Chapter 24

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The remaining days of Seokjin's quarantine went a lot better. Hoseok's idea to let Jungkook video call with his oldest brother 3 times a day turned out to be absolutely brilliant since the toddler didn't get as worked up again anymore. Sure, Jungkook still missed Seokjin dearly and he wasn't happy that he couldn't be with him right now, but seeing and talking with him through the phone was just enough comfort for the little one to stay somewhat emotional stable. And when the others noticed he was getting frustrated or whining, they would call Seokjin an extra time so Jungkook wouldn't completely breakdown again. And with that he also didn't had any breath holding spells anymore, which was a big relief for the adults around him.

And at the end of the week they even started to believe that Seokjin's quarantine maybe had a positive effect on Jungkook after all things considered. Yes, the kid had been very emotional in the beginning and couldn't handle his emotions due to that, but it seemed that he gradually started to learn that Seokjin wasn't the only one who could give him comfort and love. Of course Jungkook loved all of his brothers and Sejin since the day he met them, but the little guy always found his way back to Seokjin, especially when he was upset or not feeling well. Sejin was a close second, but in certain situations he couldn't provide the same level of comfort that Seokjin could. But during Seokjin's quarantine, Jungkook was practically forced to find his needs with other hyungs. So slowly he found out that Seokjin wasn't the only one who could give really nice hugs.

Like really nice ones.

Whenever the toddler felt cold, alone or when he simply needed to be held, he went to Jimin or Hoseok. And preferably both of them together. Hoseok's arms felt like Seokjin's arms that perfectly wrapped around his little body to shield him from the outside world that wasn't always nice. He felt safe and protected, even though there wasn't a single treat anywhere nearby with 5 hyungs, his legal guardian, the whole staff and more bodyguards watching over him. But just feeling those arms circling around his waist and legs felt so familiar that Jungkook once accidentally called him 'Jinnie hyung' instead of 'Hopi hyung' with his sleepy head.

But there was more needed to create the perfect hug and that's when Jimin stood out. The oldest maknae could give really nice hugs as well, but his arms were a little too short to match Seokjin's or Hoseok's hold, but Jimin's arms were the warmest of them all. And that was perfect when Jungkook was starting to feel cold or sleepy. His arms felt like drinking warm milk before going to bed, so the second that he was cuddled up within Jimin's arms, he felt his eyelids getting heavy and managed to get the best naps he had in a long time.

Jungkook wasn't always sleepy or cuddly however, because during the day he had multiple times when he had the zoomies. Little outbursts of energy and if he couldn't release his energy properly he could get frustrated or annoyed real quick. Seokjin had a natural talent of keeping his baby brother occupied when he was beaming with energy, for example how he let his brother play with his hair or outfit during rehearsals, or let him play with his jewellery during important meetings when he couldn't run around. But the group had found out that one of them was also having zoomies during the day. Not as prominent as Jungkook's, because Taehyung knew he was grown adult right now and needed to act like one, but with Jungkook he had a really good excuse to let his energy run freely as well. The two youngest could run after each other nonstop even though they were both breathing hard or their feet were starting to get sore. Nothing could beat their energy, not until they had played enough. So whenever they had the chance, Taehyung would grab the tiny human and would run around with him. During meetings, he would play a game with their hands. And during dinner they would challenge each other to stuff as many food in their mouth as possible. So it turned out that Seokjin got some serious competition when he could finally get out of quarantine.

And lastly Namjoon and Yoongi, or how Jungkook sometimes like to call them 'big hyung' and 'serious hyung'. The two hyungs seemed big and tough from the outside, but the toddler learned very quickly how to manipulate them. Namjoon for example, a.k.a. big hyung, could carry him for a long time and Jungkook loved that very much. Sure, he liked to run around and walk on his own, because he was a strong and independent toddler of course, but during long boring walks he preferred to be carried. He much rather want to spend his energy on playing with Taehyung for example. But since Jungkook was getting heavier with age, Seokjin couldn't carry him for too long anymore and much to Jungkook's despair, he also wanted that the toddler to walk on his own to get stronger. But Namjoon with his big muscular arms could carry for... like forever!! And the little one knew exactly that he only needed to pout and flash his big puppy eyes to get the job done. To be honest, Namjoon was probable the easiest hyung to win over in his whiny needs.

Well maybe he wasn't the easiest, because Yoongi could never say 'no' to him. Jungkook soon found out that his hyung's serious face was just for decoration, because any time he asked him something, he always got a 'yes' in return. "Hyung, can I have ice cweam?" and a minute later Jungkook was licking on an ice cream that was way too big for the little body. It didn't took any effort to get small things done, but with bigger questions like getting a toy or plush from the store required a little more effort from the toddler. But the kid was smart and had a talent to create fake tears, so Yoongi didn't stand a chance and still couldn't say 'no' to any question. And the problem was that they were still traveling across the world with limited luggage. Jungkook started with 2 suitcases, but those got replaced by two much bigger ones and he got another 2 because his stuff still didn't fit. And about 75% of his toys and plush were given by Yoongi...

So maybe, Seokjin's quarantine wasn't that bad after all for Jungkook's separation anxiety, but still the whole group was immense relieved to finally see their oldest join them at the breakfast table in the morning again.

"Hyung!!!" they all shouted happily. A few got up and walked over to him to give him a strong hug, while the others petted his hair and back. But one person was missing. The one he had expected to see or hear first out of the group. His eyes were looking around the table and at the end he found Jungkook, his baby brother with two new plush stuffed in his highchair, happily eating his pancake while he was smiling from ear to ear. Seokjin didn't knew if he should be offended or relieved that Jungkook didn't seem to miss him, but he couldn't whip the smile of his own face and sat down next to his brother who finally noticed his presence.

"Jinnie hyung!!!!"

Yes, maybe did Jungkook miss him after all.


I'm a little bit out of ideas for this story... Please feel welcome to share your ideas!

The members are still on tour, should we continue with that or should we bring them home? Do you want to read more fluff? Or more hardships? Or would you like to read some flashbacks of baby Jungkook?

Let me know in the comments <3

I hope you have a great day! X Malikook

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