Chapter 2

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The first couple of months after their parents death were hard, and it felt like time was passing by really fast but also standing still at the same time. But thankfully Seokjin received a lot of support from Sejin and his members, because even though he didn't want to admit it, but he wasn't ready to raise a baby that was not even one year old.

He could change diapers and feed him baby food, but that was the easiest part. Parenting was hard and he unfortunately had to find out under these kinds of conditions. But the thing that was bothering him the most was the responsibility that come along with it. Jungkook wasn't old enough to talk yet, so Seokjin had to guess what his brother was feeling. Is he hungry? Or is his stomach upsetting him? Does he wants carrots for dinner, or broccoli? Is he warm enough or does he need to wear a sweater instead of a shirt? Seokjin felt the pressure to make every decision for the baby and he didn't know if he was making the right one, and it made him very insecure.

So he was immense grateful for Sejin. Their manager, and now the coparent of Jungkook along with his wife, had been such an enormous help from the beginning. Because from the start everything was quite overwhelming. Right after the funeral of Seokjin's and Jungkook's parents, they already had to go to the shopping mall to get a lot of stuff for Jungkook. Of course, they had moved the baby's stuff from their parent's place to Sejin's place already, but Seokjin said that he also wanted to have a room for Jungkook at their dorm. So that meant buying a new baby bed, diapers, pacifiers, drink bottles, toys, ... Normally, shopping for babies was supposed to be very fun and exciting, but Seokjin couldn't feel any of that when he had just buried his parents. And Jungkook wasn't in the best mood either.

Their happy little one had turned into a cry baby since the accident and it was very clear that he was missing his parents as well. At first they had tried to let Jungkook sleep at Sejin's place so Seokjin could grieve at his own pace, but the baby wouldn't settle unless he was in his brother's arm. So in the end, Jungkook was spending more and more time at their dorm, and it was starting to overwhelm Seokjin once again.

But that's when the members stepped in to helped him. The rest of the group had also been very close to Seokjin's parents, but since they have had enough time to grieve on their own in the meantime, they were now ready to help Seokjin in every possible way so the oldest member could also finally find his closure. Namjoon for example made sure to keep track on Jungkook's needs. Every day he was taking notes at what time the baby had eaten or peed, so when he started to cry, they could check if he was starting to get hungry or needed a change of diapers. Hoseok turned out to be a baby-whisperer, and had managed to stop Jungkook from crying a few times when nothing else helped. Maybe it was his smile or his calm but soothing voice, but it did wonders to their little one. The two maknaes took care of Jungkook's stuff. They loved his baby clothes and other stuff, and made sure that everything was being washed and cleaned whenever it was used. And lastly Yoongi. The rapper took care of the groceries and bought the right baby food along with some solid food that Jungkook was allowed at his age. But despite taking care of his food supply, he was especially a very good listener for Seokjin when he felt sad or insecure because of the whole situation.

So finally after a couple of months Seokjin could find closure and say a proper goodbye to his parents, so he could find joy and happiness again when he was spending time with his baby brother, but also with his Big Hit family.


"Shush Kookie, your brother is here" Sejin said when he arrived at their dorm with a crying Jungkook in his arms. The baby's cheeks were flushed with red spots and many tears were falling down, making his already wet shirt even wetter.

"Oh Kook" Seokjin whispered mournful as he took his brother in his arms. He shushed and bounced his brother up and down as he was trying to calm him down.

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