Into A Trap

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Gotchard was thrown out of a window of an abandoned warehouse. He was in Madpilets rider mode, as he quickly recovers from being thrown out of the window.

Gotchard: Man, I thought this was going to be a quick fight.

Gotchard gets up and readies himself, as he hears a familiar voice in his ear.

Kotori: Shido! We need your choice.

Gotchard: Can't you see, I'm busy right now.

Gotchard glares, as he sees a butterfly like Malgam exit the warehouse he was thrown out of. He was currently talking with Kotori, through an earpiece he was given by his sister

Up on Ratatoskr's ship, known as the Fraxinus, Kotori with a frustrated look on her face, as she glares at the screen in front of her.

Kotori: You know this is why I said we should separate your Alchemist time, with your training.

Gotchard: I know that, but I just can't ignore a Malgam when there are people and Chemies that need my help!

Kotori: You know, if you just accept that teacher's invitation to the Alchemy Academy, you'd probably be receiving some help right about now.

Down below Gotchard blocks one of the Malgam's attacks, before punching it in the gut that sends it staggering back.

Gotchard: Shut up, I know what I'm doing.

Gotchard then takes out the The Sun's and Unicon's Ride Chemy Cards, before using them to replace the card he already had in his driver.

The Sun!


Gotchard proceeds to pull the levers on his driver.

G-G-G-Gotchanko! Sununicorn!

Rather than being transformed into Sununicorn Rider Mode, Gotchard was transformed into a giant sun that had a unicorn's front sticking out of it. Gotchard then charges at the Malgam, and stabs it with his unicorn. Gotchard then tosses the Malgam into a nearby wall.

Up on the Fraxinus, Kotori only glanced at a small screen at her side that featured Gotchard's battle with the Malgam.

Kotori: Fine, whatever have it your way, but

Kotori soon returns her attention towards the main giant screen everyone in the Fraxinus had their attention. The thing about their screen was that it didn't feature anything that seemed important, and what seems to be featured on the screen is actually a scene from a dating sim game, where the player is offered three choices that could affect the story..

Kotori: You need to hurry. Your training for your next encounter with「Princess」 can't be delayed any longer.


Gotchard: Yeah, I realize that.

G-G-G-Gotchanko! Sununicorn!

Gotchard lands on the ground in his Sununicorn Rider Mode form, as he charges at the Butterfly Malgam, who had recovered from Gotchard's initial attack. G

Gotchard: I'll go with option two.

Gotchard coated the stingers on his arms, with energy made of light. He proceeds to slash the Malgam with one of the blades that sent it staggering back.

The butterfly Malgam attempted to release a mysterious spore, however before the spores could affect Gotchard the young rider's visors glowed before releasing an intense heat that burned up all the spores.

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