Chapter Fourteen: Madoc in the Mud

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The Phoenix Falls parking lot was empty save for the few security cars. Madoc drove further to the east side of the lot, which grew darker as it was farther away from the main parking lot. He could see the white e.Bike right at the edge. Madoc cursed Adam for parking it so far.

He parked the car and walked towards the bike. Madoc stuffed his hands into his pockets. The snow had not let up and it was getting colder. There was an eerie silence in the Falls. Madoc could barely hear the rapids.

He glanced at the night sky. Madoc wondered if the speculation of the Black Phoenix striking tonight had any merit to it.

Madoc tensed. Something felt wrong.

He looked around him. The parking lot was still empty. No one was around.

Quickly, he activated the bike. Madoc felt the d.Eye at his collarbone heat up for a moment at the same time the bike started. Madoc jumped on and backed out of the parking stall.

The bike sputtered and died. Madoc didn't even have time to kick the stand before the weight of the bike gained momentum. Madoc leaped away to avoid getting his leg pinned under the bike. At the same time, he saw a figure moving from the thick woods just less than a hundred metres away.

Madoc activated his d.Eye and walked back towards the car, but another figure was coming from just opposite him. A third came up almost out of nowhere.

The tallest one grinned at him. He was a thin boy, Madoc could tell he was young, but there was a hardness around his eyes. "What's up, Captain Magnolia."

A girl with wild curly hair and freckled skin scowled at the boy. She had a gun pointed at Madoc. "It's Captain Dhillon, stupid. Magnolia is his division's name."

"Shut up," the boy said before turning his attention back to Madoc. He pointed at the wood. "Walk."

Madoc glanced over. "Where?"

The boy scrunched up his face. "Are you blind? There!"

"I don't know where 'There' is." Madoc edged, slow and careful, back towards the car.

The girl shrieked and the gun shook dangerously in her hands. "DON'T MOVE!"

Madoc stopped.

"Possum," the girl called. "Lead him. Follow Possum, Captain. He'll lead you to where you need to go."

The smallest of them, all bundled up in scarves and mittens and several sweaters, stared up at Madoc with wide brown eyes. Then they squeaked and walked towards the woods.

Madoc looked at the girl. She waved the gun. "Go."

"What do you want?" Madoc asked.

The boy, who now had a long stick in his hand, poked Madoc towards Possum. "It's not what we want. It's what the Black Phoenix wants. And tonight, she wants you."

The girl whipped her head at the boy. "Do you have to say it like that?"

The boy grinned. "Well, she never did specify—"

"Just follow Possum! Now!" The girl's lip was trembling, but more importantly, so were her hands.

Madoc glanced at the gun before following Possum. It was not an e.Rifle, a stunner or paralyzer. That was a metal gun with bullets that could end his life. Metal guns had been banned for city use years ago. The only people who were authorised to carry them were military outside of the city and very high status police officers. Madoc was not surprised that the Black Phoenix and her Black Crown kids had their hands on illegal contraband. He could hear the boy and girl arguing behind him but he couldn't figure out what they were arguing about.

He had no choice but to walk.

They led him towards the falls, into the darkness. There was an unmarked dirt path leading downwards into the ravine area. It was a terrible place to get lost, especially in winter.

After about a minute of walking and eavesdropping, he discovered that the boy was called Gator and the girl was called Sparrow. He wondered if most Black Crown kids had animal code names. What other systems did they have? Madoc had always been very curious.

Madoc knew he had a split second to get away, if he caught them at the right time. He bided his time, watching and listening carefully for the three to lose some focus. It was just as Possum turned around that Sparrow got just a little too close to Madoc. He took a quick breath and knocked the gun out of her hands before throwing her to the ground.

Gator screamed and ran at him with the stick, but Madoc easily avoided the attack and struck Gator right in his stomach with his fist. Gator doubled over and groaned before falling to the ground with a loud thud.

Possum stood very still.

Madoc picked up the gun carefully and looked down at the Black Crown kids. They looked at him with a newfound fear.

"I'm not going to hurt you," Madoc said. "But I am taking you to Commissioner Walker."

"No," a dark voice said directly behind him. "You're not."

Madoc barely had time to duck as a fist flew at him. The figure was just as tall as him, and was obviously strong. They traded blows, heavy, before knocking each other down, rolling down a hill together.

The man was heavy and he was fast, but Madoc managed to get to his feet when they stopped rolling. The man was still on the ground when Madoc stumbled. When he wiped his face, he found there was a cut under his right eye. Blood splattered on the snow.

Madoc pulled his d.Eye out. He swore when he saw it had shattered.

The man sat up and laughed. "Can't call your daddy now, can you?"

"What do you want?" Madoc burst out.

The man stood up and pushed his tangled dark brown hair back. His dark green eyes glittered and the man smirked in a way that reminded Madoc of—

"Ryan Murphy?!"

The Lost Reflection of Irela spat blood into the dirt. "Stop fighting. We're not here to hurt you. We just need you to come with us."

Madoc's thoughts raced, but this almost made him laugh. "Why the hell would I do that? Especially now?" What was Ryan Murphy doing with the Black Crown...

"The Black Phoenix wants you. So the Black Phoenix gets you. You will be offered the mantle of the Dragon. Lucky you."

Madoc stared at Ryan, not fully computing what was happening. "Huh?"

Ryan pointed at him. "You. Champion. Dragon. Tonight."

"And join the Black Phoenix? Do you know what she's trying to do?"

"Restore Irela's social and moral balance?"

"She's trying to throw the empire into chaos! Your brother died to defend Irela! How are you working with the Black Phoenix?"

Ryan growled. "Don't talk about my brother. Now shut up and come with us. The Black Phoenix can soothe your misplaced patriotism. Besides, didn't you hear what Princess Caelestis said tonight? 'I stand with the Black Phoenix!'"

Madoc shook his head. "No."

At the top of the hill, Madoc saw Sparrow aim the gun at him again.

"No," Ryan growled at her. "Where the hell did you get that?"

Sparrow lowered her gun and bit her lip. "I—well—"

"We're not going to shoot precious baby Madoc."

Madoc lunged towards Ryan, but when Ryan grabbed Madoc's tie, he knew it was over. Ryan yanked Madoc towards him, and Madoc's body seized with the sudden cut of oxygen.

Black spots clouded his vision and he fell into Ryan's cold grip.

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