Chapter 3

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"I don't know about this," I said as we walked to the party, "Maybe it's not a good idea."
"It's a great idea," Jen insisted. She was swinging a carrier bag containing a six pack of cider, a half litre of vodka and a bottle of Diet Coke. Thankfully, she'd said I could share. Or maybe not thankfully- I'd never had a drink before.
"I don't know how to act at a party."
"The same way you would act anywhere else. You're fine."
"Are your friends gonna be there?" I was worried- I felt like they would judge me.
"Some of them. Why?"
"They don't like me."
She sighed, "That was just one of them. Carly can be a little bitchy, but the rest are fine. You'll like Ethan- I know he's gonna be obsessed with your new look."
"The guy with the earring that wears all the jazzy shirts. He does drag, he loves a transformation. I've actually known him since high school. It's his party."
I nodded.
"Do they know I'm coming?"
"Yeah, I text them."
We'd reached the door of the block. I stopped dead.
She put her hands on my shoulders, squeezing them.
"You're gonna be just fine, kid. It'll be fun- I promise," she tapped me under the chin, "Chin up."
She rang up and they buzzed us in. She took my arm, walking me through the unlocked door of the dorm. I could hear music coming from the kitchen.
"Jen!" A chorus of voices erupted when we entered.
A guy in a floral shirt- who I now knew to be Ethan- bounded over to us and kissed Jen on the cheek.
"Who's this? I thought you were bringing your... Oh my God, no way!"
He looked me up and down. I blushed. Other people were getting out their seats, approaching.
"Honey, what happened to you?" He nodded approvingly.
I didn't know what to say. Jen nudged me.
"Um... I went shopping?" I shrugged.
They all laughed. But they were laughing with me, not at me.
Ethan took my arm, dragging me over to the kitchen counter, "Come get a drink. Grace, isn't it? I've made mojitos."
I nodded, looking back at Jen. She gave me a thumbs up.
Ethan started pouring me a drink, garnishing it with a mint leaf.
"I literally didn't even recognise you," he continued, "You've gone and done a total 'Princess Diaries' moment. You look amazing!"
I smiled, taking the drink from him, "Thank you... I... I feel good."
"How's the drink? I can add more rum if you like."
I took a sip, my lips pursing at the sharpness, "No! It's good."
He walked me over to the couch and sat down next to two girls.
"Come on, sit," he patted the seat next to him, "This is Lara and Becca."
"You look so good!" Lara piped up, "I didn't even recognise you."
"Right, that's what I said!" Said Ethan, "It's giving... ugh, what's that TV show. Based on a book. Stunning redhead, in a band..."
"Daisy Jones and the Six?" Said Becca.
"Yes! Yes, it's giving Daisy Jones," he clicked his fingers.
"I haven't seen it," I admitted.
"I think it's meant to be inspired by Fleetwood Mac."
"Oh, I love them."
"You should give it a watch. Or a read."
I glanced over at Jen. She was still by the doorway, talking to the girl I had heard her talking with during class- Carly, I presumed. Carly didn't look too pleased, her arms folded across her chest. She looked over in my direction and I quickly turned away.
I kept sipping on my drink, half listening to the conversation around me. This wasn't so bad after all- I'd been made very welcome.
When I finished my drink, Jen reached over the back of the sofa and pressed a can of cider into my hand. I smiled up at her. She came round and plopped herself down across from me, opening a can of her own. Carly followed.
"Don't you scrub up well," she smirked, looking at me.
"Uh... thanks."
"Where'd you get your jeans?"
"... The thrift store."
"I thought they didn't look new. Still- not bad."
"Thrifting is the best way to shop," Ethan butted in, "You can find so many cool pieces."
"Yeah... I was gonna say you could donate your old clothes but... I don't think anyone would buy them." Her eyes bore into me.
Jen looked mortified. She opened her mouth to speak, but I was quicker. I didn't want her to know she'd bothered me.
"You obviously know a lot about fashion," I smiled sweetly, "Maybe you could give me some tips! I need all the help I can get."
"I'll say," she raised her eyebrows.
I just smiled.
Jen was looking at me, almost proudly.
"It doesn't look like you need help anymore," said Ethan.
I took a big gulp of my new drink.
Carly rested her head on Jen's shoulder. Jen looked awkward.
I looked at them. Carly raised her eyebrows at me. My heart was pounding. Was I... Jealous?
I took another big gulp.
Jen awkwardly shrugged Carly off and stood up.
"Ethan, got some spare cups?" She asked, "Could do beer pong?"
Lara and Becca explained how the game worked to me while Jen and Ethan set out the cups.
As the game progressed, I started to feel funny. Lighter. Tingly all over. Everything was funnier. It felt good.
When the last cup had been drank from, Jen started fiddling with Ethan's phone on the speaker, "Let's get some good music on."
"Yes!" I cried out when I heard 'Seven Wonders' blare out from the speakers.
Jen came up to me, holding out her hand.
"Dance with me?"
