Chapter fifteen

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Chapter 15
" we're one big happy family now."

TW : BDD / Body dysmorphic , little mention of self harm etc.

TW : BDD / Body dysmorphic , little mention of self harm etc

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Morning/ a little after 11am


I laid in daddy's bed with my eyes still closed and shut, trying my best to find my way back to sleep. Daddy had woken up already and went into the bathroom to get himself ready for the day. I was already told to get up about three times now but I'm too tired to move and it's way too early.

I sucked on my paci as I covered my body up with the huge blanket again. Part of me was still so scared about yesterday night and me wetting the bed again, but Dani told me that there was nothing to worry about.

So I'm not sure if I could trust her or not.

" get up princess."

Daddy's voice came from the other side of the room, making me groan out loud and frown as I stayed covered up ignoring him completely. I'm not sure why he continues to wake me up early, knowing how much I hate being woken up - especially in the mornings.

I felt him come closer to the bed as he sat down besides my body. " come on sugar, it's time to wake up baby."  He rubbed my back and tried to pull the covers off my body to wake me.

" no, i don't wannaaa..'m sleepy." My tiny legs kicked at him slightly in disagreement and i pulled the covers back, my eyes becoming a little teary as well.

Daddy grabbed my legs and lightly tapped my bottom before he pulled me onto his lap in one motion. " you don't kick at daddy. I don't care how cranky or sleepy you are little lady." he said to me sternly causing me to pout and burry my face into his chest almost immediately.

I would be lying if i didn't say his stern voice and words almost caused me to burst into tears, i just wanted to sleep and the fact that he wouldn't let me was just so mean and cruel.

He held me for a little while as he rubbed my back and fixed at my tangled hair, " I've let you sleep long enough baby girl, it's gonna be lunchtime pretty soon and then you won't be able to go on our little special trip." He whispered which left me in silence and confusion, " remember the surprise daddy mentioned?" He asked.

My eyes opened at those words and i nodded my head, he wouldn't let me in on my surprise the other day although he said he'd tell me.

" well, we were gonna go on a little trip today with Dani and some friends." He told me, his voice being soft and reassuring " But we can't go if your sleeping all day."

I looked up at him with my paci still in my mouth and rubbed my eyes, although i was sleepy I didn't want that to stop me from attending whatever surprise trip he had set up for me.

He chuckled as he looked down at me. " our bags are already packed, we just need to get you dressed and fed baby okay?"

I nodded my head once again, not feeling the need to talk much since my paci was placed in my mouth, although there was a few things i wanted to ask.

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