GHOST : run (smut)

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A/N originally I wrote this about someone else, but I changed it to him ofc.

CEO Simon x fem reader

"Simonnn" I sort of whispered. A hushed tone echoed it back to me, in a sort of sing-song voice, as it was. I smiled. Looking back and fourth every so often, i heard the clanking of footsteps come closer then leave to go the other way. Although I never saw anyone here, I loved to walk the halls. Since Simon, my fiancé, was a millionare, he just sat in his office. As the CEO he just handled the major decisions and stuff like that, although I'm not quite sure what he does to be honest, or why this place is so big.

Honestly, it's like an endless tunnel of offices. Deserted computers filled most rooms, if not a large coffee table with some chairs surrounding it. Half-eaten sandwitches, spilled coke cans, you name it. Everything seemed to be empty, but looked like someone, or something was there. I notcied myself stood outside of a room. The pen was slowly being lifted on its own? My breath hitched as it dragged itself to the whiteboard, having to rub my eyes to see if they were deceiving me. However, when I looked back, there was the bold letters of ' R U N ' casted upon the pale wall. I let out the breath i was holding, and dropped my cup at the sound of an opening door. I looked towards the sound, and saw a familiar figure guestering me towards it. I walked swiftly, looking back every few seconds until i got to the door.

"Princess, sit. Please." I noticed the dimly lit smirk on his face as he watched me walk past and sit on his black sofa. He closed the door, and locked it behind him. I remembered the incident just a moment before, however pushed it to the back of my mind. He came over, and sat next to me, his hand resting on my thigh.

"Simon, what was that?" I placed my hand over his, which was slowly inching towards my inner thigh. He placed his other hand over my mouth, in a single finger over my lips.

"Shh. Don't worry 'bout it, alright?" He swiftly got to his knees in front of me, using both his hands to now divorce my legs into an open pathway for him. He looked up at me.
"You want me to continue?" his thumb rubbed small circles where it was sat, waiting for my answer.

"Please.." I muttered, putting my hands in his hair, driving his head closer and closer, what happened previously vanished from my mine as the scene infront of me held my focus. He smiled softly, untieing my trousers and sliding them off me. He tossed them over the couch, not giving it another thought. He laced his fingers around my underwear, which of course, were his personal choice. He ripped them off, and stuffed them into his pocket. He took in a breath, and my cheeks flushed a soft scarlet colour as his hand inched closer. He suddenly gripped my waist, pulling me down so he'd have a better angle. He drove two fingers up and down the folds, spreading them apart slowly as he held my thighs open with his free hand.

"Please." I muttered to him again, the only word I seemed to know at this moment. It was more to myself than to him, but still, he listened. He rubbed agaist it a few more times, before slowly inching them inside. My hands dove to his hair again, kneading it as the sensation filled me. His fingers sliding against me slowly drove me insane. I threw my head back. He gained speed however. My hands clasped my face in pleasure, muffling my moans quickly in-case anyone happened to walk by. (I should mention, no windows were visible in the room, apart from the ones leading outside) He tore them away, mumbling something.

"Don't hide your sounds from me my love, I want to hear you." he spoke, Ifelt his hands quicken, his mumbling and groans pushed me over the edge. By this point, I was a mess. He took his fingers out, not letting me finish. I looked at him with confusion.

"Only my cock can make you cum." He lifted me and placed me lengthways of the sofa. He tore his trousers off, and his boxers were too in a matter of seconds. My eyes darted up and down, and I think he noticed. I propped myself up on my elbows, as he knelt on the sofa on his knees. I sat up to face him, my hand wrapping around him. He looked down at me with lust, and I with desire. He pushed me down.

"Just sit back, love." my heartrate quickened still as he slid to my enterance. his hands are now on my waist, as mine on his soldiers. He slid in and out slowly, however once settled I felt him get harder inside me. After a minute of him going a reasonable pace, he started going hard. Still deep inside me, he flipped us to I was on his lap, going up and down on him now. My boobs being cupped beneath his mouth, and the sensations are driving me up the wall at this point.

"Just like that darling, oh fuck." He goes faster, my breathing getting faster, matching with the rhythm of our noises. He groans louder, and i could feel our thrusts getting sloppier as we were close. We let out shaky moans as we finish.

"That was fucking amazing." He whispered whilst still deep inside me. I ran my hands along his jawline.

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