Fanfic continued :P

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Well. . . fuck

Zhenya's face immediately turned into a grin. He walked further into the room, with a girl following him. I stood up after realizing I was still on the ground. Of course this bum had to stay here. Zhenya's right eyebrow was slightly raised and his eyes went up and down over me. 

"Could I have that?" He said, gesturing to the condom. 

I gave him his condom and sat down on the bed to read. I turned to the first page and started to read. I had gotten about eight pages in when my thoughts were interrupted with a loud,

"Ahhhh, slow! slow!" It was the girl Zhenya had brought. I turned my head to look at them. He had the girl down on all fours while he pounded her aggressively. 

I decided it would be a great time for a afternoon walk around campus.

After hustling out of the dorm I saw the guy Zhenya was hanging out with earlier. I kept my head down and continued to walk. I heard footsteps and then he had approached me.

"Hi, I'm Raven." He said.

Raven had sharp features, slightly tanned skin, green eyes and brown hair. He took a step closer to me. 

"I'm Kwon Taekjoo." I said, not really looking him the eyes. I really wasn't trying to have small talk but Raven wasn't backing off.

"We ran into you earlier. At the library yknow." 

I nodded my head. Well I might as well speak to him. 

"You aren't hooking up with the other chick right now?" I said, my eyebrow raised. 

Raven laughed. He had a deep, husky, laugh and then he reconnected his eyes to mine. 

"I'm don't swing that way, if you get what I mean." 

I hadn't thought of the fact that he would have been gay. I don't have a problem with any of that, I just personally don't think that should be my main focus at college. I need to graduate, work, and get my mom safe and sound. 

I started to think about my mom when I realized Raven had been staring at me for a while. I blinked then looked up to meet his eyes.

He was around 6'3 i'd say. 

"Oh yeah nice. I'm not romantically involved at all right now." I paused, "Y'know stay focused. I can't get behind in my studies."

Raven laughed and then sucked in his breath.

"Yeah, you're going to have fun with Zhenya." 

I looked down. I forgot about why I had left. I rubbed my head.  

"Oh yeah, he already got started. He's really getting to know  the ladies." I made a slightly forced laugh. Then I waved and started to head back.

Raven grabbed my shoulder. I turned back to look at him. I opened my mouth but Raven got a lot closer. I tried to back away but his hand held hard on my shoulder. 

"You wanna go to my dorm until he finishes?" Raven said, his eyes still connected to mine. I felt a feeling of discomfort, but good ol' peer pressure took over. 

"Oh eh sure." I ducked out from his tight grasp and then started to head to the dormitory. 

He spoke all the way there. I answered with a yes or no and an occasional different answer. 

We used our school id cards to get into the building and then started walking up the stairs. He also was on floor 3. We walked down the hall and I read the signs.  

308, 310, 312, ... 314

As I paused at my door, it opened. 

The girl from earlier was leaving. Her hair was frizzy and her makeup slightly smudged. She was wearing a button up shirt but her 4th button was still undone. 

Her face was making an unmistakable frown. I suspect she had thought what she and Zhenya had was special. She was his only one, his love, instead of just a pussy to him. 

As she left the door behind her opened behind her. It was damn Zhenya. He was nearly as tall as the door. He put one hand on the door frame and stood there lazily. His eyes moved from me, to the girl, to me, to raven then they lingered on me again. 

"Why don't you two come inside?" He said, his lips spreading into a sly grin. "So convenient that two of my best friends are walking by - "

"I'm not your friend. I don't even know you." I said as my eyebrow raised. 

"Sure, I'd love to come in." Raven said while smiling. 

As we entered the room I saw that his bed was freshly made. I went over to lay on my bed then frowned. Zhenya sat on his bed while Raven sat at the foot of mine. My frown deepened as Raven put his arm on my leg 

I then noticed that Zhenya's eyes were stuck on Ravens hand on me. His face lines deepened. 

I checked the time. 


Well. This is going to be a long night. 


I like love triangles so sue me bitches : 3 also I am not dedicaed to this story.

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