Chapter 11

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Despite now having made things official (god, I still couldn't believe it), Jen was pretty closed off about her family. She, of course, had told me they were stinking rich, and she didn't mind telling me about some of the luxuries she had enjoyed because of that, but when I tried to ask about how they got rich, or anything about her actual parents, she always found a way to skirt around the conversation.
I couldn't complain, really. After all, I had my own secrets, didn't I?
I got mail for the first time since starting college in late October- a pale pink envelope with dad's handwriting on the front.
It was a birthday card.
"You didn't tell me it was your birthday!" Jen fumed, "Why didn't you tell me?"
"It's not, the card's early," I said, "It's on Saturday."
"Oh, good!" She grinned, "I've got time then. Well, a little... some warning would have been nice."
"It's not a big deal," I said, rolling my eyes.
"Is so! What do you want as a present?" She probed.
"Nothing. I said, it's not a big deal."
Over the next couple of days, Jen had a few secret outings. There was also quite a few times when she was being very secretive on her phone. I knew she probably would end up giving me a present, but I hoped she wouldn't go overboard- I would feel bad.
On Saturday morning, I woke up in Jen's bed to her kissing my forehead.
"Happy birthday, beautiful," she smiled, kissing me again, on the lips this time.
I sat up, smiling, then caught sight of my own bed- it hosted an excessively large pile of presents, a beautiful bunch of the most yellow sunflowers I'd ever seen propped up at the front.
"Oh my god, Jen... that is ridiculous, you should not have done that!" I said, but inside I was melting at her generosity.
"I wanted to!" She retorted, "What's wrong with it- let me spoil you!"
I let my smile crack through.
"See? I knew you'd be pleased."
"The flowers are beautiful," I smiled fully.
"Just like you," she kissed my cheek, "Now go, get unwrapping!"
I felt very shy unwrapping so many gifts. There were several books- she delighted in telling me exactly why she thought I would like each one. There was expensive perfume, makeup, a Fleetwood Mac T-shirt. There were a few sets of lacy lingerie- I guess she was getting tired of my granny panties- which I blushed furiously while unwrapping.
I gasped when I unwrapped a vinyl record of Rumours... with something very special about it. Written in black ink, a signature was scrawled across the sleeve- Stevie Nicks.
"Oh... my... GOD!" I squealed, throwing my arms around Jen.
"You like it then?" She chuckled, squeezing me.
"Like it?! How'd you even get it?!"
"Lots of bidding on eBay."
"I'm gonna need to get a record player," I mused.
"Open that one," she nodded towards a large square parcel.
Sure enough, it contained a record player.
"Jen, you are crazy," I shook my head.
The next parcel contained a beautiful, dainty pair of gold hoop earrings.
"Oh, these are gorgeous," I said, "But look... no holes."
I awkwardly tucked my hair behind my ears, showing her my un-pierced lobes.
"Oh shit," she sighed, "How did I not think about that?"
"Hey, I could get them pierced," I suggested, "It's a good excuse."
I looked at everything she had given me and started to tear up.
"Oh Jen... you're absolutely insane for getting so much for me, but I'm so grateful," I hugged her again, "Thank you."
"Hey, there's still one left," she pointed out.
"Oh, yeah," I picked up the oddly shaped package, wondering what on earth else she could possibly have gotten me.
"Don't kill me," she bit her lip, "It's a little presumptuous."
I frowned, confused. But when I ripped off the paper I understood completely.
In my hands was a large, black, extremely phallic rubber object with straps attached to it.
My jaw dropped.
She cackled at my expression.
"Is this...?"
"It's exactly what you think it is," she chuckled, "I told you there were ways for you to ride me."
My face went scarlet.
"I was gonna ask if you like it but... I guess we'll find out later tonight."
"Later?" I wondered.
"Someone's eager," she joked, "Yes, later. We have a busy day."
"We do?"
"Yup. We're going for brunch, then I thought maybe we could go to the amusement arcade. Or something else, if you prefer."
"No, no, that sounds fun!"
She drove us to a little cafe in town for brunch and I had the best avocado toast with poached egg and a cappuccino. We sat outside, the sun beating down on us.
I looked at Jen through my sunglasses. Her hair was pulled into a low bun, and the simplicity of her white tank and baggy denim shorts accentuated the perfection of her toned body. I knew I looked better since I changed my look, but I still marvelled that someone like her wanted someone like me.
The arcade was fun- I wasn't any good at any of the games, but Jen managed to win a stuffed toy from a claw machine, gifting it to me ceremoniously.
