Chapter nine.

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Chapter 9
Meeting daddy's family pt 2

Chapter 9Meeting daddy's family pt 2

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" sweetheart I can promise you, there's nothing to be worried about."

I looked at Silas and then back at the empty sippy cup that was placed in my lap. We were parked outside the family cabin and my nerves just now decided to start kicking in.

I was a worrying mess if I'm being honest, I couldn't stop thinking of the outcome of it all. Meeting his mom, his family , his friends. What if they don't like me ?

My throat was dry and I couldn't really speak, it was like my body had shut down. There was No part of me wanted to trust him or go into that house, I just wanted to be alone.

I didn't say anything but instead just grab onto my
Teddy bear that I brung with me. For some reason I began to grow more attached to the thing.

He leaned down and kissed my cheek before he grabbed my hand and gave me a look of reassurance. It was as if he was trying to read me or wanted me to trust him. " ready to go inside?"

I don't know why but I could feel my tears threatening to spill just at those words and I couldn't stop them from rolling down my cheeks.

I guess I became moreso overwhelmed with the thought of being surrounded by lots of people that I  began to weaken up and cry.

My breath began to get heavy and my heart started to pound faster than usual, it wasn't anything new but the feeling itself was more than real.

Throughout the entire car ride I managed to keep it together, I haven't complained , whined or cried..I was doing so good.

His face softened up and he gave me a look of concern and sympathy, " oh no baby, don't cry."

His voice was light as his hand softly caressed my cheeks.

" it's gonna be okay. I'm gonna be right beside you as long as we're here." His thumb wiped my tears and he lifted my chin so he had a good veiw of my face.

The nicknames and the touch of his hand against my skin made butterflies appear. I couldn't help become so little and needy.

He then picked me up from my seat and held me so I was close in his hold. I sniffled and looked at him unsure of what to say or do without feeling embarrassed . " there's no need to worry sweetface, daddy's right here."

I snuggled my face against his warm chest and tried to calm myself down, although with me being soothed by his words, I still was nervous.

Daddy put my binky in my mouth and shut the car door, " if someone makes you feel uncomfortable or does something you don't like, tell me okay?" He said as he pushed my hair from my face so he could fully see my eyes.

I just nodded my head and wiped the remaining wet tears from my pale cheeks. He left our bags in the trunk and walked us up the stairs so we could go inside.

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