HC : Johnny 'Soap' Mactavish

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• if hes in another country he'll purposely speak alot more Scottish (if thats possible) just to confuse everyone else

• has re-wired Price's computer just to piss him off. Did this once and couldnt remember where they all went so he called everyone else up to help

• looks in the cupboards/fridge, forgets what he wants then goes back upstairs. its so funny

• looks like hes having a seizure everytime he winks

• used to wear caps backwards like skaters cos he found out girls liked them

• gets blackout drunk everytime Simon challenges him to a drink-fest

• if theres ever a dog or cat on base, he'll give it a mohawk. Easy to guess who did it when Price found out.

• Tried to bake, failed, now everythings burnt.

• would be popular on social media, tiktok or ig for example. You two are in a mini-war over it.

• Swears he doesnt need a professional to do his hair, but he's messed up the back so much no one tells him because its hilarious.

• He stole Price's hat for a week, everyone was in on it. Price bought five more, until Soap finally told him.

•^ he did the same with Ghost's mask, this time he was running away for about five minutes.

• enjoys sappy rom-coms or huge action movies, depends on the mood hes in.

• growing up with siblings, he'd have the skill of handling things, responsibilities and limits are a huge thing for him.

• shortbread lover (same)

• tries to beat the rest at the gym, he fails when Simon arrives.

• so used to being called 'Soap' he sometimes forgets his own name, until Simon calls him that is.

• When he gets back from a mission he's pampering himself like a billionares' wife

Relatinship edition

• Is always bragging to Simon how he pulled you, loves to show off.

• always giving you handmade gifts he thought of, or bringing home random bits of scrap from the feild to make them out of.

• has a lipstick-stained photo of the two of you he carries EVERYWHERE.

• if its a secret, he'll give you notes and glances when you read them.

• he always has to have a hand on you; arm, waist, thigh, knee, doesnt matter to him

• if you live with him, he'll keep both your dog tags on the key-holder by the door (together ofc) same with keys obviously.

• teaches you simple words in Scottish, if you're bilingual you'd teach him words in your language.

• not sure if he'd be big on PDA, not as much as like Gaz or Rudy for example, but loves to show you off (if that makes sense).

• leaves his stuff everywhere, and you'd often find yourself throwing his shirt at him when hes just sitting on his phone in bed.

• If his hair does get long enough, he'll let you braid it or put stuff in it. (Also steals your shampoo)

•Sleeps with loads of blankets and pillows, and when youre bored you guys make forts

• when you get a few weeks off, he'll take you out and spend all that time just being romantic

• finds it hot when youve got warpaint on

• takes you back to his childhood home, seeing all the memories and hearing about them too. Hes so sweet

• when on a solo mission or away from you, he'll listen to your shared playlist.

• gets Simon to tell him the gossip so he can share it with you


• would send you towel pics after a workout or a shower. Bonus points if his boner holds the towel up.

• his secret pleasure is seeing you on your knees, he'll get really flustered cos it always reminds him of nighttime.

• if your a lower rank he'll pull his on you, more 09 Soap but he finds it so hot when you obeyyy

• more 09 Soap, he'd share you with Ghost. Not sure '22 would, but it's one of his fantasies.

• will smile eagerly as he's teasing, everytime you want to slap that look of his face, but he always stops everytime you come close to doing soz

• he's an ass man. He loves to smack it so he can see it jiggle

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