Stories of a CoBo, a breadloaf, and a Toad: November 10th, 2004

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9:36 AM

I awoke to the surprising silence of Wellsworth. Everyone is still pretty shaken up about what happened last night, honestly I can't blame them. Molly and Gabby have been the most quiet out of us all, they haven't taken Toby's death well. Rosie has tried taking with her but to no avail. We've decided it best to just leave them be. Donald also hasn't been doing well. After he saw the power of the tripods he's been hysterical about Douglas. I've never seen him like this. Normally he's fairly composed engine but this has really affected him mentally.

10:02 AM

I can't believe we forgot about the sheds and station. Once Harry pointed it out several people got up and ran for the station. While me and a few others ran for the sheds. We pried open the doors and were met by a scared pair of eyes. We were glad to find Boco and his crew in the shed and they were estatic to see us. They said how they had no idea we had been out there and were gald to have been found. Boco had quite a bit to say so imma need some space to write. He had been talking with Duck, who had just arrived to pick up a goods train heading for the little western, about the storm rolling in. After several minutes he left with a few empty vans towards Wellsworth. On his way he saw a massive lighting bolt strike the ground near the station and soon something rose from the ground. Once he and his driver saw it they immediately reversed back down the line and parked in the goods shed near lower Suddery. Just as they did Duck shot passed with his goods train and later on Edward who had a passenger train. After several hours he decided it was time to move and went up the line till he reached Wellsworth. As he made his way up the branch he found Duck with a burnt smokebox door instead of the old face he had chatted with hours before. He also mentioned how his driver got in contact with a signalman near Vicarstown. Apparently Bear had gotten back into Sodor with a goods train from the mainland. From what we heard the line up there was hit hard by the tripods and Bear hasn't been seen since. They could only assume he didn't make it. Henry didn't take Bear's death all too well. Boco also said he thought he heard some other engines roll by, however due to him being in the shed he didn't know who. We thought it must have been Oliver and Arthur, but Boco mentioned others. Whoever they are, I hope they're alright.

2:23 PM

My god, I still can't believe it. I'm freaking out and my hands are still shaking. I've been messing with a radio for hours trying to get in contact with people on the mainland for help and eventually I got into contact with someone. My wife, Samantha, was okay along with my son. I couldn't have been more happy to hear her voice. The people I hoped for the most were safe. From what I heard through the static they were saved by Bertie who had stopped to pick up some passengers at the nearby bus stop. When the tripods hit he urged as many people he could to get on board and raced off. They stopped a few times to refill Bertie on gas, but eventually they made it to Vicarstown. Just before she could say anything else I heard the sound of a tripod near on her end. The audio went static moments after. You know I've never been super religious, but I've been praying. I can't lose them. I couldn't live without my family

3:02 PM

We've decided to head down the Brendam branch to search for Edward, Salty, or anyone else. Molly, Rosie and Percy don't want to go and James is nearly out of coal so they'll stay behind. So it'll just Be Henry, Boco, Donald, and Mavis. We've loaded the people who want to come with us into some of the coaches and we're getting ready to head off. Once we get back we're going to get off the island.

3:11 PM

Well change of plans, we aren't heading to Brendam just yet. Just as we were ready to head down the line we heard the frantic whistle of a Q1. It was Neville and he was in rough shape. He was covered in cuts, bruises and dents. He said the entirety of Brendam was hit by the tripods and was in ruins. He was resting in the docks the day of the invasion and managed to hide in the station. While he was sitting around Edward raced in with some coaches and his side was all mangled and messed up. Along with his destroyed side was the fact he was missing a side rod. He shunted Edward in a tunnel in the remains of the clay pits to hide him from any danger. Then he went off to the other side of the docks to hide. While he was in hiding he found Salty, Bill, and Ben. Nearby were the burning remains of Derek. He didn't get long to talk when more tripods arrived. As he was running he saw the thing pick up the China clay twins. He doesn't know what happened to them or Salty, but could only assume they were dead. He wanted to check Edward but knew it was too risky and kept running. Right now we're thinking of a new plan, but we knew we'll make our way to Brendam eventually. Now just isn't the time.

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