Chapter 9

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"Come on, up you get," Said Jen gently, helping me up.
My backside throbbed as I let her guide me to my feet.
"Think you should take these off," she pinged the waistband of my sodden shorts which were still around my thighs.
I slowly stepped out of them, thankful for the baggy sweater that just about kept me covered. I pulled it down with my hands.
Jen chuckled, "You look so cute."
I blushed.
"Right," she stood up, "Lie on the bed-  on your front."
"Uh... what?" I frowned, "That was good, Jen... I mean, really good... but honestly I don't think I can take any more right now."
She laughed, "Oh, god, no, I know!"
She started rummaging in her toiletry bag and pulled out a bottle of aloe vera gel.
"I was gonna put some of this on for you," she said, "It looks pretty sore."
While she was up, she grabbed her gym towel and cleaned off her leg.
"Sorry about that," I cringed.
"Do not be sorry," she smiled, "Didn't tell me you were a squirter."
My face flushed, "I... I didn't know, I've never..."
"Relax!" She laughed, putting her arms around me, "I'm just teasing... now, come on, face down, ass up!"
I rolled my eyes, laughing with her.
She was incredibly gentle as she rubbed the cooling gel on to my sore cheeks, her fingers soft and smooth. I sighed deeply, comforted as much by her touch as by the aloe vera. By the time she put the cap back on the bottle, tears were forming in my eyes. I had never been cared for so lovingly before. When dad dished out a punishment I was left to cry it out and mop up my own blood. I was overwhelmed by how safe Jen made me feel.
She noticed when I sat up.
"Hey, what's wrong?" She said quickly, looking worried, "Is it hurting really bad?"
"No, no," I sniffed, "it's just, you're so nice to me."
"Don't be silly," she stroked my hair, "Come here- two things you need after a spanking like that are lotion, and a lot of cuddles."
I cuddled into her and she held me close.
"Given out a lot of spankings then, have you?" I said in response, half joking.
"A few," she made an awkward face.
"You sly dog," I said jokingly, snuggling in tighter, "That's fine... as long as it's only my butt you're spanking from now on."
She chuckled, "I promise not to spank any butt but yours."
After the lotion dried, she got me a fresh pair of panties from my drawer.
Looking bemused, she held something up that she'd found in the drawer.
"Babe, why do you have a bible in here?"
"Oh, god, put it back," I groaned. I had stashed it in there after dad left on the first day, not wanting to look at it but equally scared of losing it.
"Why have you stuck it in with all your panties?" She giggled, dutifully shoving it back in.
"Dad made me carry it around in my bag," I rolled my eyes, "I don't wanna see it, but I'm gonna need it when I go home for thanksgiving. So I had to put it somewhere safe."
"You mean you're not reading it every night?" She gasped jokingly.
She tossed the panties to me and I wriggled into them, wincing as I pulled them over the sore spots.
"Oh, your poor little butt," she winced with me, "I kind of feel bad."
"Jen, I wanted it," I said firmly.
"Oh, I know... but you're just so... small, and soft. And it looks so red cause you're so pale."
I gave her a look.
"I have an idea to soothe my guilt," she said, grabbing her wallet, "Wait here, I'll just be a minute."
"I'm not going anywhere in panties and a sweater, Jen," I rolled my eyes.
"Hey, mind your manners, or I might have to top up that spanking already," she winked jokingly and left.
She came back with a big bar of chocolate and a sharing bag of potato chips from the vending machine in the common area.
"Your comfort food, my lady," she did a mock bow and tossed them on the bed next to me.
I laughed, "You didn't have to do that."
"Well, I am hoping you'll share with me," she shrugged.
"Nope, all mine," I joked.
She got her laptop and made me pick a Disney movie to watch.
"I get the vibe you find Disney comforting," she commented.
"I don't need comforting, Jen- I'm fine!" I insisted, though I was thrilled at her trying to look after me.
We ended up watching 'The Lion King'. She cradled me in her arms as we watched, playing with my hair and kissing my forehead.
"Tell me about when you went travelling," I said, after the movie finished, "Where did you go?"
"Lots of places," she said, "All around Europe."
"Where was your favourite?"
"Hmm... maybe Amsterdam? Spent a lot of time with my friend Mary Jane there."
"I thought you just went with Ethan," I said.
"Oh, babe," she sighed, laughing, "It was a joke. It means pot."
"Ohhh," I rolled my eyes at myself.
The next week went by in a cloud of bliss. Jen and I spent every spare moment together, talking or kissing or fucking.
After one rather rigorous session, I was lying in Jen's arms, still catching my breath. She absent-mindedly played with my tits, rubbing my rubbing my nipples between her fingers.
I looked up at her. "Jen?"
"Does it bother you? That I haven't been... you know... reciprocating?"
She shrugged, "No. What can I say, I'm very generous." She laughed.
"But... but surely you must want some... you know... action down there?" I said awkwardly, "You must have... needs?"
"Well, yeah, I mean... it would be nice at some point. But I know this is all very... new for you," she twirled a lock of my hair around her finger, "I can wait til you're ready."
"Well... maybe I could... try now?" I said, blushing.
"You don't have to," she kissed my cheek, "You can carry on being my pillow princess a little longer." She winked.
"What if I want to?" I bit my lip.
"Do you?"
I nodded, "I mean, I'm a little nervous... but you could, you know, help. Show me how."
She gave a slight smile.
"You like being in charge," I cocked my head to the side, "Guide me. Teach me."
