Chapter 12-The Honeymoon

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------------------------------------------Author's note----------------------------------------------------------------------

Hey guys!

     This chapter does NOT have any inappropriate scenes and such just enjoy!

~hu4l01 <3


Jorel's pov

We finished performing and now we were all hanging out. Emily was perched on my knee and Carly and Danny and Carly were making out. Soon it was time for the bouquet throwing thing and then we were off to our honeymoons on a private island in the Caribbean. Danny and Carly would be on one end and Emily and me would be on the other. Once they threw the bouquets we left and Em smiled, 

"So where are we going Mr. Decker?"

"Someplace Mrs. Decker," I replied smiling, before kissing her. Once we got on the plane she wouldn't stop bugging me until I threatened, 

"If you don't stop we won't do anything tonight." She shut up making me laugh until we landed. We took a ferry to our side of the island and I carried her into the condo. I set our bags down at the foot of our bed before saying, 

"I'll meet you outside, come out when you're ready." She nodded and I kissed her neck before taking off my jacket and tie before walking outside. 

Emily's pov

I looked through my bag until I found what I was looking for. It was a small black lace dress. I ran into the bathroom and pulled it on and kicked off my shoes before going outside to J. I sat in his lap and he smirked and kissed me. We were making out on the patito when things got heated. He picked me up and carried me into our room before setting me on the bed. I smiled and he attacked my lips with his again. 

I woke up on J's chest and I stretched before slipping out of bed and going to make food. I knew I wasn't  in any clothing but I really didn't care. Danny and Carly were all the way on the other side of the island and no one else was around. Once I finished making pancakes I went to go wake up J. 

"J wake up," I whispered straddling his waist and kissing his neck. His eyes fluttered open and he flipped us over making me squeal. Once we ate Jorel smiled, 

"Well Carly wants us all to go hiking in like 30 minutes so we should go get ready." I nodded and finished washing the dishes and went to showered. I pulled on black cargo short, black hiking boots, a black wife beater, and I pulled my hair into a pony tail. I made the bed and Jorel came out in black basket ball shorts, hiking boots, and a blue Motley Crew shirt. I hugged him and then the door opened and I screamed, 


Carly screamed back, "HI MR. AND MRS. DECKER!" Carly and Danny appeared and I threw water and food into a back back, a camera, the first aid kit, towels, flashlights, and our phones. We were wearing bathing suits under our clothes since Danny said there would be a spring near by. Danny was carrying a back pack as well and I assumed that it had pretty much the same contents. Once we set out Danny smirked, 

"Okay girls it's gonna get pretty steep and hard so if y'all need a break then just tell us." Carly and I looked at each other before breaking out laughing. Onnce we caught our breath we set out. A few hours later we were almost at the top of the mountain/cliff thing and the boys were out of breath and drenched in sweat. 

"Need a break boys?" I asked  and Carly added, 

"Come on, if us girls can do you motcho men can!"

Jorel protested, "I never said you guys couldn't! That was all Danny!" We made it to the top before we took a break to look out at the ocean. Danny showed us te way to the spring and I slipped off my shoes and clothes leaving me in my blue bikini. The guys were both in black swim trunks and Carly was in a pink bikini. I let my hair down before diving into the water. It was crystal clear and my hair swam around me. I fish swam up to me and touched my nose before swimming away and I swam back to the surface. 

"Get in here wimps!" I laughed and they all jumped in. 

Danny's pov

The girls were tanning and talking while Jorel and I tossed around a foot ball I brought. I also brought a radio and Carly got up and got it out before hitting play and the guys' voices flooded through the speakers. 

"So I hear Danny and Jorel got married and that's why they aren't here," the interviewer said and Charles replied, 

"Yup, and I hope they're listening and I have a message for you guys, USE PROTECTION!" Emily grabbed her phone and called the radio station and putting it on speaker. The host answered, 

"You're on live with HollyWood Undead. Who's this?"

"Emily," she replied and the guys started yelling stuff. 


"DANNY BOY!" All of the guys yelled and Carly laughed, 

"Charles we're coming home in like 2 days and you're gonna get it."

"Dude you're on your own," Dylan laughed and Matt groaned, 

"Great the house is gonna be a fucking war zone."

Emily added," Don't worry it won't be that bad, now we're hanging out at a spring ontop of a moutain that the guys could barely make up so bye!" She hung up on them and we turned off the radio and Emily found the rope swing. Once it was hanging over the spring she took a running leap off the rocks at the other side and grabbed the rope and once it was at it's peak let go, plunging into the water. 

"That was so much fun!" She yelled once she got to the surface. We all jumped off a few times before pulling our shirts and shit back on and grabbing the back packs and flashlights from our back packs since it was getting dark. We dropped Jorel and Emily off at their condo before getting on our A.T.Vs and riding back to ours. Once we got back Carly and I stayed in our room watching movies. 

"So, did ya have fun today?" I asked and Carly smiled, 

"Yes! I loved it! Tomorrow can we go A.T.V riding?" 

I chuckled, "Ya of course babe." 

She squealed, "Yay yay yay yay!" jumping up and down while clapping. I laughed before going into the bathroom to shower. When I came out the movie was over and Carly was curled up under the duvet asleep. I shut off the tv before slipping under the duvet and kissing her head goodnight before falling asleep myself. 

Carly's pov

When I woke up I changed into camo cargo pants, sneakers, a blue wife beater, black biking gloves, and I pulled my hair into a pony tail and grabbed a helmet.  Danny came out of the bathroom in black basket ball shorts and a plain black v-neck, with sneakers, biking gloves and holding his helmet and the ATV keys. He tossed me mine and kissed me good morning smiling, 

"How'd you sleep?"

"Amazingly," I smiled and stood on my tip toes before kissing his cheek and walking into the garage to get the ATVs. I opened the garage door and got on my ATV and waited for Danny to get on his before taking off down the path with Danny behind me. We went exploring until I heard the sound of a dirt bike. Danny and I pulled over and a figure on a dirt bike past us. They turned around and pulled off their helmet and I realised it was Emily. 

"Hey gotta go catch the ferry back to the main land to get food! I'll get stuff for you too!" She yelled and Danny called, 

"Okay! We'll pay you back!" She nodded and put her helmet back on before leaving us in the dust. We reached the beach and Danny smiled, 

"Did I tell you how much I love you?" 

I giggled, "Maybe." He smirked and ot off his ATV and walked over to mine and cupped my cheeks saying, 

"I love you more then you could ever imagen." 

"And I love you more then I can ever scream," I replied. He laughed at my refernce to the lyrics in Mortien's Daughter by Black Veil Brides before kissing me. 

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