Chapter eight

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Chapter 8 pt 1 <3
Meeting daddy's family.

Chapter 8 pt 1 <3Meeting daddy's family

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Days later
No ones pov

Saorise watched as Silas stuffed a few diapers into her teddy bear decorated diaper bag and kept her hands folded in disagreement to the sudden decision of them leaving to be with his family for a few days.

" you didn't use your diaper yet did you?". Silas turned to face soairse after he grabbed his keys from the table and put them in his pocket.

The one thing he hated while going on the road was stopping, he would rather change her now than in the next 10-15 minutes while in the middle of driving.

She shook her head no and gave him a look of irritation just before getting up from the rocking chair." when can I use the toilet? I'm tired of using this diaper."

As much as she needed to pee, she was not gonna use the diaper, she wanted to use the toilet like a normal person.

It's been way too long since she's been on a toilet and it was only so long that she could minimize her time with using the diaper.

" you can use the toilet when I feel that your in control of your own bladder." He replied back in a calm manner, his tone staying stoic.

Way Too calm,
At least for her liking.

She rolled her eyes and replied back. " I am in control, your the one that's not in control." She said smartly.

He raised his eyebrow at her brattyness and stopped packing her diaper bag." if I wasn't in control I'd be the one wearing diapers. Within the last 3 months you've managed to wet the bed more than five times. That should tell us both something."

Her eyes slightly widened when he spoke about her accidents she had when she wasn't in his care. She would wet the bed almost every night and couldn't quite hold it or make it to the bathroom.

It was in her best intrest to wear diapers.
But she was fully against it.

She opened her mouth to speak again but couldn't quite figure out what to say, she didn't understand how he knew so much.

It made her blood boil.

He zipped up her bag and sat it aside when he noticed the shocked look on her face. Silas bent down and put his hand underneath her chin. "There's no need to be embarrassed princess, this is what I'm here for – whenever your having trouble or need help in areas , I'll be here to improve them."

She furrowed her eyebrows at him, " but I don't need improvement in any areas, I don't need to wear a diaper, I don't need anything Silas! I'm Fine!" She shoved the touch of his hand from beneath her chin.

She was frustrated and tired of everyone controlling her life. It was HER life not theirs.

The room fell silent for a moment.

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