Chapter 8

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Hoseok sighed happily and leaned back on the couch when he had finished painting his last nail. He didn't paint his nails often, but when he did he could really enjoy and admire the colorfulness on the top of his fingers. Because just like with the colours of his clothes, he loved being around happy and cheerful things, so why not take any opportunity to add a little bit more colour to the world when possible? It sounded easy explaining it like this, but Hoseok had quickly learned that 'simply painting his nails' wasn't so simple. His left hand always went rather well since he's right-handed, but once he had to start on his right hand, it became chaos. His left hand started to shake, nail polish ended up everywhere except his nails, but after months of practicing he became better and better.

And today was a success. He didn't have to use the nail polish remover once, and that was a new record! Sure, not everything looked perfect yet, but it was another step in the right direction and he probably only needed a couple more months before it would look 'perfect'. So Hoseok looked very satisfied at his fingers who were painted baby blue with yellow as he lay comfortable against the couch.


Oh no.

Hoseok immediately tensed up and sat up straight when he heard little footsteps coming from behind the couch, so he quickly leaned forward to screw the cap on the bottle of nail polish remover before the toddler could grab it and take a sip.

"Hopi, what's dis?" Jungkook mumbled when he came closer to him and grabbed the salon table for support when he started to lose his balance. Hoseok gave the boy a small but stressed smile and gently patted his back while trying to be very careful with his painted nails.

"I just painted my nails Kookie. Look" he said and showed his other hand that was resting against the toddler's back. Jungkook's eyes became bigger and he immediately wanted to grab the older one's hand. "No don't touch, it's still wet"

"No" Jungkook whined frustrated and stood on his toes to make himself longer to grab Hoseok's hand, but the dancer was simply too tall and too strong for him. But still, it was hard to keep the child under control when he couldn't use his hands, so he had to do something. So he wiggled a little bit forwards and trapped Jungkook between his knees and thighs so he could move too much and looked around to find the other rapper who was lying on the other couch.


But Yoongi couldn't hear him, because he was listening to some music with his headphones on while taking notes in his small notebook.

"YOONGI!" he said a little louder, causing Jungkook to squirm even more between his legs. The toddler was tugging at his upper arm and tried to pull the rest of his arm closer so he could touch the painted nails like the curious toddler he is.

"YOONGI" Hoseok tried again, but the older one must have turned up the volume of his music. So the dancer sighed and looked back at Jungkook.

Hmmm, but then he came up with an idea. "Kookie, do you want pretty nails like me?"

The toddler stopped tugging and turned around to look at his brother, with a big smile on his face "Yes, yes!! I want!!" Jungkook started to bounce happily and clapped his hands, and Hoseok took a moment to enjoy the sight in front of him. It just took one look at the small human to feel 10x happier, but when he was happy it was intensified by 100x.

"Can you do something for me?" Hoseok then asked and smiled when Jungkook nodded his head "Can you walk to Yoongi and ask him to help?"

The toddler didn't need to hear more and pushed Hoseok's leg to the side to walk towards his other hyung. And once he was near Yoongi, he started to call for him "Yoonie!"

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