It was a little elephant. I squeezed its soft fur, loving that Jen won it for me.
"What are you gonna call him?" She asked.
I thought about it, "I'm gonna call her... Janet!"
"Janet?" She spluttered, "Why?"
"To remind me of our first date! Rocky Horror!"
"I appreciate the sentiment, babe... but there are so many names in that movie and you pick Janet?"
I gave her a look, "Are you telling me that naming this little elephant 'Janet' isn't the most hilarious thing ever?"
She laughed, "You make a fair point. Come on, let's take Janet home."
When we got back to campus, Jen said she had left something at Ethan's, so we dropped by to get it. Ethan buzzed us in.
When we got to the kitchen, Jen opened the door to darkness. She flicked the light on.
I gasped.
Ethan, Becca and Lara were grinning, party hats on their heads. The room was decorated with balloons and birthday banners and a birthday cake sat on the table.
I couldn't help smiling.
They all wished me a happy birthday and hugged me. It felt overwhelming- there were people who actually wanted to celebrate my birthday.
Ethan had, of course, made cocktails- one jug of cosmopolitan, one of sex on the beach. He had poured me a glass of each before I even had the chance to sit down.
"Two glasses?" I laughed.
"You're the birthday girl, it's perfectly acceptable for you to have two drinks on the go."
The atmosphere was nice. We sat on the sofa, listening to music, talking, laughing, and gradually getting drunk.
The conversation turned to the excessive amounts of gifts Jen had given me.
"I'm such an ass though," Jen sighed, "I bought her earrings and she doesn't even have them pierced."
"But it's fine!" I butted in, "I already said, I'll just have to go get them done."
"Oh my god," Becca nearly choked on her drink, "I'll do it! I can do it right now!"
"Becca, no," Jen said flatly.
"I've done it a million times, I know what I'm doing!" Becca insisted, "Girls used to come to my sleepovers just to get their ears pierced... and I did Lara's second lobes just a few weeks ago!"
"Yeah, Lara has a death wish," Jen rolled her eyes.
"I mean, they turned out fine," Lara shrugged.
"I bought proper needles instead of sewing ones to do Lara's... and alcohol wipes," Becca continued, "It'll be great!"
Jen sighed loudly.
"Do you want me to do it, Grace?" Becca asked.
If I was sober I probably would have said no. But I was not sober.
"I... okay, go for it!"
Jen looked at me disapprovingly, but then a slight smile spread over her face.
"It's your ears, Grace... if you wanna let stabby mcstaberton over here loose on them then be my guest."
"Okay, Jen go get her earrings!"
Becca went to her room and came back with needles and alcohol wipes.
"Right, Ethan," she said, "I need a potato."
"A potato?!" I spluttered.
"Yes... it's a thing, don't ask why."
Ethan hunted through cupboards and managed to find a bag of potatoes. He cut one according to Becca's instructions.
When everything was ready, Becca got me to lie on the couch and started wiping my earlobes with the alcohol wipes.
"Wait," I said as she started to hold the potato towards my ear. I sat up and took a big gulp of my drink.
Jen snorted.
"Okay, ready," I said firmly.
"Becca?" Said Jen.
"Uh huh?" Becca was lining the needle up, her tongue poking out from between her lips.
"Do not mutilate my girl's ears, I swear to god."
I giggled at her firm tone in my tipsy state.
"Grace, hold still!" Becca grumbled.
"Sorry! Sorry!" I bit my lip to stop myself laughing.
"Right- ready?"
"Don't move."
"Uh huh."
"Three, two, one..."
I winced slightly as the sharp pain shot through my ear. Becca fumbled about, putting the earring in.
"There! Not bad," she said proudly.
"Not bad?" Said Jen, "Let me look."
"Yeah, it's only like a quarter of an inch off," said Becca, winking at me so I knew she was joking.
"What?!" Jen exclaimed, quickly standing up to examine my ear.
She rolled her eyes dramatically when she saw it was fine. Becca and I erupted into laughter.
She did the other ear without a hitch.
I looked at myself in my phone's camera- dad was not going to like this, but he wasn't here right now.
"Thanks, Becca," I smiled. My ears were still stinging slightly.
I grabbed my drink again, taking another gulp.
"Are you pissed at me?" I smirked at Jen.
"I am very pissed at you," she raised her eyebrows, then smiled, "Of course I'm not pissed at you, dumbass."
"Okay, I'll get Becca to pierce my nipples next," I joked.
"Don't even think about it," Jen chuckled.

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