Chapter 7

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Later that day, Jen went to the gym to work out, and I was left to my own devices. Sometimes I pictured her working out- it was obvious she lifted weights. She had such strong limbs and tight abs. I pictured her now.
That aching between my legs had came and went throughout the day, and here it was, back, stronger than ever. I remembered the way she kissed me at the diner, the way she effortlessly restrained my arms with just one hand, how it felt when she pulled my hair. I wanted her.
I distracted myself with my guitar. I only ever played it when Jen was out- I liked to sing along and it would be so embarrassing if she heard that.
I played a few songs, getting lost in the music. Of course, my thoughts circled back to Jen, and I ended up playing 'Seven Wonders'. I thought about when we danced together, butterflies rising up in my stomach as I sang. That had been so special, so perfect.
As the song came to an end, I heard clapping from behind me. I turned around.
Jen was standing in the doorway, her skin glistening from the gym, tucking her water bottle under her arm to clap.
She grinned at me, "That was so good!"
My face turned scarlet, "Oh, god, that's so embarrassing!"
"I've never heard you play before, I was beginning to wonder if it was just for decoration. And I've never heard you sing before- you sound so good!"
"I can't believe you heard me," I cringed, "How long were you standing there?"
"Not long," she laughed, "Stop being embarrassed- it was beautiful."
"You're beautiful," I blushed deeper, taking in her frame in the doorway. Her hair was pulled into a low, messy bun, a tank top and shorts showing off her tanned, muscular limbs.
"I'm sweaty," she laughed again, perching on her bed.
I put the guitar to the end of my bed as she wiped herself with her gym towel. I found myself oddly jealous of that towel, then gave myself a shake. I stared at her. I couldn't help it.
"What's up with you?" She frowned.
"Huh?" I blinked.
"You're acting... weird," she raised her eyebrows.
"Am I?"
"Kind of," she nodded, "I did wanna check up on you... what happened at the diner. That was pretty... intense, for you, I imagine. Did it freak you out?"
I shook my head, "It didn't freak me out."
"Are you sure? Cause I probably shouldn't have been so rough with you. Or so forward. I don't wanna scare you away."
You didn't scare me away, I thought to myself, you made me want you even more.
"Jen, I asked you to do that," I reminded her, suddenly shy about it.
"I know, but..."
"And... I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since," I avoided her gaze, starting to bite my nails.
"Oh, really?" She smirked, leaning back.
"Really," I blushed, looking at her.
She paused, like she was thinking, "And how does thinking about it make you feel?"
I looked away again, "Jen, don't make me answer that."
"But Grace, I want you to answer that," she chuckled, gently mocking me.
"... It makes me feel like I can't wait a second to have your hands on me again," I admitted.
"I have to admit, I didn't think I'd ever hear some of the things you say now come out of your mouth," she said, "What happened to the girl I met on the first day of college?"
"... You did," I shrugged, tucking my hair behind my ear.
She stayed silent, looking at me. Then she came over and sat next to me on the bed. I looked into her eyes, my hand settling on her chest. Her sweat smelled fresh and sweet.
She leaned in and kissed me softly, lifting my chin with her hand. I lay back, pulling her with me, my legs wrapping around hers. She held herself up on one hand, letting the other move around my body.
The ache between my legs was back. I kissed her harder, trying not to moan. My heart was pounding, and I was throbbing down there.
I prized her hand from my breast and guided it down under the waistband of my sweatpants.
"Wait," she said, removing her hand and intertwining her fingers with mine, "Are you sure?"
"So sure," I breathed.
She manoeuvred herself to lie beside me, her head propped on one arm. "If we're doing this, we're taking it one step at a time," she said seriously, "If you feel even the slightest bit uncomfortable, you tell me."
I nodded.
"And as much as you seem to like it, we're taking a rain check on it getting rough this time. I want you to feel safe. I want this to feel beautiful for you."
"You make everything feel beautiful," I said softly. But I agreed with her- I was starting to get a little nervous now.
"That being said, just shoving my hand down your pants doesn't really seem like the best way to go about this," she chuckled, planting a kiss on my lips.
I blushed.
"I wanna look at you," she whispered, kissing my cheek, "And feel you. All of you."
I blushed deeper.
She fingered the edge of my tank-top, "Can I take this off?"
"Since you asked so nicely," I joked in spite of myself.
I sat up and she carefully pulled it over my head. Both of her hands settled on my breasts, gently massaging them. She leaned in and kissed them softly, holding them like some precious treasure. I gasped as I felt her tongue circle my nipple and she gently sucked on it, her teeth nipping me ever so slightly.
