Chapter six

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Chapter 6
A princess's first spanking.
A/N : this is not my favorite chapter and just a heads up , it needs alot of editing, but enjoy!

 A/N : this is not my favorite chapter and just a heads up , it needs alot of editing, but enjoy!

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3rd Person.


" can i go outside please daddy? It's snowing!" Saoirse squealed as she peaked at the window once again.

It was snowing out and Silas had just came from one of his business meetings, he wasn't going back out for the best of the day. It was behind cold so he was not letting her go out at all, he did not want a sick little.

She loved the winter and snow, it was the best time of the year to her. She could do so many things , like build snow men , make snow angles and have snowball fights.

" no baby I told you already, it's way too cold." He told her once again after hanging his jacket on the coat rack.

She looked at him and pouted " but I can wear my jacket and boots, I wanna build a snowman and play in the snow." She whined.

" the answer is no." He replied sternly, his voice giving he the impression that he wasn't fazed. "We can stay inside and make hot chocolate and s'mores, we can even watch your favorite Disney movie okay?"

She crossed her arms and pouted, he was being very unreasonable and he was making her upset by the minute.  She hated that she couldn't really make any decisions on her own without him, it was like he was enabling her.

" okay princess?" He grabbed her chin so she could look at him, " don't ignore me , that's rude."

" but daddyyyy the snow.." she said with a drag in her voice, she gave him a pleading look ignoring everything he had said just before.

He picked her up and walked into the living room with her. " you heard me the first time. I don't wanna hear another word about the snow understand?."

" yes daddy." She answered him annoyedly.

He pushed her hair from her face and sat her down on the couch, " now can you be a good girl and watch tv for a little while? Daddy has to do some paper work."

She looked at him with an unimpressed look, " but I thought we were gonna make s'mores and hot chocolate." She complained again, it was like he was being completely unfair and unreasonable. First she couldn't go outside, now she couldn't do what he suggested.

" we are sweetheart just not this second. I promise, as soon as I'm finished we can do whatever you want babydoll." He pinched her cheeks and gave her a small smile, hoping she would understand.

After all it would only take him like 30 minutes to an hour to finish, it wasn't that long.

Since violet had just left before the blizzard had came it all fell on him, he had to completely watch after her and finish up with his paperwork.

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