Chapter 6

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I woke up the next morning still in Jen's bed. She looked beautiful, her hair fanned out over the pillow. I noticed her glasses were still on her head. I carefully took them off and sat them on the bedside table.
I couldn't believe last night was real. She had actually kissed me and touched me and wanted me. And I wanted her too.
Soon, her eyes blinked awake and she yawned, stretching her arms out.
"Morning, beautiful," she smiled when she saw I was awake too.
"Morning," I smiled back.
"You fell asleep on my shoulder last night," she said, "It was very cute."
"Oops," I laughed, "Sorry."
"I didn't say it was a bad thing."
She reached out and stroked my hair, twirling a lock of it around her fingers.
"I love this hair, it's so beautiful. It's like..."
"Carrots?" I snorted.
"No! It's like... fire. Or autumn leaves. It's so pretty."
"I always hated it cause kids used to tease me about it," I sighed, "But there was a lot to tease me about, to be fair- not really my hair's fault. But I used to want to dye it."
"Oh my god, never dye it. It's such a beautiful colour," she insisted.
I smiled shyly, laying my head back on the pillow.
"Jen?" I said hesitantly.
"Do you still feel the same as you did last night? About me?"
"Of course I do," she said firmly, taking my hand in hers, "Do you?"
"Yes," I blushed, "Can I... Can I kiss you again?"
"You don't need to ask now, silly. Go for it," she grinned.
I leaned in and let my lips touch hers, kissing her gently.
"Nuh uh," she said softly as I pulled away, "I need more than that."
She pulled me back in, kissing me passionately. My heart fluttered. I ended up on top of her again, one of her hands on my waist and the other on the back on my neck.
"I love your hands on me," I murmured between kisses. They felt like they belonged there.
"Just wait til you see what else I can do with them," she teased.
God, that made me hot. I think she could tell when I didn't laugh, or bat her away like I often did when she teased. She ran her hands up my thighs, over my waist, and settled them on my breasts, squeezing them as she kissed my lips.
"You're so bad," I mumbled, biting her lip without even thinking. That seemed to catch her off guard a little.
"Not as bad as you, getting all hot and bothered," she winked, then suddenly slapped my ass, "And biting me? Very naughty."
I gasped, blushing deeply.
"Nothing to say?" Her hands squeezed my ass.
I was lost for words, feeling things I'd never felt before.
"Too much?" She said, serious now, taking her hands off my ass and gently squeezing my shoulders.
"I... no," I breathed, "No I just... I'm feeling things. New things... It's a lot."
She put her hand on the side of my face, stroking my cheek with her thumb, "Like I said, we go at your pace. Stop me if I ever go too far."
"I think you went just far enough," I laughed slightly.
"Okay," she chuckled fondly, "I think I saw a whole new side to you there."
I put my head on her shoulder and she wrapped her arms around me, holding me close.
"I can still smell your perfume," I sighed happily, nuzzling into her hair.
Her phone buzzed on the nightstand and she reached for it.
"Ooh, everyone's going for breakfast- you wanna go?"
"Am I invited?" I wondered awkwardly.
She rolled her eyes, "Babe, you're always invited now."
We met everyone in the campus car park. Of course, Carly was there.
"We're not all gonna fit in one car now," she sighed dramatically when she saw me.
"Oh," my face went red, "I can just stay here. Or I could follow in my car."
Ethan butted in, "My car's right here- I'll drive me and you, and Lara's driving everyone else."
I nodded gratefully. I wasn't thrilled at being separated from Jen, but I had a hunch Ethan might be orchestrating this to grill me about the date.
I was right.
"Sooo," he said as soon as he pulled away, "Did you have a nice night?"
"Straight to the point, huh?"
"Always!" He laughed.
"Well, yes," I smiled shyly, "I had a very, very nice night."
"Good!" He grinned.
"I had a nice morning too," I said, wistful for the time we had spent in Jen's bed.
"Wait, did you...?" He looked quizzical.
