PREF : How they'd kiss you (slightly nsfw)

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BONUS: + how'd they react when you deny their kisses, (jokingly of course).

-> Soft, gentle, relaxed.
-> Prefers your neck more than anything. When you're getting dressed and looking in the mirror, he'll approach from behind and tuck his head in your neck.

"How dare you!" He dramatically grabs his heart, handing onto the dooframe/wall for 'support'. "Get back here!"

-> Okay, you know that girl with the blue parrot on tiktok who goes 'mmmmwahh!'? I can definitley imagine him doong that. I'm thinking of it right now and oh my goodddd (I love this man).
-> But when he's serious, they'll last a while.

Until you eventually give in, he could honestly win a grammy for his acting, i'll let you infer.

-> Long, passionate, like he never wants it to end.
-> Doesn't have a preference where, just enjoys you.

He'll stare at you lovingly, shaking his head slowly as a small smile forms. (spoiler alert: you eventually give in).

-> slow, long, obsessive kisses.

He'll get up and leave dramatically, and you'll hear him play sad music and sing along.

-> simple short kisses, will go with whatever the mood is tbh.

(BONUS: He'll suprise you by placing his hat on when you're not looking, spin you around and kiss you. Obviously when you're alone or with someone like Laswell who wouldn't care much).

Probably wouldn't care too much, just looks at you with a confused look, then goes back in trying again.

-> Affectionate, he wants to take his time.

He'll just stare at you until you give in.

-> meaningful, soft kisses that show what he really means in the moment.
-> Temple, cheek, lips, wherever is his preferance.

Rolls his eyes before walking away slowly, meaning you have to chase him to get anything else.

-> either really short pecks or full on make-out sessions, can't imagine him doing anything else

"Is there something on my face? Are you mad at me?"

-> loooong kisses, he doesn't really get to spend much alone time with you, so he would want to savour the moment.

Will send him into a mini-panic, he knows your down-bad for him (goes both ways) so he'd freak out a little, but after he gathers its a joke, you'll laugh before holding your his face and kissing him again.

-> Forehead kisses are his go-to, he loves giving them.

"Fine, don't kiss me then." He'll say whilst trying not to smile, we love a sassy king.

-> prefers gentle, but the passion is there

"Why don't you wanna kiss me?" he gasps, "Everyone wants to kiss me!"

"Confident much." You laugh.

-> Long, passionate, whatever you're in the mood for.

"Come on, you should count yourself lucky." He points at you. "There's so many other chicks' who wanna kiss this guy." Very much like Hesh.

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