Codename Anastasia fan fic

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I pried myself from my mothers arm and left the car. I heard her cries of joy, pain, and worry as I went to get my suitcase from the car trunk. I felt heat on the back of my neck she went on about how her little boy was all grown up. 

"I love you mom." I said as I went back to wave goodbye.

"I love you too, Taekjoo. Remember to call me tonight and classes start tomorrow and go to the front desk to get your dorm key and if you ever want to go home just call me, I'll always be here, and also don't-"

"Mom! I know college is a big deal but I know how to live without blowing myself up." 

Mom looked up and smiled. She wiped her eyes and hugged me. Then she got back in the car and left. 

I turned sharp on my heels and saw a horde of fresh college students with their crying parents, siblings and selves. I headed to the front of the college, maneuvering around people. Many were lost, but many were also looking into a spot right in front of the entrance of the main building. There was a tall man with platinum blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He looked Russian. There were swarms of girls around him, though some were trying to be discreet others were straight up gawking. 

Why are people so intrigued, he may be a good looking guy but there are more important issues to worry about on your first day of college. 

I turned my head around to look for the dormitory building when a familiar voice was sounded,

"Taekjoo! Aunt told me you were coming today. I was looking everywhere for you." It was my cousin Yu-gun. 

"Where are the dormitories? I want to go ahead and get unpacked." I said

"Over here," He said while pointing to a big, red brick building that was growing moss and probably other forms of fungi on the side. "Have you gotten your key yet?"

"Oh no, I just got here. I haven't had the time yet."

Yu-gun shrugged and started to stroll to the building. I pulled my suitcase behind me, occasionally having to stop to get it unstuck from a crack in the sidewalk. While we walked Yu-gun told me just about everything. He talked about what professors to take, who assigned the most work, who didn't. Who to make sure to sit back row with and who to become friends with. A specific person he mentioned was the tall blonde kid from earlier whose name was Zhenya. He had arrived yesterday and had already slept with over three girls. He hadn't been caught sneaking girls in but some boys swear the building was haunted since there was so much moaning. . . blblb

"I had to tour over fifty kids today. It's exhausting! I'm so glad to have a familiar face to talk to." Yu-gun remarked after finishing his yap-session on advice no one particularly asked for. 

He opened the door to the building and strolled over to a plastic desk with two bored students who had two melted coffees, a computer, a checklist and a mass amount of keys. 

"Name?" The student said,

"Kwon Taekjoo-"

A key had been shoved into my hand while the second student messily checked off a box on the paper. I looked at the key, the tag at the end said,

Room 314

 "There are three stories so whatever hundred you got is what floor you got. I remember the majority of people I toured numbers so I might know who your roommate is."

 Yu-Gun said while leaning over. He took a good look at the number. He stared at it for a while. 

"I might know who it is. Actually I don't think I do! Or I might know." He paused and started biting his fingernails. "You're going to have a fun year."

You either know it or you don't.

I climbed up the stairs which would be easy if there wasn't a clunky ass suitcase behind me. 


The suitcase hit my lower ankle again causing the ankle to burn again. I looked at the numbers on the wall. 

300, 302, 304, 306, 308, 310, 312 and finally 314. 

I opened the door and looked around. Two beds, a kitchenette, and a door that presumably led to a bathroom. My roommate had already unpacked and had chosen the left bed. I tossed my suitcase on the bed without things on it. I put my clothes in the storage units under the bed. I checked the time,

16:38 /4:38 PM

I had time to kill so I checked if I brought my book. I showered every part of my suitcase. 

Well shit.

No book. I could read on my phone but physical books were so much more enticing. The library closes at 17:30 PM so I can go get a book. I opened the door and descended the stairs. I made my way across campus, noting that Zhenya had moved locations. I made it to the library and went inside. It was a relief to have air conditioning after being outside in August. The librarian wasn't at the front desk so I went ahead to find a book. 

I went to the mystery section. Those were my favorite genre. It's entertaining to see how many lies the author will shove into a book until the culprit is obvious, but obvious enough to still be hidden. I found a book about spy agents working on the mystery of blue prints of a nuclear weapon. I couldn't finish reading before I heard an announcement. 

"The library closes in five minutes. Please" The person over the speaker paused to yawn. "Please get your asses out before we kick your asses out. Keep in mind this is your first day of college, not your first day of being a social media influencer who is doing 24 hours in the library. challenge"

That was oddly specific. Oh well. I scurried out the library door and turned in the direction of the dorms while reading my book. I immediately ran into a wall. 


I looked up and saw Zhenya standing in front of the library door with one other man and two girls whom were having a silent war between their eyes over who got Zhenya. I hadn't looked at him closely before so I noticed he was chiseled. He had a good jaw line, a defined chest for what you could see, and his eyes seemed to glow when contrasted to his pale skin and hair.

"Do you have something to say?" Zhenya said in a cocky tone. His voice wasn't extremely deep but not in a bad way. My eyebrows began to furrow

"Yeah, move you and your one night stands out of the entrance and exit to a main building." I said as I walked by them. 

Zhenya's lips spread into a slight grin. I could feel his gaze on me as I left. 


Once back in my room I went to use the bathroom and while leaving I heard my phone vibrate. It was the alarm I had set to remind myself to call Mom. While shuffling to get my phone the screen turned black and the battery icon appeared. 

Stupid fucking phone. 

Where was my charger? I searched in my suitcase, and on my bed and got down on the ground to look under the bed. I found the charger and a piece of trash that as I got a better look at turned out to be a condom. Well. . .

I turned around with the condom still in hand and to my horror saw Zhenya.


Author here 

OK so this is first chapter and the story seems fun maybe?? And yes I know its not the most appetizing but let it cook. Anyways I know what will go on for the first few chapters and what will happen ;) wise but if you have any ideas or critiques please leave them below. 

ALSO check out the person I kinda copied when writing this (mbb)

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