Chapter 21

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Sejin had really outdone himself when he had picked out their villa for the upcoming week in Spain. The place was enormous and seemed to be even bigger than the pictures that were shown on the website. 8 bedrooms with their own bathrooms, two large living areas, a kitchen 'that came out of heaven' according to Seokjin and a gaming room that was immediately approved by the game addicts called Taehyung and Jimin. Hoseok was very happy with the garden that was surrounding the whole villa and the dancer had made a small bouquet of flowers that he found. But the two rappers Namjoon and Yoongi were the most easy to please, since they were already sold when they noticed the very comfortable beds in each rooms.

Sejin wasn't going to stay with them in the villa, because he wanted to give the boys some space during their break, so that meant that Jungkook had to sleep in one of the member's bedrooms. Usually, a three year old toddler would sleep in his own bedroom and didn't need someone to watch over him, but Jungkook still had some trauma caused anxiety left in him after his parents had died in a car crash when he was only 6 months old. Back in Seoul, they had tried multiple times to let him sleep alone at night, but each time resulted in a very upset Jungkook who cried until he had no tears to spill anymore. Even if they slept with him until he fell asleep wasn't enough for the toddler, because if the toddler would wake up the following morning and notice that he was alone, he would freak out and scream the whole dorm together. So the members had decided that Jungkook would always be sleeping in one of their rooms every single night, from the moment he fell asleep to the point he would wake up again.

Speaking of the toddler, Jungkook was still sleeping soundlessly in Taehyung's arms who was very happy that the toddler had chosen him right now as a sleeping buddy. The members were currently seated in the living room as they divided the rooms and decided that Jungkook would get his own room, but that every night a different hyung would sleep with him. This way they didn't have to drag the baby bed to another room every night and it also would be better for Jungkook to get used to one room instead.

"I will take the first night" Taehyung quickly volunteered to be the first to sleep in Jungkook's room, and soon the rest of the week's schedule was formed so everyone would spend one night with their favorite little brother.

"It's almost 7pm, we should start cooking" Hoseok announced when he noticed the time and together with Seokjin and Yoongi, he moved to the kitchen to take care of dinner. In the meantime, Namjoon and Jimin made sure that everyone's suitcases came in the right bedroom and made Jungkook's room ready as well so the kid could immediately go to bed after dinner.


The following day started off very relaxed. Nobody had set an alarm, so one by one the members came downstairs to eat some breakfast, starting off with Taehyung and Jungkook who were the first to wake up. Or actually is was Jungkook who had dragged Taehyung out of bed to play with him at 7am in the morning.

When the rapper trio had woken up not soon after, the four plus Jungkook decided to drive to the local mall to do some shopping first. Their private pool was huge so there was enough room for multiple inflatable toys, but they also bought different kinds of arm bands for Jungkook to ensure his safety. So an hour later the pool was filled with a huge crocodile, pink flamingo, a pineapple air mattress and an unicorn swim ring.

"Jungkookie, show your fancy swim trunks to your brothers" Seokjin said to Jungkook when he came downstairs after dressing him. The rest of the group were already gathered around the pool while Hoseok made sure that everyone was covered with sunscreen from head to toe. The dancer stopped rubbing Namjoon's back when he noticed a very cute toddler toddling towards them with blue swim trunks on with a shark print.

"Look at your shorts, Kookie! They're so nice!" Hoseok said as he knelt down in front of Jungkook. The little one smiled happily as he looked down at his trunks, but then he noticed Hoseok's shorts and his hands immediately moved forwards to grab the colourful pink fabric with flamingos. "Hopi's pretty!!"

"Thank you Kookie" the dancer chuckled and hugged Jungkook in his arms. He then grabbed the sunscreen that was lying near his feet on the ground and used the moment to cover the baby up with the protective creme before he would get impatient.

"Hopi swim with me?" Jungkook asked as he let Hoseok put sunscreen on his arms and legs. The older one smiled and pocked the kid's nose for a second "Of course, we will all swim with you"

"Hey Kookie, what do you think about my trunks?" Namjoon asked when he came closer to the two. Jungkook lifted his head to look at his tallest brother, but when he saw the plain blue shorts, he shrugged his shoulders unimpressed.


"Nah?" Namjoon gasped. "What do you mean with nah?"

"It means they're boring" Hoseok commented with a smile as he gently manhandled Jungkook around so he could apply some sunscreen on his back. "Okay we're almost done Kookie! We only need your arm bands and you're good to go"

"Here they're" Jimin said as he knelt down next to Hoseok and helped Jungkook to put on his arm bands, causing his arms to stand of from his little body. "Ah look at you, our little penguin" the maknae chuckled and ruffled the boy's hair, but Jungkook however had no time for small talk anymore and as soon as Hoseok had let go of him, he ran towards the pool.

"Jungkook, don't run!!" Seokjin yelled and quickly sprinted forwards to catch his baby brother before he slipped on the wet tiles. He gently pulled him back on his feet and grabbed his chin so he forced Jungkook to look at him "No more running, okay?" he said firmly. Jungkook nodded absently since his eyes were already looking at the pool next to him so Seokjin sighed as he let go of the boy's head and chuckled when the toddler immediately jumped into the water.

"And there goes my sunscreen" Hoseok sighed as well when he noticed a white layer forming on the water surrounding Jungkook because the creme hadn't had the change to dry up yet. "No Taehyung! You wait for 5 more minutes!. I'm not going to reapply your sunscreen as well!"

"But hyung" the 95-liner whined and looked with longing eyes to the pool where Jungkook was happily swimming around. "We can't leave Jungkook alone in the pool! What if something happens?"

"We're all watching Jungkook and we are literally sitting next to the pool Taehyung. Don't give me your puppy eyes" Hoseok said, but his words didn't met his actions when he looked at his phone and sighed heavily "Fine, I think your sunscreen is dried up anyways. Go play with-"

And before his sentence was finished, Taehyung had already jumped into the pool along with Jimin who had just returned from the bathroom.

"We should stay here forever" Yoongi suddenly started. The rapper was lying very comfortable on one of the beds next to the pool, with his skin literally milky white because of excessive use of sunscreen. "Eat, sleep, swim, repeat"

"Swim?" Namjoon answered with a chuckle "You haven't touched the water yet"

"Yes hyung, you haven't touched the water yet" Hoseok repeated with a smirk on his face. Seokjin, who was applying sunscreen on his legs, lifted his head when he heard the playful tone in the dancer's voice and noticed how the 94-liners were exchanging excited glances.

"My sunscreen isn't dry yet" Yoongi mumbled out an excuse, not noticing how Hoseok and Namjoon slowly inched towards him since he was wearing a bucket hat and dark sunglasses to block every single stray of daylight that could touch his face.

"Your sunscreen won't be dry by tomorrow. Did you put the whole bottle on your body?" Seokjin asked to keep Yoongi distracted.

"You can never put too much sunsc- HEY! NO! HOSEOK!!!" Yoongi suddenly yelled when he was grabbed underneath his arms and legs. "NAMJOON! Put me down!"

But Hoseok and Namjoon could only laugh as they moved closer to the pool edge.

"Yoongi!! Come swim!!!" Jungkook yelled happily when he saw that more hyungs were going to join him in the pool

"My sunscreen isn't dry-AHhh" the last words before Yoongi was thrown into the water


Okay enough fluff, next chapter will be less fluffy :P

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