Chapter seventeen

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Chapter 17
When baby wants, baby gets...although she's on her period.


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My eyes shot open to a cold wet and burning feeling against my pale skin, it was my bottom to be specific and it felt like it was on fire.

When I whined out and rubbed my eyes i saw daddy standing overtop of me with a baby wipe in his hand, cleaning me up. This position was way too familiar to not know what was going on. He was changing me.

I flinched at the sudden feeling as daddy wiped at my sore bottom once again, he pulled out some kind of cream as he tried to quickly reassure me.

" looks like you have a rash on your bottom sugar." Daddy told me as he put the cold cream on my skin, slowly easing the pain.

I don't know how early it was but it felt too early to be up, my stomach was still hurting and I felt uncomfortable all over.

Since I didn't feel my paci or saw It any where around I put my thumb in my mouth, it didn't bring me much comfort but it did enough.

I just really wanted to go back to sleep again.

Yesterdays events were so hectic that I don't even remember what happened after me having a full on meltdown. I can't remember anything before or after bathtime.

When daddy turned around from putting away the ointment , he had a fresh diaper in his hand and baby powder in the other. As he went to lift my legs I immediately squirmed and moved away so he couldn't put it on me.

" diaper daddy ." I said in a raspy sleepy voice and shook my head no quickly, me being back in diapers was a big no no. There's no way he's going to get me back in them.

Daddy sighed aloud and ignored my tiny request as he tried to grab my legs to put it on me once again, that did nothing but make me wiggle around even more, putting up a fight to not allow him to.

My little legs kicked at his hands in objection to the idea of wearing a diaper but that didn't do anything at all.

A usual kick or squirm towards him would earn me a good amount of swats to my bottom but since my period was on he was being less aggressive and very gentle and careful , which in my defense was working out pretty fine. 

It didn't take him long to put the diaper on me, his strong two hands held my legs and easily lifted them so he had easy access to put one on. " you can't fight with me baby, you have to keep this on." He said.

I pouted and looked at him with a angry face , upset that he could clearly easily push past my tiny fight and still get one on me.

In return he picked me up and placed a kiss on my cheek , ignoring my upsetting glare. " is my baby upset with daddy ?" He asked in a babyish voice, then squeezing my cheeks just afterwards.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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