himself to think.

(Flashback End)

Shido: 'Just what should I do? This seems like too much for a simple teenager like me to handle.'

Hopper1: Hopper!

Shido: Huh?

Hopper1 suddenly appears hopping towards Shido, snapping the young boy out of his thoughts. Hopper1 hops towards Shido's side and sits with him.

Shido: It's you. Hopper1, right?

Hopper1: Hopper!

Shido: So you chose me, huh? Why did you choose me? I'm nothing special.

???: It's probably because it senses you have a good art.

Shido: Huh?

Shido turns around to see Fuga walking towards him, with two mags in hand and what seems to be a miniature version of Steamliner.

Steamliner: Steaaammmm!

Shido: Is that the other Chemy, Steamliner right?

Steamliner: Steam!

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