Chapter 25

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Emily's pov

I was thrown into a roo full of make up artists and hair dressers. They curled my hair and did it in an elegant updo and crimson lipstick and gray eye shadow. I was out in a sleeveless a line dress with a slightly pleated skirt that stopped right above my knees with silver purple, and blue designs. I put on a diamond choker and 4 inch prada pumps. I was forced onto a photo shoot thingy and once it was over Katelynn's manager walked over saying,

"You're gorgeous! The camera loves you and your sister as much as it loves Katelynn. Your sister agreed to be my client. Will you?"

"Yes! Of course!" I smiled shaking her hand. Once we signed the papers and everything and I went to y dressing room and put on my clothes and walked out. I found Carly and Katelynn and we edited pictures. It was so much fun. We spent the rest of the day modeling and doing random shit driving everyone crazy. Until we got kicked out. Katelynn dropped us off at home and we thanked her before going inside completely laughing.

"Are you drunk?" Dylan asked and Carly laughed,

"No! It's just that along with Katelynn we got kicked out of the studio thingy." They broke out laughing with us before we collasped onto the couch. After a while I got up and ordered pizza. The guys were all watching the babies while Carly and I did stuff around the house.

"PIZZA!" Matt screamed setting it down on the kitchen table. I groaned and sat down. I love pizza its just that I had like a hundred other things to do. I bit into the pepperoni piece before getting up and multitasking. I finished feeding the triplets and cleaning the kitchen and finished eating before cleaning the living room and bathrooms. I plopped down on the couch and looked at the triplets in their baby bouncer thingys which were across from the twins. I smiled and Jorel sat down next to me. His lip was better and his black eye was already turning yellowing and fading. I smiled and kissed his cheek but of course he moved at the last second landing his lips on mine. Classic Jorel. His lips lingered on mine before lightly kissing me again. I smiled and something hit the back of my head. I saw it was Kyra's favorite stuffed animal and I knew who the colperate was. It was Kyra since she was giggling. I smiled and got up and crouched down in front of her and picked her up hugging her saying,

"Is this what you want? Momma's attention my little trouble maker? You're gonna put me through hell when you're a teenager aren't you? Huh?" She smiled at me and gave me a smile before falling into a fit of baby giggles. I smiled and blew rasberries against her cheek making her giggle eve more. I smiled and Jackie started crying. I handed Jorel Kyra and picked up Jackie and bounced her on my hip making stupid faces. I picked Marcus up and put him on my other hip and sat down. We were all playing with the babies and finally they all fell asleep. Jorel and I put the triplets in their nursery and Carly and Danny put the twins in their nursery. Jorel and I just were cuddling in bed and J kissed my head and I laughed,

"Babe I love you so much but stop tickling me!" Jorel kept poking my sides making me squirm. I grabbed my sides and curled into the fetal position saying,

"No! No more tickling!" Jorel smiled before kissing the base of my neck and turning the light off smiling,

"Night angel. I'm getting up early because I need to go to the studio with the guys. We'll be back around 11. Love you."

I smiled, "Night babe love you too."

---------Author's note------

Hey Undead Soliders!

What do y'all think of this chapter? Can I get 10 likes for the next one? Please????

~Melissa xoxoxo

Yes I know early update I couldn't wait!!!!! :D

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