Chapter Thirteen: Shadow Girl

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I float above the HoloScreens across the Old Emerald Watchtower.

Tonight, they all depict the Seven Reflections of Irela. The closest one to me, flickers every few minutes as I wait for Dog's signal. Right now it shows his brother. Sullivan Murphy is the image of the perfect soldier. 6'2", light brown cropped hair, hazel eyes, a strong jawline. He was a scowler, the strong but surly type. He surveys the city, arms stiff at his sides, military jacket zipped right up to his chin. Sully was orders and regulations.

Not for the first time, I wonder what Sully's last moments were like. They certainly couldn't have mirrored the pictures floating around the city. I've always wanted to ask Dog about what happened in the Daire House, but he's never offered and I'm too scared to ask. There's a part of me that doesn't want to know. I don't think I could handle it.

I land heavy on a city-pipe cover. The thud of my boots makes the fresh snow jump away. I wait. When the cover starts to move, I stay on top and stifle a giggle. I jump into the air and a second later, the cover goes flying.

Dog vaults out of the city-pipe, a snarl in his throat, glaring around him. He pants and sweats as if he just finished running a marathon in the sewers.

I float behind him, pursing my lips to keep from bursting into laughter. When he's scanned the area and found nothing, when he thinks he's alone, I tap his shoulder.


He jumps and swats at me. "Raven take you, must you always skulk in the shadows?"

"Of course! I'm Shadow-Girl!" I grin wide and curtsy, and though it's a bit of a struggle in my combat boots, his scowl is worth the effort. I lower my voice and look around to triple-check that we're alone. "How's the mission going?"

"The Wolfe kid sent Dhillon away. He's on his way to the falls."

My heart flutters. "Oh, I'm so excited."

Dog scowls again. "I've got a lot to do tonight too, you know. That Dhillon kid is as big as I am, at least. It's not going to be easy to get him to the caverns."

"I'm not telling you to carry him down there, just tell him we just want to talk. That's reasonable, isn't it?"

Dog groans. "You're so bloody stupid sometimes."

"Can you do it or not?"

"Yes, ma'am, I can do it, ma'am," he mocks. "Just ask Captain Dhillon to follow me into a cavern to talk to a dragon and the Black Phoenix. That'll go over great."


"You make sure you get the dragon heart, all right? Then worry about convincing Madoc Dhillon to join you. If he even can join you, we have no real reason to believe he can take on the mantle of the Dragon—"

"I can feel it," I say, putting both hands over my heart. "I just know he can do it."

"Stupid," Dog mutters again. "So bloody stupid."

The HoloScreen flickers to Meilin Chu. His expression falters and I can just barely see a rare glimpse of vulnerability before it disappears under a heavy glower.

"Don't forget Adam," I say. "He'll cooperate for sure."

Dog leaps into the city-pipe. "Get the cover."

I use a hurricane sphere to guide it back to the city-pipe. I peer down before setting it, but Dog is already gone. The cover settles back where it belongs without a sound and I dissolve the hurricane sphere.

I turn to face the arches that lead to the National Bank of Irela and Shadow Jump across the plaza, waiting a moment or two before each Jump to make sure the area is clear. Sometimes I get ahead of myself and freak out unsuspecting people.

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