Into the Labyrinth

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Gotchard: KUDOOOOOO!!!!

Gotchard runs towards the hole that was left behind where RInne originally was.

Gotchard: Damn it!

Gotchard smashes his fist in the ground in frustration, seeing how deep the whole goes.

Kotori: Shido!.. Shido!

Gotchard: Kotori?

Gotchard could hear Kotori's voice in his headhead. He quickly transforms back to normal, before responding to his sister's call.

Shido: Ye-Yeah, I'm here Kotori. Did you see what happened?

Kotori: Yeah, me and the crew were monitoring everything from here on the Fraxinus.

Shido: Could you find out where the Malgams could have taken Kudo?

Kotori: We're already on it, Shido. We'll have the location for you soon.

Shido: Thanks Kotori, you're the best!

Kotori: We-Well it's the least I could do seeing as you needed help.

On the other side of the call, within Fraxinus, a flustered Kotori can be seen in the commander's chair, a small blush appearing on her cheeks.

Back with Shido he had summoned Golddash from its card, and was about to get on the golden motorcycle Chemy.

???: You do realize that if you go, then you're clearly walking to a trap.

Shido: Huh?

Before Shido could get on the motorcycle Chemy he turns around to the source of the voice. He sees Kurogane Spanner, with him holding a huge sword shaped like ranch on his, slowly walking to him.

Shido: You're-....


Spanner: I expected more from the one who became a Kamen Rider, but to actually go into a trap is idiotic..

Shido grimaces at Spanner's words, as he glares at the alchemist.

Shido: What's that supposed to mean?

Spanner: Exactly as I said.

Spanner continues walking, as he inspects the hole that the Malgams were left behind.

Spanner: You don't even know what kind of Malgams you're facing

Shido: Of course I do, one's obviously a submarine and the other uh, mole?

Spanner: An ant. Seriously, why Kudo Fuga let the tools choose you to be Kamen Rider.

Shido: And what's that supposed to mean?

Spanner: You heard me, letting those tools choose you was a mistake.

Shido: Tools?

It took a moment for Shido to realize what Spanner meant and glances at his Gotchardraw Holder.

Shido: Do you mean the Chemies?

Spanner: Heh, looks like the idiot does have brain cells after all. Treating Chemies like friends is idiotic.

Hearing Spanner's words had gotten Shido to glare more fiercely at the Spanner.

Shido: Hey! Chemies are my friend! They're not tools, they have souls like any other creature.

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