A Wild First Fight

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The light blinded Clotho, who used her bladed arms to cover her face from the light. As the light dyed down Cloth slowly lowered her arms she was met with a surprise.

There standing in the place where Shido once was, wasn't a warrior or a man but a gigantic metallic blue grasshopper, with goggles on its head, and the Gotchardriver and a chimney on its back.

There standing in the place where Shido once was, wasn't a warrior or a man but a gigantic metallic blue grasshopper, with goggles on its head, and the Gotchardriver and a chimney on its back

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???: Alright let's go-!

The creature, who was Shido transformed, was readying himself for a fight, however he hesitated for a moment as he realized what he was.

???: EHHHHH??!!! What is this?!


The creature examines himself, as Clotho glared at him.

???: What is this? I was expecting a suit of armor, or at least something humanoid.

Clotho: Is this what a Kamen Rider is supposed to be?

Clotho gets the creature's attention, as he tilts his head in confusion.

???: Kamen Rider? Is that what I'm supposed to be?

Clotho: Doesn't matter. You're going to die anyway.

Clotho proceeds to launch green energy projectiles at the creature.

???: Woah!

The creature was able to notice the projectile on time, and evaded them by jumping high into the air. The creature was surprised, seeing it launch itself high up in the air.

The creature was able to land on top of one of the nearby buildings.

???: Woah, at least I got some neat powers from this.

Clotho: Not so fast!

???: Grunts.....

The creature uses its fast agility and speed to evade all of Clotho's incoming attacks. After Clotho's last projectile the creature finds itself back on the ground facing Clotho.

???: If I'm supposed to be a Kamen Rider, then my name is now Gotchard. Kamen Rider Gotchard.

Clotho: Who cares!

Clotho charges at Gotchard.

Gotchard sees Clotho and quickly readies himself. Steam came out of its chimney.

Gotchard: Let's go Hopper1, Steamliner!

Hopper1: Hopper1!

Steamliner: Steam!

The Chemies' voice can be heard from Gotchard's driver as he launches himself at Clotho. He was much faster than Clotho allowing him to hit the Malgam transformed woman first.

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