Chapter 4

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"Thank you," I said when we were back in our room, "For getting me to come out. I had a really good time."
Jen smiled, "No worries. My pleasure."
"You wanna know what my favourite part was?" I sat down on my bed, cross legged.
"What? I'm guessing not truth or dare?"
"No... dancing," I said hesitantly, "With you."
"Really?" She kicked off her shoes, flopping back on her own bed.
"Mmhm," I nodded, "You know, at one point... I almost thought you were about to kiss me."
I almost couldn't believe I was bringing this up. The alcohol made it easier to be forthright.
There was a pause.
"... So did I," said Jen.
"Did... you want to?" I continued.
Jen paused again, "Did you want me to?"
"I asked you first," I smirked.
"Well, I just don't wanna make you uncomfortable."
"I'm not uncomfortable."
"Well... then, yes. I suppose I did," she looked at me, pushing her glasses up to her head.
"Why didn't you?" I said delicately.
"Like I said... I didn't wanna make you uncomfortable."
"... And... And now that you know I'm not?"
She smiled and patted the bed next to her. I got up and sat down beside her.
"I think I know the answer to this, but have you ever kissed a girl before?" She asked.
I shook my head.
"Are you sure it's what you want?"
"I've never known what I wanted. Maybe I still don't. But... I... I look at you and I feel things. Nice things. Fluttery, magical things. Since we met I just really wanted you to like me, as sad as that sounds. And... and now that I'm different, maybe you do?"
"You didn't have to change yourself for me-"
"I didn't. I changed myself for me."
"Good... you know you were always pretty, right? You just seem so much happier now. So much more... yourself. And it suits you."
She reached out and took my hand in hers. It felt cool, and smooth. I looked down at her blue nail varnish. She rubbed my fingers between hers.
"How about," she said, "I take you on a date first? And we see where it goes."
I nodded, "Sure... I'd like that."
"Where d'you wanna go?"
"I don't know. Where do people usually go on dates?"
"Dinner? Coffee? A movie?"
I shrugged helplessly.
"Leave it with me," she smiled, "I'll think of something."
I could hardly sleep that night from... excitement? Worry? Pride?
Much to Carly's dismay, I sat with Jen and her friends in classes from then on. I thought I was content before, being alone, but it felt really good to have people around me. I even started speaking occasionally in class.
I waited in eager anticipation for our date, which Jen had scheduled in for that weekend. On the Saturday morning, she finally told me what we were doing.
"I found a drive-in showing Rocky Horror," she said excitedly, "it looks like a really cool place- all fairy lights and stuff- and it's one of my favourite movies, I think you'll like it."
"Wow... a drive-in? I thought they only had those in the movies."
"Do you think it's lame?" She bit her lip.
"What? No! It'll be so cool. I can't wait!"
I hadn't realised The Rocky Horror Picture Show was such an interactive experience. So many people were dressed up, and had brought props and stuff. The place was beautiful- Jen was right about the fairy lights. She bought us popcorn from this cool, old-fashioned looking stand and put down the roof of her car so we could see better.
I gazed upwards as we waited on the movie starting, leaning back on the headrest.
If I squinted, the fairy lights were like a sky full of stars. It was a warm night, but the cool breeze tickled my cheeks as I basked in the sea of midnight blue and twinkling gold above me.
"So beautiful," I muttered.
"Yeah," said Jen, "Exquisite."
I glanced over at her. She wasn't looking at the lights; she was looking at me.
I blushed deeply, playfully punching her arm. She held her shoulder in mock pain.
"You were right," I told her, "This is really cool."
"You think?" She said, "I'm glad you like it."
"I bet Carly's mad that we're doing this," I bit my lip.
She help her hand up, "Stop. You are not worrying about what Carly thinks tonight. This is about you and me. Nothing to do with her."
I nodded.
"But, if you must know, I didn't actually tell her. The only person I told was Ethan... he's been very excited," she chuckled.
"I'm excited!" I grinned, "I've never gotten to go to the movies much."
