Party time 😝

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I was sitting around in my dorm, Zhenya was out doing god knows what, when I heard the door open. I went to look for the source of noise when I saw Zhenya with a pack of beer next to the door.

"You ready to leave?" He asked.

Leave for what? Oh right the party thing. That isn't for another hour or-

6:55 PM 

We're going to be late to the event. I don't want to go but it still is rude to be late. I got up from the bed and went over to the door. I got down on the ground to put on and tie my shoes. While in the middle of a bunny ear loop Zhenya said,

"You look good from this angle." 

He was right in front of me , while I was on level with something I really don't want to see. I felt my face change into a reaction of shock and disgust before fixing it. 

"C'mom bunny, unless you're planning on being even later."

My face got red and I stood up, following Zhenya out the door and to his car. The drive there was around 20 minutes so it was roughly 7:30 once we got there. 

"Hey!!! Glad you made it Taekjoo. I knew Zhenya was gonna come but I could see you skipping out on the fun." 

Lovely, it's Raven, and from the way he's walking and the slurred words bubbling out of his mouth I can tell he was a few beers in. While he and Zhenya were talking I looked around the place. It was a 2 story house, pretty big, it had white paneling all around the walls and the nice gardening. It was a pretty sophisticated building for the way it was being trashed right now. There were plenty of bottles of assorted liquor strewn across the yard, some empty, some with little remnants in them. There was already a guy puking in a bush!

I was already overwhelmed and I hadn't even gone inside yet.

Raven took us in and pointed out a few spots where people had gathered to play drinking games. The place was a mess. There was a large staircase on the right that led to the 2nd floor, which was overlooking the living room which was right next to the entrance. The majority of the place was covered in people, beer, and a few unknown substances. 

Since Zhenya was the one who brought me here and he was now lost, nor wanted I had nothing to do. I got away from the entrance to not be in the way. Damn. Classes are starting tomorrow. I really need to not zone out so much-

"Want a beer?" I heard a voice and turned around.

It was a girl, she was a bit shorter than me but it was me she was talking to. I wasn't planning on drinking since we would need someone to drive home but 1 beer couldn't hurt.

"Sure thanks. My names Kwon Taekjoo." I said while taking a swig of beer. The taste wasn't pleasant but it was much more preferable to vodka...

"My name's Anna. I saw you come in with Zhenya and you didn't seem to be talking to anyone so, I might as well talk to you." She said,

Anna, ok. 

"Yeah I ended up getting dragged here. It's a shame since my classes are starting tomorrow." I said, trying to keep a small talk conversation alive

"Ohhh, so you're in the college near here. So I'll assume that's how you and Zhenya met?" She asked.

"Yeah we met at college. How'd you two meet?" I asked

"Oh we were fuck buddies for a while during high school. So if you're the same age as him then I'm 2 years older than you."" 

Oh. Wait high school, 2 years older than us? Huh? Isn't that illegal?? Oh never mind... 

"Don't think too hard about it. Yeah I taught him all of his moves so if you do," She made a movement with her hips, " With him, you have me to thank."

I suddenly felt an urge to change to subject. 

"So uh," small talk conversations are not my strong suit. 

"Oh let's play a drinking game!" Anna said, dragging me to a dining table where people were setting up a game." 

"What game is this?" She asked, while poking her head around people.

"It's a 2 player game where 1 person throws and the other drinks. There's gonna be 2 teams. Wanna play?" The guy setting it up explained.

Anna nodded and pulled me over.

"Oh I'll throw if that's okay. I'm not much of a drinker." 

Anna grimaced, "Sorry but can I throw? I promised a friend that I'd drive the group home!" 

But she was just drinking? Oh well.

"Yeah sure... as long of you have good aim." 

Anna scoffed, "Of course! My aim is great!!!" 

Her aim was in fact not good. She made 3 balls out of 12 turns while the other team had gotten 7 cups, which was 7 cups of beer. I felt myself getting tipsy. 5 more cups of beer later and I was very very drunk. How did I let myself slip up like that? I was stumbling, wall to wall when I accidentally landed on someone. I looked up and it was Raven. I mumbled a sorry but I was a bit worried when I noticed a big catlike grin on his face. 

"You look wasted. What happened Taekjoo? Stay here, I'll get you some water." Raven said and he went to get a cup of water. When he came back he handed me a bottle of water. Weird enough it was already opened. 

"It's pretty loud, why don't we go to my room?" Raven asked, though it wasn't really a question. We went up the stairs, moving around people talking, fighting, drinking, and making out. Once we made it to a room he did something with the door and then we were in. I took another sip of the water but I felt my head get dizzy. The room started to blur. 

Raven gestured me towards the bed and I slowly sat down. Then I passed out...

A/N Big boy chapter!!'

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