Chapter 12

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It was kind of late when we got back to our room, but I wasn't tired yet. I was exhilarated, actually- on top of the world.
"Have you had a nice birthday, then?" Asked Jen, kicking her sneakers off.
"Yes," I nodded, smiling, "I've had the best birthday ever."
I lit up a cigarette and opened the window, kneeling up on my desk chair to stick my head out and smoke.
"What are you doing?" Jen chuckled, shaking her head.
"Looking at the stars!" I joked, "Making the moment last."
"You sound like a cheesy teen movie," she laughed- I swear I could hear the eye roll.
I did glance up at the stars.
"It's a full moon, Jen," I said, taking a drag, "Better watch out, you'll be transforming any second!"
She playfully slapped my ass, "Hurry up and finish that, then get down- I can see your panties."
I was wearing a short denim skirt with a baby tee and my new favourite- the sunflower cowboy boots.
"Why are you complaining?" I turned around and stuck my tongue out, "You bought 'em."
"I didn't say I wasn't enjoying the view," I felt her hands start to touch me, sliding up under my skirt, "But hey, if you don't wanna get down, I have no problem with fucking you right here. Head stuck out the window- that's certainly a position I haven't tried before."
I quickly stubbed my cigarette out then closed the window and its curtains, turning around to face her.
"Don't play it cool or anything," she smirked, "You wanna try out your birthday present?"
My face flushed- I had almost forgotten about that. I nodded slowly.
The pile of gifts was still sitting on my bed. I watched in awe as she slipped her shorts off then picked the strap-on up and put it on.
"Let's get you warmed up first."
She kissed me passionately, running her hands through my hair. The feeling of her lips on mine made my skin tingle and prickle with goose pimples. Her hand reached down and softly rubbed me through my panties, sending more delicious sensations throughout my body. Suddenly, she put her arms around my hips and lifted me up to perch on the end of the desk behind me, then crouched down and slowly pulled my panties down over my ankles, discarding them. She stayed on her knees and pushed my skirt up til it was crumpled around my hips in a very unladylike fashion, then leaned in and softly kissed me between my legs. I gasped. She slipped one finger inside, teasingly moving it in and out, still pressing soft, wet kisses against my clit.
"Fuck," I breathed.
"Language," she joked as she pulled her finger out.
As she stood up, I pulled my shirt over my head, throwing it to the ground. She groaned and leaned in to kiss my chest, her hands exploring me. Expertly, she reached around and unhooked my bra with one hand then anointed my tits with ravenous kisses.
"You're so fucking beautiful," she mumbled through the kisses.
Her hands travelled downwards and spread my legs further apart.
"Are you nervous?" She checked quickly.
I looked down, examining the large, black dildo.
"Just a little," I breathed, "Do it slow... at first."
She put her hand between my legs, checking how wet I was. Then she lined up the dildo and, looking into my eyes, slowly pushed the tip inside me.
I gasped- I had seen its size, but the girth of it was a far cry from Jen's fingers.
"You okay?" Said Jen.
I nodded, gripping on to the edge of the desk.
She slowly, but surely, pushed it in deeper until we were pressed up against each other. I leaned into her, my arms around her shoulders, feeling the sensation of fullness. We stayed like that for a moment. I could feel myself contracting around it, pulsing. She put her forehead on mine, ever patient, letting me get used to the feeling, her arms wrapped around my waist.
"Wow," I breathed, laughing slightly.
I, of course, didn't voice it, but I had been so scared that this venture in particular would feel too similar to unpleasant past experiences. But with Jen holding me close, it felt nothing short of euphoric.
I let my lips fall on to hers and kissed her softly, holding the rest of my body still until I suddenly felt an urgent readiness.
"Fuck me," I whispered.
"What was that?" Jen said, tilting my head to look at me, her eyes glinting.
"Fuck me," I said louder, "Please, fuck me."
She slowly started to move her hips, the hard length moving in and out of me.
