Chapter 15

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Jorel's pov

"Can I go see her?" I sked and the docoter replied,

"no, she's in emergency surgery. She has a tumor about the size of a small basket ball. Once she's out of surgery you can go see her." I nodded and he walked away as I sank into a chair. I really hoped Emily was gonna be okay. About an hour later we were told we could go see Emily and I ws texting Danny and Carly that the doctors said Emily was going to be okay. We walked into her room and Emily was asleep, but thankfully she didn't look sick like she had this morning. That was a good sign right?
Charlie's pov
We were all sitting in Emily's hospital room waiting for her to wake up and it was clear that J was trying not to go crazy. Emily woke up and groaned, 

"Owww the bright lights are hurting my eyes."

I smiled, "Well at least you're alive." Jorel smiled at her and she kissed him as the doctor appeared saying,

"Mrs. Decker it seems you'll need to go on chemo therapy for 2 months."

"Okay," she replied and the doctort continued,

"Your first session will be today in a few minutes. Your friends and family can wait here until you get back." She nodded and he walked out. 

"I'm tired," she groaned and curled into a ball and threw the covers over her head. We all started tickling her until she threw the covers off her face and gasped, 

"Ok! I surrender!" We were all laughing and we all sat back down in our seats. 

Emily's pov

The doctor came in and took me to chemo where I was hooked up to a bunch of different shit for like an hour before going back to my room where Carly and Danny were. I hugged them and I noticed Carly looked pudgy. 

"You're pregnant!" I yelled pointing at Carly and she blushed and looked down while nodding. We were all laughing at her reaction and Matt laughed,  

"We told you guys to use protection!"

"Guess they didn't listen," Johnny laughed. 

Danny butted in, "Aw shut up ya dipshits." 

Jorel laughed, "There's our Danny." 

"Okay okay! Stop picking on my sister and her husband!" I laughed and Carly exclaimed, 

"Thank you!"

"When do you get out?" Charles asked and I shrugged. I buzzed the nurse and once she came in I asked, 

"When can I be discharged?" 

She smiled and replied in a souteren accent, "Tomorrow morning honey. But you'll have to come back every Friday for chemo therapy." 

I nodded and smiled, "Thank you." We were all just hanging out when they all had to leave except J. 

"Love you J," I whispered sleepily and he kissed my head before saying, 

"Love you too, now get some rest so you can get better." I nodded barely being able to keep my eyes open. 

-----------Author's note----------

Be prepared there's another twist coming in the next chapter! It's a good one though! :) The first one to guess corectly gets the next chapter dedicated to them 

~Melissa xx

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