"You know, the way you said that it seemed like maybe you... you know..."
"Well, we kissed, if that's what you mean."
"Not entirely what I meant, but good to know!" He said, "I'm glad you came out with us. It's been nice having you around since the party last week."
"Thank you for saying that," I said seriously, "Honestly it's been really nice feeling like I have friends."
"You do have friends!" He insisted, "I keep meaning to add you to the group chat, we gotta do that today."
I tried to hide my grin. Me? With actual friends?
We ended up getting to the diner first. Ethan offered me a cigarette and we leaned against the bonnet of his car.
"You're getting good at that," he commented as I took a drag.
"I bet I look really cool now," I winked, posing in a dramatic, Audrey Hepburn-esque stance.
He laughed, "Actually, yes.  Leaning on the car like that you're very much giving manic pixie dream girl."
"I'm not sure that's a good thing," I laughed.
It was a hot day, and the sun was beating down on my bare shoulders. I took my sunglasses off my head and put them on.
"I can literally feel the freckles popping up," I joked, "It's so hot."
Lara's car pulled into the car park. I could see Jen through the window, talking erratically. She didn't look happy. She dramatically rolled her eyes at whatever she was responding to, then turned to look out the window, noticing me.
Her mouth slipped into a smile and she bit her lip, staring at me.
Awkward as ever, I pretended I hadn't noticed her- thank you, sunglasses- and took another drag of my cigarette.
"Did you see that?" I muttered to Ethan.
"Jen looked mad, like she was arguing about something."
"I saw her checking you out!" He teased.
"Oh, stop it!" My face flushed, "Before that, she did not look happy."
When they all got out of the car, the tension was palpable.
Jen quickly walked over to me and put her arm around my waist.
"Can I?" She gestured to the cigarette.
I nodded and she took it out of my hand, taking a long drag.
"Fuck, I needed that," she sighed, handing it back to me.
I saw Lara and Becca exchanging looks with Ethan, seemingly to do with the conversation in the car. Carly's lips were pressed together, her eyes boring into me and Jen. But if Carly looked angry, Jen looked furious. I could feel it radiating off of her, her arm tense around my waist. I had to admit to myself, it was kind of hot.
"I took a wrong turn," Lara said dryly to Ethan, "Which added the longest five minutes ever on to that journey."
She said this pointedly, pursing her lips.
I looked from Jen to Carly to Lara to Becca, wondering what on earth had happened over the course of that fifteen minute car ride.
"What is it?" I mouthed to Jen.
She shook her head.
"So," said Ethan eventually, "Are we going in?"
Jen finished my cigarette walking over to the door, her free hand holding mine tightly, and put it out in a trash can at the entrance.
As everyone looked at their menus, you could cut the atmosphere with a knife. Jen's left hand sat just above my knee, her fingers rubbing at the seams on my pants.
Becca kept talking about the menu, clearly wanting to fill the silence.
"But do I get chocolate chip pancakes or blueberry pancakes?" She directed her chatter to me and Ethan, "Or maybe just plain with syrup. So many choices. What are you getting, Grace?"
"Uhh... I dunno yet," I peered at my menu.
"Ethan?" She tried.
"Maybe waffles?"
"Gosh, I hadn't even looked at waffles yet."
I looked at Jen, "What are you getting?"
Before she could answer, Carly muttered under her breath, "Two cigarettes and an anti-psychotic."
Jen rolled her eyes and her hand tightened on my thigh. I looked at her, confused.
Ethan spoke up, "Look, what the hell happened on that car ride? This is awkward as fuck."
There was a long pause.
"Carly," Jen said through gritted teeth, "Is an anal retentive. She won't let shit go."
"And Jen is out of her fucking mind," Carly retorted, "I mean, really Jen, I thought you'd have pulled yourself together by now. This is getting ridiculous."
