Chapter 7

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Emily's pov

I woke up on the couch still on J's arms and Danny and Carly were next to me asleep. Everyone else was asleep on the floor. I looked at the date and saw it was April 11th. It was Dylan's birthday and I was going to throw him a surprise party. I woke everyone else up and we snuck into the kitchen. I started making everything with Carly's help. Once we were finished we started putting up decorations. Once were finished we all started singing/screaming happy birthday. He jumped up and chuckled,

"Thanks." I smiled and we all hugged him before dragging him into the kitchen. A few of his closest friends had come out and were now standing in the kitchen. After we spent the day hanging out we decided to go clubbing. I pulled on red shorts, a blue off the shoulder top with a black cami underneath, my studded wedges and curled my hair. I put on cherry red lip stick and smokeyv gray eye shadow before meeting everyone downstairs. Carly was in a red one shoulder dress that stopped right above her knees and 6 inch black pumps. Her hair was straightened and she had on hot pink lip stick and blue eye shadow. We piled into the cars and J whispered,

"You look amazing."

"You don't look to bad yourself," I replied and kissed him. We got in the car and we yelled at Carly since she brought a fake I.D. I took it and said,

"You're driving no drinks." She groaned and Danny was in the other car so he wasn't here to make a remark to make us all laugh. He was going to be a driver for this as well. Once we got to the club Jorel and I danced to a few songs before sitting down at the bar. Dylan's girlfriend had gotten here right on time and they were making out on the dance floor. You could tell they were in love. I smiled and rested my head on J's shoulder. He handed me a beer and I kissed his cheek before sipping it. Charlie and Kurly fry came over and Kurly slurred,

"Let's go to a club!"

"We're already at one," I laughed and they smiled and ran back to the dance floor. They were such little kids when they were drunk. Scratch that, they're little kids all the time. Around 1 everyone except Carly, Danny, and me were shit faced. I had decided not to drink that much, since I had to go to work tomorrow. The 3 of us got everyone into the cars and we were driving home. We were a few minutes away and I was driving so Carly could go with Danny. It wasn't a big deal since I only had 1 drink. The guys were in the back asleep. Jorel was in the passenger seat started to sober up.

"Did I make a fool of myself?" He asked. I smirked before replying,  


"No. Unforntunatly." He chuckled and we came to a stop sign and I made sure no one was coming through the intersections before hitting the gas. I heard something coming and then I felt pain spread throughout my body.

Jorel's pov

The car flipped over and skidded to a halt. A tractor trailer had come out of no where and hit us. I got the boys out and Emily. She was bloody and knocked out. The tractor trailer driver was drunk and he was stumbling around while I called 911. The paramedics took Emily to the hospital sisnce she was the most beat up. The guys and I were fine except I was worried about Em. She was in the center of impact. Carly's car pulled over and she was in it with Danny. I explained everything and she was in tears. I sighed an we got in and started driving to the house. Once we got there we put the guys to bed since they were drunk as fuck before getting back in the car and driving to the hospital. Once we got there a nurse met us asking, 

"Friends and family of Emily Valentine?" We nodded and we she motioned for us to follow her. We went to the top floor and she lead us to the last door on the right. Emily was laying in the bed with her head wrapped and her arms bandaged. Even though she was in a hospital gown we could all see the faint outline of bandages. The nurse said something before leaving us alone. Emily shifted and groaned. Thank god she was okay. Suddenly she sat up and smiled,  

"I think I might have some bad luck winding up here again." I rolled my eyes since she was messing around after she just woke up after getting hit by a tractor trailer. She smirked at me before getting up. She winced but walked over to us and hugged us before spinning around and complaining, 

"I wanna go home."  

"Tomorrow but you're on bed rest for a month, I have a doctors note excusing you from work," the doctor explained from the door away. She nodded and jumped back into her bed before saying,  

"Everyone but Jorel out." I chuckled and she patted the bed next to her. I sat down and she rested her head on my shoulder and fell asleep.

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