BARRY SLOANE / JP : Marry me? (smut)

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A/N Also wrote this about someone else, so why not make it Barry?

On the set of Mw2, you pick up Barry

BS x Fem reader

"Barry?" i called out. "Excuse me have you seen Barry anywhere?"I walked up to one of the directors of the set he was working on.

"Oh yeah he's over there." He pointed to him, he was speaking with a middle-aged woman by the looks of things, pointing things out on the notepad she was holding. I thanked the man and wondered over there.

"Y/n, this is Sarah, Sarah this is Y/n, my girlfriend." We both shook hands as I looked between them.

'Y/n, its great to finally meet you! Barry's said tons about you during our breaks, all good stuff though no need to worry." She smiled at me as I saw Barry blush a bit. He grabbed his coat from the table next to the computers and waved goodbye to everyone, as he took my hand and we started to walk home.

"So how was it?" I asked him once we were walking alone.

"Hm? Oh shooting, yeah it was great. Hopefully we'll be finished soon." He smiled, as he walked slower.

"Hey what are you doi-"he picked me up bridal style, as I yelled a bit in suprise.
"Barry!" as I calmed down from the slight jumpscare, I placed my arm around his head, and my head on his shoulder. We walked like this for a while, before he placed me down, me facing him.

"Y/n." He said blankly.

"Yeah?" I turned to face him with a smile. He lowered himself down to one knee, as he held my hands in his.

"Marry me." He looked up at me with his brown eyes, the light from the streetlamps dimly lighting his face so I could see his features. I removed my hands from his, and cupped his face with them.

"Yes." I choked. He stood, kissing me as he held my waist. I felt raindrops on my head, though not caring. He asked me to fucking marry him? How great is that?

"Oh shit." He broke the kiss, looking around the floor, grabbing a few things before turning his back to me, looking down. A few moments later he turned back to face me, with a makeshift ring that he placed on my finger. "We'll get a proper one tomorrow, okay?" I nodded, the rain soaking us swiftly. He grabbed my hand again, forcing us to run. We got home drenched, although he didn't seem to care as he began kissing me again.

"Barry-" He gripped my waist before hoisting me around his waist. I teared off his coat, wrapping my hands around his neck. He climbed the stairs before placing me on the bed. He looked up at me as his hands were on my (bottom clothing) as he gently tugged on it.
"Yeah. Yeah please."I said between breaths. He wasted no time dragging them and putting them somewhere in the room. I lifted my shirt over my head leaving me in my underwear. He stood up, and shook his head.

"You're so beautiful." He dipped his head back down, his hands going to my back as my bra slid off. His mouth attatched to one of my breasts, the other being kneaded into his hand. I wrapped my own hands around his neck, earning a soft laugh from him, which sent waves of vibration through my body. He let go, his hands now on the top of my underwear seam, making their way lower.
He dragged them down my thighs, to my knees, and finally letting them drop as I kicked them off my feet. He finally focused on himself as he lifted his jumper & shirt over his head, and unbuckling his trousers, letting them slide down and stepping out of them.
I didn't see him take off his boxers, as my head swung back. I felt him lick my clit, his tongue sliding up and down as his fingers rubbed along it. He slid two inside me, causing my thighs to collide together.

"Keep them open, love." His free hand slid between them, slowly openening them. He pumped his fingers in and out, then finally pulling them out alltogether. I felt him slide up against me, his hips meeting mine as I saw his tip above my V-line. He smirked down at me before driving his hips back, his tip entering me slowly. His hands went to my waist, helping him get deeper. I felt how hard he was, my breath showing it as he let out a groan.

"Fuck me please." He nodded, his body moving back and fourth as he went faster. He leaned over me, his hands grabbing mine and pinning them down next to my head.

"Let me hear you." He went down to my neck, biting it gently.

"I.. Love.. you - fuck...." I said, well, tried to say as his thrusts got wetter. I felt us both get closer.

"Fuck... Cum for me baby."I moaned loudly, him driving deeper one last time as I finished over him. I felt his liquid as he pulled out, laying next to me.
"I'm so glad you're gonna be my wife." He turned over and placed kisses on my nose, cheek and lips before we cleaned up, and spent the night together.

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