"Are you sure?" She bit down on her bottom lip.
I nodded, "What's the worst that could happen? If I do really bad you can spank me for it."
She laughed, "Okay, okay."
I started fiddling with the strap of her sports bra, "I haven't even seen these yet. I feel left out."
"Wow, it's your lucky day," she sat up and took it off.
I hesitantly reached out my hand and placed it on her breast. It was somehow soft and firm at the same time. She pulled me round to straddle her and I cupped them both, squeezing gently, getting used to the feel of them in my hands. My fingers found her nipples and I pinched them softly.
"Ow," she joked.
I ducked my head down and planted kisses from her collarbone down to her breast. Taking one nipple into my mouth, I sucked hesitantly, letting my tongue explore it.
She sighed softly, stroking my hair.
I moved to the other one, sucking with more confidence, squeezing harder with my hands.
"I've been missing out," I looked up at her shyly, releasing her nipple from my mouth.
She gently prised my hands from her tits, holding them in hers, "Ready for the big leagues?"
I nodded, leaning in to kiss her lips. Then I whispered in her ear.
"I want you to make me do it just how you like it."
She smirked, "You sure about that?"
"Of course."
"Get on your knees then. On the floor."
I did as she said and she moved so she was sitting on the edge of the bed. I marvelled at her form above me, feeling safe in the submission of my position. I reached forward and started edging down her shorts.
"Someone's eager," she stroked my head.
I nodded, managing to get her shorts and underwear off together.
I stared between her slightly parted legs, wetting my lips with my tongue. I clenched my own thighs together, feeling myself start to ache despite having came only about ten minutes ago. I realised now that I really wasn't sure where to start.
"Feeling a little lost now?" She teased.
I looked up at her, "Go on... boss me about. I need training."
"Touch first," she advised, "Take your time, figure out what you're working with."
I hesitantly reached out and touched her, letting my index finger slide up and down between her lips.
I glanced up at her shyly, "You're wet."
"Maybe it's seeing you down there on your knees," she winked.
I used two fingers to spread her a little, revealing the pretty pink colour between. Finding her clit, I rubbed it slowly.
She leaned back a little, letting out a relaxed sigh. "Good," she breathed, "That feels nice."
I circled her clit with my finger and she let out a small groan. I found her opening with the tip of my finger and slowly pushed it inside. I moved it in and out a few times, then added a second finger. I tried to curve them upwards slightly, the way she did with me.
"You have such dainty little hands," she commented, moving her hips into my fingers, "You're so soft with them. You touch me like you're playing that guitar."
Hoping this wasn't a bad thing, I kept going. It felt good, having my fingers enveloped in her warmth. I slowly pulled them out and, without thinking, put them between my lips. I met her eyes as I slowly sucked her wetness from my fingers, and she raised her eyebrows at me.
"Enjoying yourself?"
"Just taking my time," I said teasingly, "Like you told me to. Is that a problem?"
Her eyebrows raised a step higher, and she smirked. "If you don't watch your mouth I might have to do something to shut you up."
I smirked back, "And what would that be, hmm?"
She reached over and gathered my hair up, holding it tightly in one fist, "Wanna find out?"
I nodded mutely, suddenly meek.
"Let me see your tongue."
I stuck it out obediently, looking up into her eyes.
"God, I love how you just jump at my every word," she mockingly slapped my cheek with her free hand, "What a good girl."
Shifting forward slightly on the bed, she pulled my head in til my tongue rested against her clit and started grinding on it slowly.
"Ugh," she let out a moan, "Keep that tongue out for me."
I obeyed, keeping it still and letting her grind on it. Then I began to circle her clit with it.
"God, you're doing so well," she praised, still gripping on to my hair, "Suck on it now... that's a good girl."
How I loved hearing her say that. I took her clit into my mouth, sucking very gently at first. She put two hands on my head, moving it slightly back and forth, bucking her hips into me.
I found my hand creeping between my own legs as I lapped at her wetness, rubbing softly.
I was so wet I easily stuck two fingers inside myself, fucking myself to the same rhythm she moved my head to. I moaned into her, enjoying the taste of her on my tongue.
"Fuck, Grace, I'm gonna..." she panted, "I'm gonna..."
She moaned loudly as she climaxed, holding my face tight against her.
"Oh fuck... good girl... good girl!"
She released my head and sat back, catching her breath. Then she looked down at me, now noticing my fingers that were still stuffed up inside of me.
"Maybe not such a good girl," she said, almost gleefully, "We've been over this before."
I pulled my fingers out and she caught my wrist. My fingers were slick with my own wetness.
"Having a nice time down there, were we?" She crooned.
"I just got... excited," I blushed, excited to see where this would go.
She tutted, "I suppose that can be forgiven. It is your first time, after all."
She still held my wrist tightly in her hand.
"Still, you can't go completely unpunished... consistency is key."
My face flushed and I looked at the ground.
"Ah ah, look at me," she instructed, "Open your mouth."
I parted my lips obediently, confused.
Suddenly, she tightened her grasp on my wrist and forced the two dripping fingers into mouth, so deep they almost hit my throat.
"You wanna be a dirty little bitch, you can clean yourself up after," she winked.
I looked at the ground again, my face scarlet.
"No, I told you to look at me," she said, "Look me in the eye."
I kept her gaze as I obediently sucked on my fingers.
She reached out and patted my head, stroking my hair.
"What a good girl."

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