KÖNIG: Nsfw alphabet ♡

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A : Aftercare

-> his name portrays what he's like, literally a king. He'll clean you both up, make you something to eat. If you're tired, sleep. If you're not or it's the middle of the day, anything else you want to do. 100% makes sure you're okay afterwards.

B : Body part

-> His favourite body part of you is your lips. He loves the way they curve around his cock. Any colour, size, type, he loves them. He loves kissing them especially, seeing them swollen up as he can't get enough.

C : cum

-> Loves to fill you up, to the point where he pulls out and you're dripping everywhere.

D : Dirty secret

-> use his rank on him (whether you're below or higher) he'll go feral.

E : Experience

-> Has some from his you ger years, managed to score a few hookups here and there. I wouldn't say he's never had a partner, but it's definitley not his area of experties, especially with how his character is potrayed.

F : Favourite position

-> Lotus flower or missionary, or doggy-style infront of a mirror. Loves to see your pretty face.

G : goofy

-> Absoloutley not. Joking/laughing when he's this vunerable is out of the question.

H : Hair

-> he trims, but it's not something he's overly cautious about.

I : intimacy

-> Loves to savour the moment, whether it's sexually or just spending time, which ever you both prefer in the moment.

J : Jacking off

-> He will, but he's afraid to get caught. It usually turns him off, as it's nagging at the back of his mind, and would definitley prefer you to help him out instead.

K : Kinks

-> Other than maybe a size kink, he doesn't really have any preferences. He's up to tru anything, as long as it's fairly reasonable, but nothing crazy.

L : Location

-> He wouldn't anywhere around base, or around people for that matter. If the other members of Kortac/team saw or even heard him, he'd be embarrassed as fuck.

M : Motivation

-> if you wear his stuff, or if you give him that look, he'll be dragging you off somewhere privatley in minutes.

N : Nope

-> Like I said, he definitley wouldn't do it if there was a chance you could get caught. It's not just the fact it's embarrassing, he doesn't want to put you in such an akward and vunerable position, and he also doesn't want the whole intimacy aspect of things to be interrupted.

O : oral

-> prefers recieving, he loovess those lips of yours. He IS suprisingly good at giving though...

P : pace

-> 'Depends." He'd always say. Won't be rough if you don't want, but if you DO want to, you're in for the ride of your life.

Q : quickie

-> probably not, they're too fast for him.

R : Risky

-> No.

S : Stamina

-> Honestly, he's pretty good at steadying himself. He can last around 7 rounds on a good day, with about 5-10 minutes in between.

T : Toys

-> Hun, this man is all you'll ever need.

U : Unfair

-> Will tease you if you plead, but other than that he'll just say things like 'You really want it? Have it." if you know what I mean.

V : Volume

-> very loud breather. If he feels it's getting too hard to stay quiet, he'll bute down on your shoulder/a shirt (or just a peice of frabric) to stop himself, letting out whimpers as he does.

W : Wildcard

-> He's always had a thing about anal, he doesn't know what it is, but he'd love to try it.

X : Xray

-> a good 8.3 inches, (1.9 inches wide). Curves to the left slightly, a few small veins.

Y : Yearning

-> 5/10 for the most part, but if he's really feeling like it he'll make any excuse to see you in his room.

Z : Zzz

-> He'll often fall asleep after you anyway, so it's not out of the ordinary to want to stay up.

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