Chapter 7

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"Hi ARMY!" Taehyung said enthusiastically when he turned on the Vlive. His and Jimin's face where so close to the screen that only their eyes and foreheads where seen, and that was exactly what they wanted. Because behind them were the rest of the members, with Yoongi and Namjoon sitting on small chairs at the back and Seokjin and Hoseok sitting on the ground. With their little Jungkook sitting on Seokjin's lap while playing with his dinosaur plush.

"We have something to tell you" Jimin said and wiggled his eyebrows playfully.

"Jinnie! Look!" a small childish voice was heard behind them, and suddenly the comment section went wild.

'Who was that?!"

'Jinnie <3 So cute <3 <3 <3'

'Was that Hoseok?'

'Taehyung and Jimin, we love you, but please move' someone commented. Taehyung gasped fake hurt and nudged Jimin in the side, but before the other maknae could read the comment, he was pulled back by Hoseok who had grabbed the back of his sweatshirt.

"Sit, you too Taehyung" the dancer said. The second youngest gave ARMY a sneaky smile before he sat down next to Seokjin, to reveal their tiniest member.

"Hey guys" Seokjin started nervously. The soft head of the dinosaur was suddenly pressed against his cheek, so he placed a hand on top of Jungkook's hand and gently lowered his arm "I would like to introduce you to someone very special"

"This is Mochi!" Jungkook interrupted him and showed his dinosaur to Taehyung. Taehyung chuckled and ruffled the boy's hair. He was the one who had given the toddler a mochi last week, a green mochi to be exact, and since then Jungkook called everything that was green 'Mochi'. So his green bear, his green dinosaur and his green rabbit were all called 'Mochi' nowadays.

"Jungkook, can you say hello to the camera? ARMY wants to meet you" Seokjin said and smiled when his brother nodded and waved at the camera.


"He's my baby brother" the oldest member said, but then felt a lump form in his throat. He stopped talking and started to stroke Jungkook's hair from his eyes. The toddler noticed the tears forming in his eyes and started to press the head of the dinosaur against his cheeks again to give him 'kisses'.

Seokjin chuckled and let Jungkook smother him with the plush dinosaur. Slowly he let the lump in this throat become smaller and when he looked at the comment section he noticed that it was flooding with beautiful comments. "He's 2.5 years old" he said

With every comment or small movement from Jungkook, the comments kept going and not a single one of them was about the other members. But when Jungkook decided to stand up and walk towards Namjoon, the comments became too much for Vlive and the app was starting to crash.

"Oh something is going wrong with the connection" Jimin said and moved closer to the camera. He tried to close the comment section so hopefully it would get better, but the screen suddenly froze. After pushing some buttons without success, he decided to turn off the camera completely.

Once the device was off, Yoongi, Taehyung and Hoseok moved closer to Seokjin. "Are you okay?"

The oldest member nodded, but didn't say anything at first because he could still feel the lump in his throat. "Yeah it's just..."

"It's a lot" Hoseok finished, and Seokjin nodded. The oldest member looked backwards to see Jungkook trying to climb on top on Namjoon's lap. "How I'm going to tell that our parents died?"

The dancer sighed sympathetically and grabbed one of his hands "You don't have to if you don't want to"

"But I want to tell them the truth. Otherwise people will start to guess, and I'm afraid what kind of stories will come from that"

Yoongi nodded and squeezed Seokjin's shoulders. "Do you want us to help you? To tell everything?"

"I will do it" Seokjin said, but then turned his head around to look at the rapper "But I don't know if I'm able to do it without breaking"

"It's okay if you cry. Losing your parents if the worst thing that could happen to a child" Hoseok added. The oldest member nodded and looked at Jungkook one more time. The toddler had finally managed to get on Namjoon's lap, probably with some help of their leader, but Seokjin suddenly had the urge to have his brother in his arms again. And thankfully Namjoon noticed it right away and already started to lift Jungkook from his lap and gave the boy to his rightful brother.

"I think it's fixed. Everyone ready?" Jimin asked, and when everyone nodded, he started the live stream again and within a few seconds millions of people joined them. "Hi ARMY, sorry but the live stream couldn't handle all your love. I hope it will be better this time" he said before he crouched back to sit next to Hoseok again.

"Hi everyone. For those who have just joined the livestream. This is my baby brother Jungkook" Seokjin said and grabbed both Jungkook's hands to wave at the camera. He then placed a kiss on the back of his head and looked at the camera again. "Uhmm... Jungkookie is living with us and Sejin, our manager, because our parents had passed away after a car crash two years ago"

That's how far Seokjin could get before his throat was closing up again, so Hoseok placed a hand on his shoulder and took over from him "Sejin is Jungkook's legal guardian now, but he and Seokjin are both raising Jungkook. Seokjin didn't want to keep him a secret from you anymore, so that's why he wanted you to meet him."

"Jungkook is very healthy and even taller than most of his age, but he's still our little baby" Namjoon added, causing Seokjin to smile a little bit. He loved how his members knew exactly what to say.

"Yes, Taehyung isn't our maknae anymore" Yoongi said, but the second youngest himself pouted at the comment "What?"

"Are you going to deny that Jungkookie isn't a part of us?" Jimin teased. Taehyung immediately shook his head and tried to take Jungkook from Seokjin, but oldest wasn't ready to let go of him "I would never! He's ours"

"Hey, he's mine!" Seokjin added playfully. Jungkook giggled at all the attention he was given, but he was also a strong and independent toddler with an own will. And right now he decided that he wanted to play with Yoongi. So he squirmed his way out of Seokjin's arms, and tumbled over Taehyung's legs before he stood next to Yoongi's chair. The toddler threw his dinosaur plush on his lap first, before he grabbed Yoongi's leg with both his hands are started to push himself upwards.

"Our strong bunny" Hoseok said fondly as he watched from a distance how Jungkook kept trying to climb on top on Yoongi. The rapper however did nothing to help the toddler and kept encouraging him to use his legs instead of only using his arms. "Jump a little bit Kookie"

Taehyung however was the first to give in and decided to help Jungkook by placing a hand underneath his butt and lifted him upwards so the little one could finally throw a leg over Yoongi's lap. And then finally, Jungkook could sit where he wanted to sit. But one problem, the toddler was facing Yoongi and not the camera, so in the end, Yoongi did lift him and turned him around so the boy's back was resting against his chest.

"You will see Jungkookie more often, but I want to ask you to please stay calm and at a distance when you see him in real life. He's still a little kid and he can get easily overwhelmed" Seokjin turned a bit more serious at that, and the other members nodded to support him. "Thank you for all the lovely comments so far. Kookie is still too young to read them, but we will read them to him after the Vlive"

And after hearing his name being said, Jungkook decided that he had enough of Yoongi's attention and climbed down from his lap again. He then started to walk towards Seokjin again, but this time he sat down in front of him, giving ARMY a perfect view. The members said nothing as they watched their youngest play with his dinosaur in front of the camera and let their fans enjoy the sight.

But after a few minutes Jungkook started to yawn, so Taehyung looked over at Seokjin and when he nodded, the second youngest crawled towards the camera "ARMY we love you, but Jungkookie is getting sleepy. It's time for his nap. Thank you for joining us, and see you next time!!" Taehyung waited a few more seconds before he ended the live stream.

"Thank you guys, I couldn't have do it without you" Seokjin said and the members plus Jungkook gathered around in a group hug.

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