Chapter 3

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"Jinnie!!!" Jungkook squeaked while sucking on his pacifier in his mouth. The 1.5-year-old toddler was bouncing happily in Sejin's strong arms as the two of them were watching how the members were shooting their new music video.

"Yes that's your big brother. He's dancing very well, doesn't he?" Sejin said fondly and kissed the boy's temple. With his free hand he grabbed the napkin that was attached to the boy's pacifier and gently whipped the corner of the small mouth where he was drooling a little bit.

"Jinnie!!" the toddler said again, but this time he let his pacifier fall from his mouth and squirmed in Sejin's arms until the man couldn't hold him anymore. "Easy there Kook, you will fall if you're not careful"

"As if you could ever let him fall" Namjoon chuckled as he came closer to the duo. The leader knelt down in front of Jungkook, who was now standing on his own feet since Seijn had lowered him to the ground, and Namjoon opened his arms to encourage the little one to walk towards him.

"That's our big boy!!" Namjoon said proudly when the toddler took a few clumsy steps forwards. But when the boy ignored his open and inviting arms, the rapper sighed disappointed at the rejection and turned around to see where he was going. A big smile was forming on his face when he saw that Jungkook ignored him, because he was stumbling towards Seokin who was whipping his forehead with a towel to get rid off his sweat.

"Jinnie!!!!" Jungkook yelled and wrapped his small arms around Seokjin's legs. The oldest member hadn't seen the little one coming and jumped at the sudden weight on his legs. Thankfully, Yoongi was at his side and instantly grabbed his biceps to keep him from fallen over.

"Hi there Kookie" the oldest rapper said as he crouched down to Jungkook's eye level, but the baby ignored him as well and tugged at Seokjin's pants to get his attention. "Up" he said and lifted his arms to let his brother know that he wanted to be carried.

Seokjin chuckled and wasted no time to scoop his brother in his arms, who giggled loudly when he started to tickle him. The whole staff stopped momentarily what they were doing to watch the Kim brothers and smiled at the small laughs coming from the youngest. It was nice to see Seokjin happy again, to see everyone happy again, since last year had been tough on all of them. The loss of Seokjin's parents was still very prominent every day, but moments like this made everyone have hope for the future.

A make-up artist come closer to Seokjin and started to fix his hair that was stuck to his forehead due to the sweat, but she couldn't do much when Jungkook was grabbing the pen in her hands.

"Jungkookie, don't be a bother and let her hand go" Seokjin said while trying to suppress laugh. It was hard to be firm with the toddler, when his big doe eyes and tiny hands made him impossibly cute. But then a second make-up artist joined them and started to 'fix' Jungkook's baby hair so the boy was treated the same way as his big brother.

All went well until the members were called again to finish the music video. The members gathered around Seokjin and Jungkook, and gave the toddler kisses on his cheeks and hands before one by one they went back in position. But when Seokjin needed to let go of him, Jungkook's eyes started to fill with tears and his bottom lip started to tremble dangerously.

"Kook, I'm not leaving. I'm going to dance with the rest of your brothers. You can still see me, but you have to let me go and go to Sejin hyung again" but Jungkook didn't like the idea of letting Seokjin go, so the older boy sighed sadly. It was the same problem every day. Ever since their parents had died, Jungkook had become extra clingy to his brother and since he was getting more talkative and physically stronger, it was getting harder and harder to hand the boy over to Sejin.

"Come here Jungkook" Sejin said and wrapped his arms around the small body to take over from Seokjin, but as expected, the toddler grabbed his brother's blouse with his strong small hands and refused to let go. "NOOO Jinnie NOOOO"

"Jungkook let go, I'm not leaving you" Seokjin tried again, but Jungkook continued to cry and kept tugging at his blouse. The make-up artists were looking very stressed at the small hands that were ruining his neat blouse, and whispered to some other stylists to get another blouse ready.

"Jungkookie, what did I just see? Was that a butterfly who crawled into your hand?" Jimin suddenly joined them and started to pry one of his own fingers into Jungkook's closed fists. The toddler stopped crying for a moment and looked at his hand. "Busserfly?" he mumbled confused.

Jimin smiled and nodded happily "Yeah it just flew on your hand and then disappeared, so I think it's in your hand. Let's have a look!" he said and gently started to open Jungkook fist. The toddler watched him with big eyes and stared at his hand when the older one opened it for him. "Ah it's not in this hand. Maybe he is in your other hand!"

Jungkook nodded and let the older one open his other fist as well. Seokjin and Sejin unconsciously held their breath while they waited for Jimin to trick the toddler into opening his hands and let go of Seokjin's blouse. "Look there it is!!" Jimin said and quickly placed a candy butterfly in the boy's hand. Jungkook giggled and put the candy in his mouth. The sweetness of the candy was enough distraction for Jungkook to be passed to Sejin and soon the boys could continue shooting their music video again.

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