A Father's Gift

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Gotchard: Nice to meet you Skebows!

Skebows: Skebo!

Gotchard notices an unconscious boy lying down on the ground nearby.

Gotchard: Huh? A kid? He must have been the Malgam.

Gotchard walks towards the boy and examines him.

Gotchard: He seems fine at- huh?

Gotchard looked around and found a skateboard broken in half next to the boy. He picks the broken boar up and immediately understands what had happened.

Gotchard: Looks like his malice was from his board breaking, too bad I'm not proficient with Alchemy yet to fix this.

???: Then allow me.

Gotchard: Huh?

Gotchard was surprised as the board had been magically fixed, better than ever. Gotchard turns towards where he heard the voice and was surprised to find Minato there standing before him.

Gotchard: You're Minato-sensei....

Minato: It seems you're aware of who I am, Kamen Rider Gotchard or should I say Itsuka Shido.

Gotchard flinches as he hears his name from Minato's mouth.

Gotchard: So what do you want? If it's the Driver then you're going to have to take it from me and I'm not giving it up without a fight, not this time.

Gotchard goes into a fighting stance as he readies himself for an upcoming fight, however what Minato does next surprises him.

Minato: I'm not here for the driver.

Gotchard: Huh?!

Minato's words surprises Gotchard, causing the rider to lower his arms.


Shido: Man! That was a surprise.

Hopper1: Hopper!

Shido was currently sitting on a slope that was near the river, with Hopper1, Kamantis, Skebow and miniature versions of Steamliner, Pilets, Madwheel, Golddash, and the others Chemies except for Apparebushido were nearby eating a bento of rice balls Shido had made for them.

Shido gave the chemies a glance before looking down on his Gotchardraw Holder attached to his wrist.

Shido: Apparebushido still hasn't come out yet.

Hoper1: Hopper?

Shido: Man I wish I knew what it will take for me to open up to me. Sigh... I definitely have no idea what I'm doing, still can't believe Minato-sensei let me keep you guys and the driver without, and gave me an offer to join the Alchemist Academy.

Hopper1: Hopper...

Shido lies down on the grass looking up in the sky, before he closes his eyes as thinks of his conversation with Minato earlier today.


Gotchard: EEEHHH?! You're inviting me to the Alchemist Academy! WHY?!

Gotchard was taken aback, as Minato had given an invitation for him to join the Alchemist Academy.

Gotchard: You do realize from whom I got the Gotchardriver and some of my alchemist stuff from.

Minato: Yes, I'm well aware. Despite his exile and betrayal I always considered him to be a great man and alchemist, and I believe he entrusted you with the driver and Chemies for a reason.

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