Chapter 10

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I could scarcely believe how different my life was compared to only a few short weeks ago. Jen gave me the kindness and affection I hadn't fully realised I was so deprived of before. She made me feel special, cared for, desired. And in the same breath she was turning me into some kind of sex-crazed lunatic. I was doing things with Jen that I would never even have entertained before I first felt her hands on me. She brought out a side in me I never knew existed.
What made it so special was how lovingly she cared for me after each session. And the way she made it painstakingly clear that I only had to say the word and she would stop. I trusted her completely. She always seemed to know just what I needed from her at any given moment.
I was conscious she might need a little space sometimes, though she never showed any signs of craving it. So when she asked if I wanted to go to one of the campus football games with her, Ethan and Lara one Saturday afternoon, I politely declined.
"I think you should go enjoy yourself with your friends," I said.
"They're your friends too now," she reminded me.
"I know," I shrugged, "But football's not really my thing... I didn't think it would be Ethan's thing either, come to think of it."
She laughed, "Oh, no, Lara and I are there to watch the game, Ethan's there to check out the players."
"See, guys in shoulder pads don't really pique my interest either," I joked.
"Are you sure you don't wanna come?"
"Absence makes the heart grow fonder," I said, "Besides... I kinda wanna go shopping."
"Ah, there we go- the real reason comes out," she laughed.
I had been wanting to go back to the thrift store for a while, out of pure self-indulgence more than anything.
I had a nice little afternoon to myself, perusing the clothing racks. I found some treasures- tan cowboy boots embroidered with sunflowers, a green tie-front blouse with the most glorious floaty sleeves and a black velvet maxi skirt that magically fit perfectly around my waist and hips. I spent a long time browsing in the book section, picking up a couple that looked good. The costume jewellery section caught my eye too, and I spent some time looking. What really stood out to me was a simple bracelet made from round beads of tiger's eye. It looked just like the colour of Jen's eyes.
I picked it up, smiling to myself as I carefully rolled a bead between my fingers. Jen didn't really wear jewellery, apart from all the piercings in her ears, but this was very simple- not too flashy or girly. I thought she might like it.
I made my purchases, feeling very pleased with myself as the nice store assistant wrapped the bracelet in a scrap of spare tissue paper. I couldn't wait to give it to Jen.
Driving back to campus, I enjoyed singing along to my music- Fleetwood Mac, of course- not afraid to belt out the lyrics in the privacy of my car. I had added some of Jen's music to my playlist too, but I still couldn't tell the bands apart from each other.
I got back before Jen and decided to get stuck in to one of my new books. Before I got settled, I took the wrapped up bracelet out of my bag and placed it on Jen's pillow.
She didn't notice it at first when she returned, hopping straight on to my bed to greet me with a slow, passionate kiss. She tasted of spearmint gum- fresh and sweet.
"Sooo, what d'you buy?" She lay back on my bed, stretching her legs out.
"Of course," she rolled her eyes fondly.
"And clothes... ooh and this really pretty pair of cowboy boots."
"Nice, maybe you can ride me in them, cowgirl," she joked, slapping my ass.
"There's nothing to ride, Jen," I giggled.
"There are ways," she rolled over and playfully wrestled me on to my back, tickling me as she planted kisses on my neck.
"Jen!" I laughed uncontrollably, "Stop it!"
She showed mercy on me, planting one final kiss on my nose.
"Aaand," I returned to our conversation, "I got something for you."
I nodded at her pillow.
"Aww, you didn't have to do that," she smiled, "That's so sweet."
She got up and took it from her pillow.
"Can I open it?"
"Well, yeah!"
She carefully pulled back the tissue paper. "It's beautiful," she grinned, "Thank you... babe, this is really cute. Girls don't buy me presents very often."
"Maybe cause you never let them pay for things," I teased.
"What made you do that?" She wondered.
"Well... I looked at it and it reminded me of your eyes," I blushed- it suddenly sounded painfully cheesy.
She slipped it over her wrist then turned to me, effortlessly lifting me off the ground and spinning me in a circle before softly kissing my lips.
"I love it," she squeezed me tight, "You are just the sweetest thing."
On Monday, in class, we were in different seminar groups, but our groups were sat near each other. Carly was in my group, much to my dismay.
She had stopped hanging out with Jen and her friends since the diner incident. I thought that might mean she had gotten over it all, but she rolled her eyes dramatically when she saw me. I gave a small smile and a shrug, indicating that this wasn't exactly my ideal situation either, but we might as well just get on with it.
To her credit, she pretty much ignored me throughout the entire discussion.
I found myself listening a little to Jen's group, especially when the conversation naturally slipped away from the novel.
"Oh, that's a pretty bracelet," a girl called Lucy said to Jen. I had briefly spoken to Lucy before about her own jewellery- she was very into crystals and their properties and stuff. It had been interesting.
"Oh, thanks," I heard Jen say, "My girlfriend gave it to me."
I've never seen a head turn so fast as both mine and Carly's did towards Jen. Jen looked taken aback at her own words, and glanced in my direction, as if to see if I had heard.
I quickly looked away, not wanting her to see that I had been listening. Carly stared on, eyebrows raised.
My heart gave a little flutter- Jen had called me her girlfriend. Her slip of the tongue made my heart sing.
I didn't bring it up with her until later, when we were lying in bed together.
"You said something in class today," I said slowly, "That I found pretty interesting."
"Was it my detailed analysis of the works of George Orwell?" She joked, "Cause I was definitely bullshitting for most of that."
"No... something about me," I looked down awkwardly.
"Was it that you're very naughty for eavesdropping into my conversation?" She reached down and gave my ass a small squeeze.
"I wasn't eavesdropping!" I cried defensively.
"Relax, I'm joking," she chuckled,  "What did I say?" The glint in her eye told me she knew exactly what I was talking about.
"Come on, you know what you said," I chanced a glance up at her, quickly flicking my eyes away again.
"Okay, yeah, I know what I said," she sighed, "Did it freak you out?"
I paused. "No... it didn't freak me out."
"It just sort of slipped out."
"Well... I liked it," I blushed.
"Maybe I could call you that more often," she joked.
"Is that you asking me?" I laughed.
"Do I have to spell it out for you?" She teased.
"Okay... W... I... L... L... Y... O... U..."
"Stop it!" I aimed a playful punch at her arm.
She caught my hand and held it in hers, "Alright, alright... will you be my girlfriend?"
"... I'll have to think about it," I said jokingly, paying her back for all the teasing.
She rolled her eyes at me.
"Okay... yes, of course I will," I smiled.
Her lips spread into a grin and she leaned in to kiss me, her arms wrapping around my waist.
Our foreheads touched and she squeezed me tightly.
I shook my head, "I can't believe this has all happened. I'm actually sitting here with you... and you make me feel so good... you drive me wild."

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