"Oh, god," I groaned softly.
She started to move faster, settling into a steady rhythm. One arm stayed wrapped around my waist and the other settled on the back of my head, gripping my hair. I let my head fall back, moaning.
She gripped my chin and angled my face back towards her.
"Look at me," she instructed, "Just at me."
I obeyed, losing myself in those deep, brown eyes.
My skirt started to fall slightly and she yanked it up harshly, keeping me fully exposed. That little action ignited something in me.
"Be mean, Jen," I breathed through my moaning, "I love it when you're mean."
"Mean?" She smirked, "I'm never mean."
She gripped on to my hair again, thrusting harder into me, making my tits bounce.
"You look like such a fucking whore, on the desk like that," she said, tugging hard on to my hair.
"You're the one who put me here," I teased, smirking at her.
"Watch your fucking mouth or I'll be putting you over my knee again, next," she threatened, giving one deep thrust that set me whimpering.
"Don't threaten me with a good time," I goaded, my toes curling.
She gripped my hips firmly, fucking me steadily. I moaned again.
Suddenly, she gripped on to my wrist. I looked at her curiously.
"You're really pushing it, you know," she said.
I let out one note of laughter.
"You think that's funny?" She raised her eyebrows.
I blushed, looking away.
Suddenly, she shoved my hand between my legs.
"Play with yourself."
I looked at her mutely, my face going scarlet.
"Go on... show me how much of a brazen little bitch you can be."
I hesitantly started to rub my clit, looking down as my cheeks burned.
"How many times do I have to tell you to look me in the fucking eye," she spat, fucking into me harder than ever as she gripped my face in one hand, "You don't get to act all shy now."
I whimpered, keeping eye contact as I circled my clit with my fingers.
"Good girl," she said approvingly.
I thought how I might just do anything to hear those words from her as I started to feel a perfect tension, a beautiful desperation take over. She pounded me so hard it almost hurt, and everything seemed to build like a crescendo.
"Are you close?"
I nodded, "Uh huh... so close... I'm gonna..."
She suddenly yanked my hand away, looking at me wickedly.
I gasped, whimpering.
She flicked up an eyebrow.
"Jen?!" I whined, "Why'd you do that? That was so..."
"Mean?" She crooned, "You said you wanted me to be mean."
"Fuuuck," I groaned.
"What's wrong?" She teased.
The desperation I felt was both sweet and sour all at once. She pulled my head towards her and kissed me.
"I'm just playing with you," she winked, "You know I wouldn't leave you all wound up like that... especially not on your birthday."
She thrust into me again, putting her own fingers where mine had been. God, they felt so much better than mine.
"You're so good to me," I moaned as she worked her magic. Soon I was cumming hard, gripping on to her tightly, my fingernails digging in.
As that sweet release subsided, I pulled her into me, my head on her shoulder. She stroked my hair, kissing the top of my head as we caught our breath. The dildo was still inside me, connecting us. My legs twitched as I involuntarily contracted around it.
She moved to pull it out.
I clung on to her, pulling her back.
"Wait," I said softly, "Just hold me a little longer."
She obliged, wrapping her arms firmly around my waist, enveloping me in her smooth frame.
"I wish you could hold me forever," I sighed, my head resting perfectly in the curve of her neck, "I could fly to the moon with your arms around me... I love you."
I tensed up as I realised what I had just said. I felt Jen tense slightly too. She gently coaxed my head up to look at her.
"You do?" She seriously.
I paused. What was the right answer? Did she want me to say yes? Even if she did, I had sure picked my moment, lying prone on her desk, vulnerable, exposed. But then what could be more vulnerable than letting out those feelings that had been building up inside me? Than letting her know that my heart, as of late, had been beating only for her?
"... Yes," it came out as a whisper.
She stroked my cheek, and paused for what felt like a painfully long moment. I couldn't read her eyes.
Then she smiled slightly, finding my hand and lacing her fingers through mine.
"I love you too."

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