PREF : Why your relationship is toxic

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-> He'll always put his work before you. At the start of your relationship, he tried to put you first, but after his past experiences of putting people first, he was hesitant.

-> He persavered however, telling himself no matter what he'll always put you first.

-> as you both grew, his despiration for work became overwhelming. He would often stay later, wanting to avoid your chats and finally being able to concentrate. He thought you deserved better than him, so if he could make an excuse for you to break up with him, he would do whatever it took.

-> after that eventually happens, he sold his house, and went to live at the base full time in the little rooms theyre given.

-> Never satisfied with any progress. He always has to go over the limits, and this sometimes affects you. For example, it could be as little as wanting to do twenty more pushups after an intense training session, when he's exahausted and this close to fainting. Or even on a mission, he'll get fustrated when nothing's being done.

-> You'll eventually grow tired of this, and his limitless lifestyle soon grows between day-to-day chores, and his constant battle with himself becomes too much to handle.

-> is also in a constant battle. He tells himself he needs to try better for his team, and has reoccurring dreams (nightmares) that if he doesnt, he'll cause the death of everyone around him, including you.

-> He hates the idea of loosing rank. As 'Captain' he has the responsibility he craves, yet fears, and after a while of not joining in with fun activities and just wanting to get work done, he eventually drives himself away from everyone, and he doesn't have time for you.

-> Eventually, you meet someone else. This person does have time, and actually wants to spend time with you. John notices the change in your demenour, which causes you to blow up. You finally end things with him, and it was probably for the best, because he realised how dark your relationship had gotten.

-> He needs constant space. Often with shutting down, and after you asking him what's wrong, he'll get fustrated and want even more time alone. During the first few weeks-months of your relationship, he asked to be alone. Although his words were specific, you thought he just meant quiet, and so you stayed with him just reading a book or drawing quietly.

-> But after months of this happening, his requests were more frequent. You tried to reassure him, and ask him what was wrong, but he just pushed you away. He pushed you so far in fact, you only spoke when really needing too, and he went out on missions without you. He gave you money, and told you to 'look for someone who really deserves you', so you did. And you ended things with Rudy soon after.

-> he's too wrapped up in his own feelings to see yours. He's the ignorant type, often being too careless to see anyone elses feelings except his own. He tries too, but eventually fails, he can't pretend to care about something he doesn't forever.

-> It was always, 'I'm better at this' or 'i'm better at that' and it got on your nerves. Why wasn't it 'we're both good at that'?

-> Growing tired of his antics, his words start to get to you. "Maybe he does deserve better." and you finally started to leave him alone. He practically ignored this, if anything thankful you backed off a little. You thought he loved having the title of partner, not actually being one. He went on countless missions, not bothering to let you know about any of them. He left you in a dark place, and when he got back you'd left. He saw a note, telling him "You can do much better." and he was regretting everything.

-> He's too childish. Not because he IS a child. This man is in the military and would probably blow your brains out in half a second, but because he'll say the same jokes over and over, and not know that a situation is serious.

-> Often commenting on your insecurities, even though he knows about it, he'll still make little jokes or 'funny' statements about it to Soap, or just when youre together in private.

-> as the relationship grew, so did his confidence. He'd openly adress them, infront of the others too. After Price pulled you aside, telling you to talk to Gaz. After you told him you had, multiple times, he was angry. He said it was up to you, but you can't allow him to do it any longer, so youd ecided to take action.

-> After ending things, he joked about it, which causes you to get even more angry. He went off to Price, who stood there dissapointed. Gaz soon decided to change himself, and swore from then on he'd never do it again.

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