Chapter 17

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Emily's pov

I was sitting in the park a few miles up from my house in the branches of the huge oak tree. Talia's funeral was last week and I had been coming here a lot since she had died. I escaped here whenever I needed to think about things or be alone. Justin and the rest of SWS and of course Carly were the only ones who knew that I came here when I disappeared. I groaned and buried my head in my knees and I heard someone sit next to me and I looked up at Justin. He pulled me into his arms whispering, 

"I know it hurts Em. It'll get better. I promise. It might take a while but I swear that it will." 

I replied, "I know it'll get better Justin, but she was only 13! She shouldn't have died." 

"Shhh, you're right she shouldn't have died but ya know what? She wouldn't want you to just stop going to your chemo treatments and to just stop living you life. And one thing I know she most definately didn't want is for you to just give up. Starting to stop fighting, and not being you," He replied and I sobbed, 

"Justin she was the one that kept me going. I love Jorel and the other guys and Carly and you and the rest of SWS but there was just something about her that made me feel normal. Not like I was sick or dying. She made me feel like I was gonna make it." 

"You will make it Emily. I won't let you die, and niether will the others," Justin replied and I whispered, 

"The doctors say I have a high chance of not making it. But they say that I'm the most stubborn and hard headed patient they've had so far and that they think I'll win the fight but I don't feel like I can anymore." We just sat there in silence and suddenly Justin pulled me up into a standing position with him and started climbing down the tree pulling me with him. 

"Today you have a 4 hour long chemo appointment and I'm not leeting you miss it," he smirked picking me up and putting me in the passenger seat of his car. He got in on the driver's side and locked the doors and I sighed and put my seat belt on. He smiled at me and I just rolled my eyes trying not to smile. That's Justin for ya. The annoyingly funny bass player. Once we got to the hospital I refused to get out of the car until Justin picked me u and threw me over his shoulder and carried me in while I was punching his back and yelling at him to put me down mean while he was laughing his ass off as he signed me in and took me to the treatment rooms. I groaned and he smirked, 

"I'll be waiting outside so don't try and make a run for it." I gave him the finger and he just laughed and walked outside while the nurses got everything ready for the treatment. Once it was over I was exhausted since long period on chemo treatments for me just drained my energy. I sat in the back of Justin's car and fell asleep while he drove me home. Once we got there he walked me to the door and helped me unlock the door and stumble inside. 

"I fucking hate you Justin. I'm soooo tired now and it's only like 6," I groaned. Everyone looked at us and Carly jumped up and yelled, 

"JUSTIN!" She hugged him and the guys looked extremely confuse and Carly smiled, 

"He's our cousin." Justin helped me sit down on the couch and Matt asked, 

"What happened to her?" 

Justin explained, "Well I forced her to go for her chemo treatments today and it was a 4 hour session so she's tired." 

"Night Justin," I yawned kissing his cheek he once he said goodbye to Carly and me he left and I kissed Jorel goodnight and he smiled, 

"Well just so you know you have another chemo session tomorrow and it's all day to make up for your missed ones." I groaned and walked into Jorel and mine's room and changed into black pj pants and one of Jorel's gray tank tops before pulling the red duvet over my head and falling asleep. 

----------Author's note-------

I just want to thank everyone for reading this story. I really appreciate it and the a random comment gets the next chapter dedicated to them :) 

Thanks again~

Melissa xoxoxo

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