Chapter 22

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All good came to an end when Seokjin tested positive on COVID. The oldest member of the group had developed a headache and running nose after their show in Paris last night so their private doctor had suggested to test him on COVID and that's how Seokjin ended up in quarantine in his hotel room two hours later. And since word spread fast, it only took a short moment before pure chaos erupted in the group but also staff members.

"So as you already heard, Seokjin has tested positive on COVID. He's doing well besides having minor symptoms and he's in close contact with our doctor in case he feels any worse. Following the local guidance and regulation of COVID, he needs to stay in quarantine upcoming week, so that means he won't be able to perform on Wednesday and Friday" Sejin explained to the boys and a few staff members who had all gathered in a small conference room in the hotel where they were currently staying.

"What are we going to do hyung?" Jimin asked nervously from the back. The boy had refused to sit down because he felt too restless and needed to pace around the room. "We can't just cancel two shows"

"But we also can't perform without him Jimin. He has too many parts" Namjoon started

"And his parts are too high for me or you to sing" Taehyung added as he took sides with their leader.

"But not all parts are too high. Let's check which ones we can take over and leave the rest for the backup track"

"I agree with Jimin. ARMY is looking forward to this concert" Hoseok said while looking around the room "And we can't postpone the shows since our schedule is already too packed"

"What do you think Yoongi?" Sejin asked as he looked at the last member of the group who had yet to say something. The rapper however looked troubled while he rested his head on his hand and observed the others. He knew it was 50/50 right now with Jimin and Hoseok wanting to continue the shows, but Namjoon and Taehyung taking the other choice...

"If we cancel the shows" Yoongi started of slowly, not failing to notice how Jimin and Hoseok's faces fell at his words "and postpone it to another date, there's a chance that one of us could be tested positive for COVID as well. It's very contagious virus, hence the quarantine, and I feel like this won't be the only time that one of us isn't allowed to perform."

"So you're saying we should perform without hyung?" Taehyung asked, and his eyes saddened when Yoongi nodded his head "Yeah I think it would be our best option, Tae. If we cancel every time one of us can't perform... ARMY will understand, I'm sure of it"

"Okay" the second youngest mumbled, but his pout still remained.

"Are you okay with it as well, Namjoon?" Sejin asked

Namjoon looked at every member first before he turned back to their manager and eventually nodded his head "Yes, I think Yoongi has a fair point. It does feel wrong though"

"I know it's not ideal, but we will manage it and try to give our best performance even though we're not complete'

"We can do it, I'm sure of it and I know ARMY will love our show no matter what" Hoseok added.

"Good, well-done boys. That's being settled then, but tomorrow morning I would like to schedule an extra meeting before rehearsals to go over the changes we need to make for the performances to cover up for Seokjin. Hoseok, I will leave you in charge of the choreographs. Jimin and Tae, I need you two to look at Seokjin's parts together and decide what you can take over and what not" Sejin commented and also turned to the staff in the room as he gave them some orders and plans as well.

"Hyung" Jungkook's voice suddenly interrupted everyone. The toddler had remained quiet during the whole meeting so far since he was playing happily with his kangaroo plush, but he soon got bored and tried to get attention from his brothers who kept talking to each other "Hyung, you bowing. I want Jinnie hyung"

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