Chapter 28

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Emily's pov

"I thought you couldn't sing," my grandmother started. I looked at the others for help but Justin leaned over and whispered,

"Just tell them Em." I took a deep breath before standing up.

I looked at everyone and smiled, "I wanna be a singer okay! I love singing and music and it's what I wanna do with my life!"

My grandmother yelled, "Musicians and singers are failures! You don't have any money and you don't have anything to fall back on!"

"It's what I want to do with my life grandmother! Justin turned out to be a famous bassist! Look at where he is now! I want to be a singer like my husband! Musicians are people's heroes grandmother! So why can't you except that I want to be one and that Justin is one?" I replied exasperatedly. My grandmother yelled something in Swedish before storming out of the room.

"That went better then I thought it would," Carly smiled. Kellin laughed,

"Carly I think that you should shuddap." I sighed and plopped onto the couch sighing,

"The more I act for everyone else the more I want to be me. Just want to be me." Jack tossed me a pillow and I buried my face in it and screamed as loud as I could. I threw the pillow and stood up and went to my room. I slammed the door and pulled on black aditas basket ball shorts, a blue under armor t shirt and light blue under armor sneakers with yellow designs. I put my hair in a pony tail and put my ear buds in and my phone in it slip in case on my hip. I turned my music on and walked past everyone. They knew where I was going. I jogged to the soccer field and my soccer 'team' was there. I wasn't on a team and niether were they.We just played together and hung out.

"Yo foos!" I yelled and they stopped playing and I jogged over. I put down my phone and water bottle down and jogged over. We divided in 2 teams. I was going against MIcheal and he's so much taller then I am. I kicked the ball threw his legs and he yelled,

"It's not fair! She's younger and faster!" I laughed and ran after the ball. As it got dark everyone on the other team started joking around. James yelled,

"You can't even see her until she's right there! Then all you can see is her eyes and then you know it's certain death!"

"You know it!" I yelled back. My team won and we hung out messing around for a little before I jogged home. I was covered in dirt and sweat. I walked inside and everyone was still here. I waved and showered quickly before checking on he babies. They were hitting each other and laughing. When they're older they aren't gonna laugh when one of them hits the other. I looked at the time and saw it was almost 9. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a cold piece of pizza before walking into the living room and leaning against the wall saying,

"Let's watch a movie. Hoe bout The Longest Yard?"

"Yeah sure," Gabe smiled. Jesse smiled,

"I'll go get the pop corn." Maybe these 3 months weren't going to be so bad.

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