Death with a side of Scottish: November 9th, 2004

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9:13 AM

As I awoke in Henry's Cab, I overheard the sound of arguing from outside the sheds. I exited the sheds to find both Diesel and Harvey's remains were gone, but that wasn't what Harry and Gabby were arguing about. It was the guards Harry sent outside last night to watch for tripods. They were gone as well. Gabby was telling him that he shouldn't have sent sent those people out as they were now dead and Harry tried defending his actions, but Gabby didn't let it go. I managed to get in between the two and told them that we should leave. If a tripod found the guards, it may come back for more. That quickly shut them up and we began getting the engines ready.

10:29 AM

We pulled into Tidmouth once again and decided to properly look for any survivors. As we searched the dust filled station, I noticed Molly and James looked disturbed. Molly was staring at the remains of Murdoch. I can't image what was going through her head, Murdoch was one of her only true friends. Then James looked even worse, but he wasn't staring at Murdoch instead he was looking at the sheds. I walked over the old sheds and the smell of blood filled my nose. Harry walked over and we began to pull open the doors and what awaited us was horrifying. A lifeless E2 tank engine and a coach had been waiting for us. Thomas and Henrietta were gone, but it wasn't what we were expecting. We were expecting a burned smoke box door and dust, but instead Thomas still had his face. However, his eyes were gone, and his face had a hue of white. Everything had been removed, he was nothing but a hallow shell. We checked Henrietta to see that whatever Thomas went through, happened to Henrietta. But she was different. Instead, she was just destroyed. Windows, doors, and pieces of wood had been torn and crushed. Percy didn't take this very well and began to cry. We decided to close what was left of the shed doors and let the engine and Coach rest. I don't think Percy could handle another second with them, so we're gonna move up to Elsbridge.

10:45 AM

Well, we thought today would be nothing but bad news, but we finally had some good news. We found a frantic Donald safe in the goods shed. We lit up when we saw him and were glad to see he had survived. We were expecting him to say something similar but instead yelled "where is Dougie!" We told him to calm down and said that we had no idea where his twin could be, but we were like help to find him. This calmed him down, but not too much. We tried asking what happened to him, but he didn't say anything else. Sam and Greg said they were going to take Percy down the Ffarquahr branch to search for any poor soul who may have survived. We agreed and told them to be careful. Hopefully they will be back soon.

12:22 PM

Just as we began to get worried, Percy was heard in the distance and he pulled Annie, Clarabel, and the breakvan full of survivors as well as a battered Mavis. Harry reprimanded Sam, Greg, and Percy saying how they shouldn't have been gone so long, but I quickly shut him up. I was just glad they were still alive. They said that they didn't find much at first, but things began picking up as they neared Ffarquhar. They first found a dusted Daisy, who had been thrown on her side, as well as the remains of her driver and the people who hid within her. Once they got to Ffarquahr they found the station full of survivors. Once they all boarded, they went to check the quarry where they found Mavis partially buried in a rockslide. Thankfully her driver was we still alive in her cab along with a few workmen. They immediately began clearing the rocks to pull Mavis back onto the line, this is why they took so long. Tony counter 22 people from the Ffarquahr branch, so that would mean we have around 96 people excluding the engines. Donald still hasn't really said much, but I can't really blame him. The only thing keeping him going is the hope his twin is still alive.

2:42 PM

As we were discussing our plan, we were shocked to see Oliver race past. He was pulling Arthur, two trucks full of coal, three red branchline coaches and Toad. Oliver and Toad seemed to have been in great shape, but the same can't be said for Arthur. He was buttered and bruised and was bleeding pretty heavily. What looked to have been a rock was sticking out from his eye. I can only assume they're heading towards Vicarstown, however if they keep going like that, they're going to get themselves killed. We were going to go after them, but the sound of a tripod was heard in the distance so we're going to stay low for a few hours. Hopefully Oliver, Arthur and Toad are okay.

5:58 PM

We've just left Elsbridge and it's completely silent. The sun is starting to set and we're trying to keep the engines as silent as possible. We're going to stop at Crosby then try to make our way to Wellsworth.

6:18 PM

We got to the dust covered Crosby and James was silent. I could tell he was having flashbacks to his escape. James changed from the talkative egomaniac we knew and loved to quiet and depressed. Henry's been talking with him for a while that's seemed to have helped. Rosie, Molly, and Percy have been talking about Thomas and their adventures they've had with him. They haven't really taken his death well and Mavis still hasn't said a word to us. She saw something but we don't know what. As I was finishing raiding the station for supplies, I heard the sound of Henry's frantic whistle and the roar of a tripod. I ran out to see a bright light shining down on us. A tripod had found us, and we had to go. The passengers shot at the thing, but it didn't do much, it seemed to have some sort of shield. As I was pushing everyone into the coaches, I didn't notice the tripod readying its laser and it was aimed at me. Tony pushed me out of the way of the laser just in time. I didn't get a chance to thank him as he was picked up by the machine. I just stared in horror as he was lifted into the air. I was soon snapped out of it by Harry who pulled me into Henry's cab and released the break. I looked back to see the tripod walking away with Tony in its grasp.

6:52 PM

We just got to Wellsworth and we immediately put the engines into the goods shed. We didn't bother checking the station or nearby sheds, we just wanted to hide where we could be safe. We already agreed we would check everything tomorrow, but right now we need some time to calm down.

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