Chapter five

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Chapter 5
They call him The brat tamer

A lot of time skips are in this chapter, I'm sorry about that but i had a hard time writing this :(

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A lot of time skips are in this chapter,
I'm sorry about that but i had a hard time writing this :(

3rd person.

Saorise sat in the metal chair with tears streaming down her face and her bottom lip poked out.

Two bandaids evenly covered both her arms that were halfway crossed across her chest.

Silas stood up by the front desk once again , signing papers and waiting for the medication Dr.Channing had prescribed her.

" There you are , you are set to go." The lady at the front desk said with a approval like smile as she handed him a small bottle of vitamins with a piece of paper attached with it.

Silas gave a faint smile back as he grabbed it, " yes we are, thank you. you have a good one." He replied and then walked away from the desk and over to saoirse.

His heart broke once he saw her , the pout on her face could make anyone's heart break.

" come on baby." He reached down beside her to grab her small sweater and tried to pick her up.

But instead of willingly going into his arms she scooted away from him, " no!" She yelled out pulling her arm away from him , causing quite the scene.

Her arms were sore and she was angry, she didn't want any bother from him or from anyone. He was a meanie.

He was kinda stunned at her response, he knew she was tired and was gonna be bratty but he didn't have time or the patience for her throwing any tantrums.

He bent down Infront of her after taking a deep breath and looked at her, " it's time to go baby, don't you wanna go get some frozen yogurt? I might even take you to pick out a new stuffy." He gently tried to explain, bribing her as well.

She sniffled and looked at him, she did want a new stuffy and without warning she was slipping deeper into little space.

He held his hand out for her to grab and held hers in his, " you were such a brave girl today, daddy's so proud of you." He said to her, moving a strand of her blonde hair from her face.

She pouted at his words and held her arms out for him to pick her up, she was emotional and close to bursting into tears.

Without second guessing he picked her up and placed her in his arms, " ready to go now my dove?" He asked after kissing her cheeks.

She nodded her head and laid it against his chest.

Time skip
Two hours and 30 minutes later

" how did you manage to get so messy baby?" He asked as he stood Infront of the opened car door, looking at Saoirse who sat her frozen yogurt aside.

Around her mouth was covered in the whipped cream and so was her hands, they were both sticky and wet.

" I dunno." she replied as the giggles left her mouth seconds after.

He began to unbuckle her from her car seat and clean her off, " well come on messy , I heard that your aunt scarlet is here and she brung you some company."

She frowned and looked up at him, she didn't want any bother from scarlet today. " but I don't like her daddy..she's cranky and mean."

First impressions were important and scarlet was rude and mean, Saorise didn't like her one bit.

Silas stopped once he unbuckled her and raised his eyebrows at her response , " hey, that's not nice. We don't say things like that okay?" He said with a bit of sternness laced in his voice.

He honestly understood why she felt the way she did, scarlet was a piece of work and a lot to handle.

" fine but it's true." She mumbled as she hopped down from the car seat and out of the car.

He grabbed her diaper bag and shut the door after,
" watch it little girl." He said as he grabbed her hand and walked them both inside the house.

When they stepped foot though the door , Scarlets recognizable voice spoke aloud as she heard their entrance." finally , god."

Once Silas had heard her voice he sighed out loud and shut the front door.

She soon walked out of the living room with a glass of sparkling water and walked over to where they both stood, "Combien de temps faut-il pour revenir d'un rendez-vous ? Je pensais que nous étions d'accord pour un rendez-vous avec les petits aujourd'hui"

" calm down sis, I could've sworn I texted you." He replied and leaned down to take saoirse's sweater and shoes off, " we went for frozen yogurt afterwards. Right bubs?" He said as he pinched at saorise pink cheeks.

" uh huh! And It was yummy." She nodded her head as she excitedly answered him.

Scarlet looked down at saorise and sent her a small smile , " well I'm sure it was....I see you've got some big girl stickers." She said once she noticed the few cartoon like stickers on the little girls hand.

there were two circled stickers of Disney princesses on her hand, she had gotten them right after receiving her shots.

" The mean dr gave them to me..aren't they pretty?"she asked as she held her hand out for her aunt to get a better view of them.

Scarlet smiled after viewing them and grabbed her hand so it was held in hers, " yes they are. why don't we go show your cousin them?"she said as Silas hung their jackets up.

" okay.."

She was truthfully nervous and honestly didn't even know she had a cousin but obviously Silas knew who it was.

Scarlet and Silas walked her into the living room where Riley sat down by the play pin playing with saoirse's things.

Riley looked up when she heard them walked in , her eyes almost immediately lit up as she ran towards Silas. " uncle Silas!"

Silas gave her a warm smile and lifted her , "how's my favorite girl huh? I reckon You've been good?" He asked her , which he obviously knew the answer to.

She didn't have a bad bone in her body, she was adorable and sweet. There was no way she could misbehave.

Saorise couldn't help but roll her eyes at the sight of them.

The little girl looked around her age, but more so younger. She was pretty and had curly brown hair that was decorated in a pretty ponytail and bow.

She looked a lot like Scarlett, but just a younger version.

He kissed Riley's cheek and carried her while walking towards the long couch.

" yup! I'm really good." She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck.


" I have someone special for you to meet." He told her as he sat her on the couch beside him, " Come here baby." He said as his eyes then locked with mine and he motioned for me to come over.

I walked from behind scarlet and then over to towards daddy, as shy as I am i managed to ignore my Nerves.

" baby, this is Riley. Your cousin, say hi."

my eyes left his and landed back on her, a smile was basically just imprinted right on her face and never left. She seemed so cheeky and happy, im sure she wasn't a problem.

" hi.." I mumbled as my finger naturally made its way from my mouth and by my sides.


Hi guys! I'm so sorry that this is unbelievably short. I had such a hard time writing this and im honestly unsure why but a new chapter is in the making and halfway written so be patient!

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