"What did you do?" She teased.
"Uh... I read. A lot," I shrugged, "Went to church."
She pulled a face.
"I know. Dad thinks I still go every Sunday, to one up here."
My mind began to wonder. What would dad say if he knew what I was doing right now? What would he do? His little Gracie on a date with a girl? I could almost feel his belt cutting into me just thinking about it. Feel his fist around a handful of my hair. Feel his hands groping me as he hissed into my ear that I was his and no one else's. I tried to slow my breathing, my hand trembling slightly as I automatically started to bite my nails.
"You okay?" Jen frowned.
I blinked. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Just... a little cold."
"Is this the part where I oh-so-subtly put my arm around you to keep you warm?" Her eyes glinted.
I took a deep breath, pulling myself together, "It could be."
She pretended to yawn, stretching her arm up and around my shoulders. I giggled. 
"What, was that not smooth?" She joked.
"Oh, super smooth."
Her arm felt nice wrapped around me. I leaned in close to her, my nostrils filling with that cherry scent of her perfume. As I let my head rest in the curve of her shoulder, the movie started.
I was stunned by how different this movie was to anything I had ever seen before. I cringed watching the more raunchy scenes with Jen's arm around me- I would need to seriously work on curing my prudishness. But I was overwhelmed by how comfortable some of the characters were in their own skin. Especially Frank N. Furter. The unapologetic sense of self was so opposite to how I had felt for my whole life. I found myself almost tearful at the end.
"You've barely eaten any popcorn," Jen commented as the credits rolled.
"Oh, I forgot it was there," I realised, "I was too engrossed."
I sat up straight, stretching my back out. I caught Jen looking me up and down. I had gone for a denim maxi skirt with a dark red cami that clung to my figure. I also hadn't worn a bra, and I suddenly became acutely aware of the effect the cold was having on me.
The silence was making me start to feel awkward, so I broke it.
"Thank you for taking me out," I smiled, tucking my hair behind my ear, "I've had a really nice time."
"My pleasure," she smiled back. Then the glasses went up on her head again.
"God," I sighed, "You make me melt when you do that."
"Do what?" She laughed at my reaction.
I cringed at myself being so open. It had come out before I could tell myself to hold back.
"The glasses on the head," I admitted, blushing, "it's just... I don't know."
She chuckled.
Suddenly, my phone rang in my pocket. I took it out. It was dad.
Without really thinking, I pressed the red button. Within a few seconds, it started ringing again. My heart dropped, nausea setting in.
"I'm sorry," I muttered, "I'm gonna have to answer this."
I put the phone to my ear and braced myself.
"How fucking dare you hang up on me!"
"If I call you, you damn well answer it, you hear?"
"I know, I'm sorry, my hand slipped."
"Goddammit Grace, I will drive through there and beat your ass, you little bitch."
"Dad, I didn't mean it, I'm sorry."
The tirade of yelling continued as I sat there awkwardly, not looking at Jen. I just listened, saying nothing. This was nothing new.
Eventually, he hung up himself.
I bit my lip, putting my phone back in my pocket. Hesitantly, I glanced over at Jen. She looked concerned.
"Everything okay?" She said carefully.
"Yeah," I said quickly, "Everything's fine."
"Are you sure?"
I sighed, "I'm guessing you could hear all that?"
"Well... yeah," she grimaced.
"I'm sorry," I blinked away tears, "You shouldn't have to... I get it if you just wanna drive back to campus and forget we ever did this."
"Hey, hey, don't cry," she frowned, "look, I just didn't realise it was as bad as that for you."
I shrugged.
"Grace, don't worry!"
"It's just... embarrassing."
"Don't be embarrassed. It's not your fault," she reached out and stroked my arm, "Babe, it's okay. You're okay."
My heart fluttered when she called me that.
"I think we should drive back to campus," she said, "But we should stop for snacks, and we can sit on my bed and cuddle and talk or just watch another movie on my laptop or something. What do you think?"
I nodded, "Yeah. Let's do that."

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