Boy Meets Girl

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Girl: Tell me, are you here to kill me?

Shido gulps in fear, as the mysterious girl pointed her sword at him.

Shido: No-No....

Girl: Then are you with those mecha mecha girls?

Shido: 'Mecha mecha girls?'

Shido was confused at the girl's question, but quickly denies being involved with said "mecha mecha girls. As Shido could only stare at the girl in the eyes, as she points her sword at him, he notices something about her.

Shido: 'Her eyes.... Why are they so sad?'

Girl: If you're really not with the mech mecha girls, then who are you?

Shido: I'm- Huh? Look out!

Before Shido could reply, he notices an incoming missile being launched at the girl. He tackles her down inside the crater she had created earlier. Shido wrapped his arms around the girl as the two tumbled down.

The missiles had landed and destroyed the place where they once stood, as Shido and the girl finally got to the bottom of the crater.

Girl: What do you think you're- Huh?

As the girl had gotten up and out of Shido's arms, before she could scold the young teen, she soon realized that he had actually saved her from an unknown attack.

Girl: You? Why did you save me?

Shido: What do you mean? Isn't it normal to save someone who's in danger?

Girl: What do you mean by- Hm?

Before the girl could ask any further, more missiles were fired at the two. The girl quickly gets in front of Shido and creates a barrier, stopping the missiles from reaching the both of them.

Girl: Why?

Shido: Huh?

Girl: Why do you still attempt to fight, knowing your powers are no match for me.

Soon the missiles exploded from the pressure, as smoke covered the two. The smoke quickly disappears though revealing that both Shido and the girl were unharmed.

???: Die spirit!

Shido looks up and finds that he and the girl were surrounded by multiple girls flying in the, each wearing the same kind of high-tech armor. Among the girls that were surrounding him and the girl, Shido instantly recognizes one of them.

Shido: 'Is that Tobiichi? Why is she here? Are these the mech mecha girls she talked about?'

Origami: Die spirit!

Origami charges at the mysterious girl. The girl only brings her sword up, as it clashes with Origami's own sword. As the two girls clashed, several of Origami's companions aimed their weapons at the mysterious girls, then fired several missiles at the mysterious girl.

Shido: Watch out!

Gotcharge Gun

Shido sees that the girl didn't notice the incoming and takes his Gotcharge Gun, loading it with blank Ride Chemy Cards. He then fires his gun at the missiles, destroying them.

It was the explosions caused by the missiles getting destroyed by Shido gains the girl's and Origami's attention.

Girl: Nani?

Origami: Shido?

The mysterious girl pushes Origami back, as she flies down towards Shido.

Girl: Why?

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