"You're the one who needs to pull yourself together!" Jen fumed, "I mean, what, I spend one fucking night with you and you think you have some kind of monopoly over me? Wake up! That was weeks ago! I never gave you even the slightest hint that I wanted anything more than that."
"Maybe you can't handle being with someone who's already their own person," Carly snapped, "You'd rather fuck about taking a- well actually, not even a baby dyke, probably a straight girl- under your wing because you can't stand the idea of not being in control!"
Jen's fingers were digging into my leg.
"Jennifer Jackson," Carly continued, "The Henry Higgins of straight girls! You fucking love a project, don't you? I can see right through you. She's just what you need to boost your big fat ego, isn't she?"
I put my hand on Jen's and she batted it away.
Slightly hurt, I was at least thankful that it had loosened her grip on my leg.
I could see she was holding herself back, regulating her breathing.
"Well?" Carly pushed, "I'm waiting to hear what you have to say for yourself. I bet she's waiting too." She nodded towards me.
Jen took a deep breath. She looked at me. She looked back at Carly.
"I'm not even entertaining your bullshit with a response," she snapped. She got up and walked out of the diner.
I looked at Ethan, "Should I go after her?"
"Give her a minute," he advised.
No one looked at Carly.
"Hey," she directed it at me, "You've been quiet."
"You really thought you were special, huh? Baby, between me and the day you turned up with your little makeover there were at least four other girls. I wouldn't be surprised if there were more even after she got this little thing for you."
I looked down at the table.
"And, god, you two are roommates," her eyes glinted, "Sure gonna be awkward when she moves on to the next one."
I didn't know what to say. I couldn't look at her.
She laughed coldly, "I'm getting an uber, fuck this."
She stalked off to the bathroom.
Ethan, Becca and Lara were all looking at me. I tried not to let my face turn red.
"I..." I started, "I'm gonna go find Jen."
I got up and walked out of the diner. I couldn't see Jen at the front. I walked around the side, where there were no cars or windows, and saw her. She was smoking furiously, her cheeks pink and her fist clenched.
I approached slowly.
"Are you... okay?" I asked carefully.
She shook her head, "Grace, go back inside."
"No," I said firmly, "I wanna talk."
She took a drag and turned towards me, waiting.
"Carly told me you were with quite a few other girls between her and me. And she seems to think you're gonna move on pretty quickly."
"Grace, I-"
I put my hand up, "Stop. I'm not finished... I don't give a rats ass what Carly says."
"You don't?" She frowned.
"You told me last night. That you think I mean more to you," I remembered, "And, right now, that's good enough for me."
"I meant it," she said firmly. She still looked furious, "She's a fucking asshole."
I reached out to take her hand.
"Don't," she said, "I'm still too fucking worked up. I don't wanna hurt you."
My heart fluttered at her protectiveness. I looked at her, her clenched fists, her taught, muscular arms, her stiff jaw.
"What?" She breathed.
"Take it out on me," I bit my lip, looking her up and down.
"What?!" She blinked.
"You're hot when you're angry."
I stepped closer to her. She didn't stop me as I put my arms over her shoulders, leaning in to kiss her passionately. I pressed my body into her, my lips pushing firmly against hers. I bit down on her lip, probably harder than I should have.
Suddenly, she flipped me around against the wall, grabbing my wrists and holding my arms together above my head. She kissed me hungrily, our tongues colliding. She put both of my wrists into one hand and let the other explore my body. When she squeezed my breast, it was harder, more forceful than before. I let out a quiet moan. Her hand travelled upwards and latched on to a clump of my hair at the back of my head, pulling on it to angle my head up towards her as she kissed me hard. I gasped.
She whispered in my ear, "You have no idea how much I wanna put my hand down your pants right now."
I blushed deeply.
"But," she kissed me again, then pulled back, "I can think of a million classier ways to do that for the first time than pressed up against the side wall of a diner. And you deserve better."
In that fleeting moment, I wasn't sure I wanted 'better'. There was an aching between my legs, and I hungered for her to tend to it. But I knew she was right.

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