Chapter 1

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Emily's pov

"TURN THE MUSIC DOWN!" My mom screamed. I jumped up and turned it down before flopping back onto my bed. I was going over a mental check list of things to take. I was taking my sister Carly and we were going to live in a hotel for a while. Our mom and dad were alcoholics and druggies. Whenever we upset them and they were high they would beat us. Well me. I never let them lay a finger on Carly. Carly's 18 with long straight brown hair and green eyes, with a few freckles here and there. I'm 21 and my name's Emily. I have naturally white hair and crimson eyes. Bruises lined my arms and I did my best to cover them up. I grabbed all my clothes, my iHome, shoes, and posters. I also grabbed the tolitries Carly and I would need like tooth paste, tooth brushes, hair brushes, etc. I grabbed the 1,000 dollars I had saved up from under my bed and stuffed my wallet and money in my pocket. I grabbed my favorite black hoodie that said 'UNDEAD' before walking across the hall and grabbing Carly's duffel bag. She was at a friends house as planned and I would pick her up and we'd be off. I dropped everything out my window and climbed down. I piled everything into the trunk of my dodge charger and got in and started the engine. My dad came running out. He was high no doubt. He yelled, 

"WORTHLESS BITCH GET BACK HERE!" I gave him the finger and floored it. I got to Megan's house and they were both outside. 

"Emily!" Megan smiled and hugged me. She was like another little sister. 

"Hey Megs. Carly and I need to go, but we'll see you saturday for your party," I smiled. 

"Okay, but come early, cause I wanna show you guys something!" She said and we nodded. Carly got in the passanger's seat and she smiled, 

"We're finally away from that hell hole."

"Yes we are, but now we need to go check into the hotel," I smiled back as we drove away. Once we  checked in we were hanging out in the room when Carly whispered, 

"How are your bruises?"

"They're fine. I'm fine," I replied. I looked at the fading bruises on my arms. I hadn't been beaten in a few days so they didn't hurt as much. I had small scars on my arms and one right above my right eyebrow from when my dad threw a vase at me. 

"Can we go get food?" Carly begged and I laughed nodding. We drove to McDonalds and went inside. We both got a number 6 and we were talking when Carly froze in shock. 

"Carly, what's wrong!" I demanded and her eyes were practicly bugging out of her head. She pointed and I turned around to see our parents. They were walking over to us and I whisper yelled, 

"Get out of here now! Get to the car and lock the doors, I'll be right behind you!" She nodded and ran.  Everyone was looking at my clearly drunk parents. They were grinning evily and walking slowly towards me. Suddenly my dad ran over and backhanded my face. I grimanced in pain before stepping back. He gripped my arm and my mom laughed, 

"Bitch you thought you could get away from us? Dumb ass." She punched me in the stomach and I bit back a scream. People were yelling and Someone was calling the cops. I tried to break free from my dad's grip and he just held me tighter. I heard Carly say, 

"Leave her alone!" I spun around in time to see my mom punch her in the nose. Rage boiled inside of me. I promised myself I would never let them touch her. I wripped my arm from my dad's grasp and ran over to her. She was out cold. I felt a few tears run down my face and I wiped them away. My mom grabbed the back of my head and bashed it against a table. I heard screaming and felt her being pulled off of me before everything went black. 

Jorel's pov

We were in McDonalds eating when a drunk couple stumbled in and made their way over to the table 2 girls were sitting at. The younger one ran and the older faced them. The guy backhanded her. The guys and I looked at the scene unfolding before us. The younger girl was punched in the face and the older one ran over. The cops were on their way and you could hear the sirens. Soon the older one was on the ground knocked out as well and the cops burst in. They hand cuffed the couple and a girl around ran over to the girls with a guy around 21 sobbing, 

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