Chapter one

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Chapter 1
Lucky day for a brat.

" saoirse do you need another time out again? " mrs

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" saoirse do you need another time out again? "
mrs. Emily asked the little blonde haired girl who folded her arms against her chest.

" no! Just leave me alone , I don't need a time out and I don't wanna sit in that stupid play pin." She barked back, becoming frustrated at the lady.

The two sat in soairse's nursery , getting her ready for today. The older lady signed as picked up the brush and began to brush soairse long blonde tangled hair. 

Soairse was woken up way too early just to be told to be on her ' best behavior , although she knew they would have guest visiting soon enough she didn't really care , all she could think about was how she could be alseep right now , but instead she had to get ready for today and entertain people who didn't actually want her.

" listen , we are gonna go out there and your gonna sit in that play pin without causing any trouble do you understand?" Emily asked sternly , sitting the brush back down once she was satisfied with the outcome of her hair.

Soarise just nodded as the lady grabbed her hand , after waiting for a response.

The two finally walked out of the room and shut the door behind them, soairse was the last little who was still in her room. She had put up such a fight that it had took way too long to get her dressed , her teeth brushed and just to wake her up alone.

When the two arrived to the main entrance/ room where all the littles sat and played with toys saoirse almost immediately rolled her eyes. She didn't get along with any of the other kids and due to her being so small she already knew that she'd be soon sat in the play pin.

" why can't I just sit in my nursery?." She asked as she looked up at Emily, a pout already laid across her face.

" because you are too little to be alone." Emily responded as she bent down in her high heels, "why can't you just be like the other girls ? Look at them , their having fun. It's like You just can't help but put up a fight." 

Saoirse rolled her eyes at Emily's comment, so what if she wasn't like the other girls, she didn't need to make friends or fall into deep little space she just wanted to be alone.

" and why can't you listen to what I'm saying? I don't wanna be here in this stupid room and I don't wanna sit in that play pin. " She semi yelled and roughly snatched her hands from Emily's , causing her to drop the clipboard .

She couldn't help but feel offended from the constant comparison Emily would use between her and the other littles, it was rude.

Hearing the clip board hit the floor she prepared herself for going into the naughty chair, where she'd usually sit, facing the same wall and thinking the same thoughts.


Looking at Emily I could've sworn I saw smoke fuming from her nose, she looked at me and my eyes locked with hers before I was being dragged by my arm and towards the chair my bottom was used to touching.

" you will sit here until you learn to have some respect for adults little girl." She said as her hands were placed on my shoulders and she turned my body towards the white wall.

I actually didn't really understand what I did wrong, it's not my fault she let go of the clipboard.

As I Ignored her I picked up my binky that was clipped to my romper and placed it into my mouth.

Sitting in timeout was something that I was used to, with only being here for a few months I was already known as a brat but I honestly could care less I never asked to be here and I didn't ask to become friends with anyone.

Today was auction day which meant a few people would come in and buy one of us off , make us their little and we'd have to leave. This process happened a few times a month and today happened to be another time it would. We wouldn't know who it was and we didn't get a say in the decision, to me that's always been a bit fucked up way of doing things but who am I to say anything.

That's the only reason why mrs butthead is being so strict and serious with everyone, she wants us to be on our ' best behavior' .

After Staring at the wall for awhile , I began swing my legs back and forth and hum a little song to myself. Within a few seconds I heard the door open and mrs Emily speak to someone . " and here are all the children." I heard Emily as she walked in with someone following after.

As much as I wanted to turn around to see who entered i didn't, I just tried my best to listen in on their conversation. I just know Someone's leaving today.

" so as we know , your looking for a little girl. There are a few that we've selected for you. Mature in age but between 3-6 in headspace, respectful and healthy..." I heard her go on and on as she walked towards the other side of the room to the younger littles.

I wasn't too invested in her conversation as it seemed boring as all she did was rambled on about how good and polite Sarah was.

Sarah was a little who had always got praised for her good behavior, I mean she was really nice but I didn't like her at all.

We had gotten in a fight once or twice before and I was only the one who had got in trouble and it was for punching her in the face.

It's been at least a good 10 minutes that I'd been staring at the wall and my boredom began to grow as I peaked up at the tv that sat on the tv stand sitting a few feet away from me .

A few girls and boys sat on the floor watching the 'pj mask.' it wasn't bad but I preferred to watch that than anything else I was forced to watch.

After awhile of watching the show I reached my arm up to rub my eyes only to get startled by mrs Kathy walking up to me, she didn't look too happy only a bit disappointed.

" lucky day brat , he chose you."

To be continued..

Word count 1154 🎀

Hi guys! Sorry that this is so short. A new and longer chapter should be coming out soon , within a few days so be on the look out :)

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Sorry for any mistakes or grammar errors <3

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