PREF : Makarov is your ex, they find out

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You're in a debreif meeting of the next mission. You pull them aside afterwards, after debating it was best they knew.

"He's your ex?" He stared, bewildered, not really sure what to do. You nod, silently agreeing. He just stands there akwardly.

"I thought it was best you knew." He thanked you, and asked you if you wanted Price to know.

"Right, well he better not try anything." You smiled, appreciating his words.

"Thank you, but I can protect myself." Still, he kept a close eye on you throughout the mission, not wanting to take a chance.

"Sorry what was that love?" Would totally not hear you whilst clearing up the paperwork after the mission. "Oh, right. Well we'll be careful then, yeah? You can do this, i'll be right by your side." He gives you his smile of affection before doing whatever else it is.

"Okay, we'll call Price just in case. We can never be too sure, okay?" She'd be very reassuring, but also rationally thinking ahead (like she always does).

"What?" he laughed, genuinley thinking you're joking. After he realises you're not, it quickly faded.

"Why would I be joking, Soap?" He shook his head.

"Okay well you're not leaving my sight."

"And what does that have to do with me?"

"I just wanted to let you know."

"I already make sure you're okay one-hundred percent of the time, so why does that matter?"

"You're not going. Do you know how dangerous that would be?" He'd be worried at first, but he can't really stop you from going. (unless he's a higher rank or your boss)

"Rudy, I'll be fine. We ended on okay terms."

"Fine. But I'm letting (boss) know, just in case."

"Are you sure you're okay to still go?" He asks, holding you by your shoulders so you're staring right at each other.

"Yes i'm fine."

"Good because I don't want him taking advantage of this situation."

"I'm gonna fucking kill him."

"If I asked if you wanted to stay here, would you?"

"Probably not."

"Okay. Just be careful. I'll keep a look out."

"I really don't want you gettin' hurt, would you stay with me or Farah until we get him cornered? I want to take extra precaution."

"Okay, well he can't hurt you if we're all there, we're a team and we protect each other."

"You're pulling my leg."

"No, I'm not."

"Really? I thought he was too selfish to like anyone else." He smiled, causing you to give a little nudge. "Fine, fine. I'll keep an eye on you, that better?"

"Much, thank you."

(wrong game so it would technically be Rorke, I think).

"And that relates to me how? It's in the past, surely. If he does want to take advantage, I'll fucking kill him."

"Keegan, we're already planning to do that."

"Then I'll kill him twice." He laughed.

(wrong game but whatever)

"Really?" He'd be suprised, but not worried. He knows you can protect yourself, but just like Ghost, would keep an extra eye on you. I mean, a 6'7 masked guy coming towards you? Even Makarov would be concerned.

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