PREF : Their turn ons (nsfw)

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-> when you make a dirty inside joke, then look over at him with a knowing look. Even when you're talking to someone about something entirely different, he'll want to pull you aside.

-> making food. Well, specifically when you're doing it for him. If he arrives home expecting to cook, and you're standing there at the table with candles and flowers on the table, and a lovely meal waiting for him, he'll want to skip to desert. If you know what I mean.

-> when you're talking about something that interests you. It's not about the subject itself, it's more about the way  your body becomes more
open. Your hands going infront of you, guesturing to whatever the subject is about, he'll block out anything else and focus on you.

"So yeah, Rudy are you listening to me?"

"Sorry mi amor, what were you saying? you just look so pretty."

-> Coming up behind him when hes doing something, and wrapping your arms around him.
-> honestly as well, when you're doing particularly well on a mission. He's down badd for that shit.

-> when you're alone, or you'll pull him into your room when he's walking by, pulling up his mask over his nose and peppering him with kisses. Whispering how much you missed him, he'll curse the meeting he has to get to and stay with you.

-> Ranks. They matter here, but definitley when you order people around, or even just when you stick up for yourself (if you're a lower rank).
-> also as well, is when you wear one of his shirts with nothing else on - in private of course, he wouldn't want anyone else to see that.

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