I took her hand and she twirled me around, then pulled me close, putting her hand on my waist. I giggled as we spun, dancing in time to the music. I sang along. We were so close I could smell her cherry perfume. She put her glasses on her head and twirled me again. Our noses almost touched when she pulled me back into her. We stopped, looking into each other's eyes. She breathed deeply, leaning in slightly. Then she stepped back.
"I... need another drink."
I nodded silently, catching my breath.
Everyone else had been dancing too. Except Carly. She sat on the sofa, face like thunder.
I wondered why she seemed to have such an issue with me. It was weird. I shrugged it off.
They decided it would be fun to play truth or dare. I wasn't so sure, but I kind of had to join in- it would look weird if I didn't. It was kind of entertaining, watching everyone do stupid shit. They seemed to go easy on me- Ethan dared me to down my drink and Becca asked me if I'd ever smoked weed. Then it was Carly's turn to dare me.
She thought about it, tapping her fingers on the table.
"I dare you... to strip down to your underwear," she stared at me, venom in her eyes.
I shook my head, laughing, hoping she was joking.
She looked deadly serious.
"Come on," said Jen, "She's not doing that. It's stupid."
"That's the dare," Carly shrugged, "Unless you're too scared."
Jen rolled her eyes.
"No," I looked at my lap, blushing, "I'm not doing that."
Carly smirked, "Yeah. I bet daddy'd tell you off if he thought you were doing naughty things at college parties, right?"
I froze. I looked at her. I looked at Jen. Her mouth was hanging open.
"Grace, I..."
I got up, grabbed my bag off the floor and made for the door.
It was Ethan who followed me outside.
"Wait!" He called after me.
I stopped, sniffing away tears.
"Don't let her ruin your night, come on," he sighed, "She's being a dick. Ignore her."
"Jen met my dad, and she told her what he's like," I said tearfully, "It's embarrassing."
"Hon', she told all of us. But not to try and embarrass you or make fun of you. She was like, defending you. Carly was talking shit about you, how you dressed and how quiet you were. And Jen just said your dad was really strict, and you couldn't help it."
He lit up a cigarette.
I bit my lip.
"And what about Carly? Why does she hate me so much?"
"Well, before, I think she was just being mean. But now I think she feels threatened by you."
I snorted, "Threatened? By me?"
He nodded, "You want a cigarette?"
"If you show me how to smoke it."
He lit one up for me, then showed me how to inhale. I coughed and spluttered at first, but once I got used to it, it was kind of satisfying,
"Why would she be threatened by me? I'm literally the least threatening person ever," I wondered, taking a drag.
"Cause she likes Jen. And Jen's clearly smitten with you," he said it like it was obvious.
"No," I shook my head, "There's no way."
He laughed, "Hey, that's just what I think."
The door opened and Jen came out, carrying her bag.
"Oh," she looked at me, "You're still here. And you're... smoking?"
I shrugged. "Trying to... does it make me look cool?" I joked.
She smiled, taking a cigarette off of Ethan.
"Are you... okay?"
I looked at Ethan, then nodded.
"Are you sure? You're not... mad at me?"
"No. I'm not mad. Not at you," I smiled.
"You wanna call it a night?" She gestured to her bag.
"I think that might be best," I nodded.
I thanked Ethan, and we started walking back to our block. I puffed silently on my cigarette, enjoying it more the more I smoked it.
"So," Jen started, "How was your first party? I mean, apart from the unpleasant ending."
I nodded, "It was good. A lot better than expected."
"I'm glad. It was good to see you having fun."
"Thanks for babysitting me," I teased.
She swiped at me playfully.
"Look," she sighed, "I'm sorry-"
"Don't," I cut in, "You don't need to, I get it. Ethan explained. We're good."
"I'm so mad at Carly. She was horrible."
"I'm actually kind of used to girls like her. D'you think 'Sister Grace' was accepted with open arms at high school?"
She snorted, "That's what they called you?"
"It was sort of clever, really. That was probably the nicest one."
I was still feeling a little light headed from drinking.
"So... are you and Carly like, a thing?"
"What? No. She seems to kind of think we are, but, no."
"Why does she think that?" I wondered.
Jen looked awkward, "Remember on the first night, when I... uh... brought someone back?"
I nodded.
"Yeah, that was Carly. But I didn't know her then, I was just drunk, I probably would have gone for anyone. And I think she wanted it to like, go somewhere, after that."
"Well... she is pretty," I observed, "She has beautiful hair. Great figure-"
"She's not really my type," said Jen, "I'd rather have someone kind. Fun. Good sense of humour. Non-judgemental. And, truthfully, I prefer redheads."
I glanced at her. She was looking at me. My face turned as red as my hair.
I had never really liked anyone, or had a crush or anything. I didn't really know what I liked. Truthfully, because of dad, the idea of being with a man kind of turned my stomach. But there was something about Jen. Her low, relaxed voice. The way her hair sat when she put her glasses on her head. The strength in her athletic frame. And the way she danced with me- leading, holding me close, looking at me as she twirled me with a look I couldn't quite place. And when we had come almost nose to nose, and she had leaned forward slightly... was I disappointed when she stopped?

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