"All good?" she looked up at me, cupping my face.
"Uh huh," I breathed, flustered.
She slowly untied the drawstring on my sweatpants and slipped them down my legs, dropping them on the floor. Her fingers played with the edge of my panties, teasing me. She let her kisses trail from my breasts, down my torso, on to my hip bone. Then her hand felt me through the fabric of my underwear.
"You're all wet for me," she observed.
I covered my face with my hands, mortified.
"Hey, hey," she sat up and gently pulled my hands away from my face, "It's okay, that's a good thing."
She kissed my forehead.
Then she moved back down to where she was before. Her fingers edged under the side of my panties.
"Can I take a peak?" She winked.
I nodded slowly, my face hot.
She slowly edged my panties to the side, pushing my legs apart. Moving even more slowly, she ran a finger between my lips, lingering to gently rub my clit.
I gasped, instinctively pressing my legs together.
"You're okay," she carefully prized them apart again, "You're safe with me, remember?"
"Yeah," I nodded.
"How about we take these off?" She winked. God, I loved it when she winked. It was cringy when some people did it, but she made it look cool. It felt like this special little thing she did only for me.
She carefully edged my panties down, dropping them, too, over the side of the bed. Again, my legs instinctively pressed themselves together. She noticed and came up to lie next to me.
"Grace, you're perfect," she kissed the tip of my nose.
"You're perfect," I let her pull my body close to her.
"Do you wanna stop?" She said softly, cupping my chin.
"No," I shook my head slowly, "Do you?"
"I'm just getting started," she kissed me. And there was that wink again.
She held me close with one arm and let the other travel down, carefully pulling one leg forward so she could slip her fingers in between.
Her fingers found my clit and rubbed it softly. She kissed my neck as I gasped.
"That feels so good," I whispered, my hips involuntarily bucking against her hand.
"Don't get too excited just yet," she murmured into my ear, "I'm just warming you up."
She slowly started to put one finger just slightly inside me.
"Okay?" She checked.
"Uh huh."
She pushed her finger in, then joined it with a second.
"Oh god," I moaned.
She gradually started to pump her fingers in and out. Her free hand gripped on to my ass. I realised I was grabbing hard on to her shoulder, digging my fingers in.
She brought her lips to mine and we kissed through my moans.
Her fingers got faster.
"Oh, god, Jen!" I groaned. I could feel the wetness dripping down my leg.
She suddenly slowed down and pulled her fingers out. I panted, nose to nose with her.
"Grace?" She said, kissing me.
"I wanna taste you."
My face flushed, but I didn't protest.
She flipped me on to my back, crawling down and prising my legs apart.
I could feel her breath tickling me. I didn't know what to do with myself. Her fingers carefully parted my lips and she looked up at me.
"Uh huh."
Her tongue slowly ran over me, sending a shiver up my spine. It felt warm and wet and velvety, like melting chocolate. She teased me like this for a short spell, looking up at me with a glint in her eye. Then she focused her tongue on my clit, circling it, lapping at it, gently sucking on it.
I gripped on to the bed sheets. If her fingers had felt good, this was like nothing I could ever imagine. She moaned into me, as if I was the most the delicious thing she'd ever tasted. My toes curled as our moans echoed each other in assonance that was almost tuneful. Her hands kept my legs firmly open.
She slowly pushed her fingers back inside me, curling them upwards to hit this perfect spot that so beautifully complimented the pleasure I was already enveloped in from her mouth around my clit. My back arched involuntarily, handfuls of the bedsheets between my fists. Suddenly, everything seemed to reach the sweetest climax. It was like I was buried in the pleasure, unable to control the noises that escaped me, totally enslaved by her fingers and tongue.
"Ahh, oh god... oh fuck... oh, Jen!"
Everything soon got very sensitive, and I found myself pushing her head away. She stole one last indulgent lick, then pulled back, slowly pulling her fingers out. After planting a few soft kisses on my thighs, she joined me back at the top of the bed, pulling me into her arms and holding me close.
"You good?" She stroked my hair.
I was lost for words. I nodded, still catching my breath.
She chuckled, kissing my hair.
I finally found my voice.
"I can't believe we just did that," I breathed, "That was... I..."
She cut me off with a slow kiss on the lips. I could taste myself on her, but I didn't care. I kissed her back ravenously.
"Are you sure you're alright?" She double checked.
"Alright?" I almost laughed, "Jen, I haven't come down from the stars yet."
"But I didn't make you uncomfortable or anything?"
"No," I kissed her cheek, "Honestly, Jen, the safest I've ever felt is here, in your arms."

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